
Diet on broccoli: 10 days menu, contraindications for this diet

  • Diet on broccoli: 10 days menu, contraindications for this diet

    Specialists in dietetics are constantly improving the methods of dietary regimens for human health. They are created with a therapeutic and prophylactic goal. At the moment, nutritionists have created a huge number of varied diets. They are used to reduce the fat layer, to restore the body, cleaning it from harmful substances.

    Now the popularity of the diet is gaining on broccoli.

    What is it so good about? The fact is that the microelements and vitamins present in this vegetable are very useful. In terms of 100 calories, asparagus in protein content exceeds beef, so it is recommended to use it in dietary nutrition.

    It has a high content of trace elements and vitamins, especially C and K, it also contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin A is higher than in other cabbage varieties.

    It contains substances that effectively counteract the process of reproduction of cancer cells. The presence of copper, cobalt and iron in this seemingly unimaginative cabbage strengthens the hematopoietic system, increases the elasticity and strength of the skin, so it has anti-cellulite properties.

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    Contraindications for the use of broccoli

    Regardless of the availability of useful substances in the asparagus, in some cases it may be contraindicated to those who have: pancreatic disease

    • at any stage;
    • gastritis with high acidity;
    • individual intolerance.

    Approximate diet regime on broccoli cabbage

    The maximum period of use of the broccoli diet is 10 days. This number of days is divided into five stages, two in each. Unlike other strict diets, it is possible to make some variety in cooking.

    In addition to asparagus, you can use vegetables: carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes. Meat and fish products: poultry meat without skin and fat, lean beef, rabbit meat, as well as vegetable oil, eggs, dairy products with low fat content and gray or otrubno bread.

    Cabbage is more useful to eat fresh or prepare it for steaming to preserve nutrients. In addition, it is unique in that, despite an impressive amount of useful qualities, broccoli has a very low calorie content.

    Menu for the

    diet Specialists offer various diet options on broccoli cabbage. There is a strict mono-diet, it uses only asparagus. To adhere to this type of food will not last more than three days, since the body will not receive the substances necessary for its vital activity.

    The amount of cabbage to be eaten should not be more than one kilogram. Asparagus can be cooked, eat fresh, as a salad, adding a little lemon juice and butter.

    There are other variants of the diet, designed for a longer period, with the use of additional ingredients for the menu.

    The tentative menu is not necessarily in this version, it can be adjusted for yourself, replacing some products with others. As snacks it is not forbidden to use sour-milk products.

    Days first and second

    Breakfast: 200 gr.asparagus in any form;a piece of bran bread;herbal tea without sugar.

    Lunch: 240 ml of soup on rabbit broth;100 gr.boiled rabbit meat;150 gr.broccoli( cook in a double boiler).

    Dinner: 250 gr.lettuce from fresh broccoli and two carrots, season with vegetable oil.

    Days of the third and fourth

    Breakfast: 200 gr.cabbage, sweet pepper 1 pc.put out with a small amount of butter, green tea.

    Lunch: 200 gr.boiled fish( lean);150 gr.broccoli( boiled for a couple);two small tomatoes.

    Dinner: the same dish that was for breakfast.

    Next, make a menu on the same principle as described above, not forgetting about the drinking regime. Following the course of this diet, the body will not only cleanse itself of all unnecessary and harmful and get rid of excess weight, but will also receive a charge of vivacity.

    In conclusion, we suggest you to familiarize yourself with the video-selection on this topic: