  • Braiding braid on long hair: photo and video lessons in Russian

    The most beautiful hairstyles for long hair are all kinds of braids. Now almost every day women of fashion invent new weaving techniques and variants of their combination. It's so exciting - to create something new. Try and you. Look at the variants of weaving braid on long hair and create your own unique image. Be sure that following the advice that you read here, very soon you will be able to perform various hairstyles with weaving your own hands.

    French braid for beginners

    This step-by-step instruction is intended for those who make the first steps in the world of braiding.

    1. Carefully comb the hair and mark the place from which your weaving begins. This may be a zone at the base of the forehead, the back of the neck or the side.
    2. Separate a strand 4 cm wide at the location you selected.
    3. Divide the strand into three parts.
    4. Begin to weave the usual pigtail, that is, the left strand should be placed on top between the right and middle strand. We take the right strand and the bed also on top between the left and middle strands.
    5. instagram viewer
    6. Now we need to make a pickup. Take the left prjadku, put it on the center and add to it a small lock of free curls, being as it is possible more close to a scythe from the left side.
    7. Do the same steps with picking up the right side.
    8. Continue the previous two points until you completely braid the loose strands of hair on the sides.
    9. Next, finish the weaving in the technique of a traditional braid of three strands.
    10. Tie the tail with an elastic band.


    This is a very beautiful and original weaving, which is suitable for both girls and their moms. If you have curly or wavy hair, you should straighten them with an iron.

    1. It's best to start the hairstyle on the left side of the temple.
    2. If you have thin hair, then it's best to comb each braid with braids at the base, so the hair will be more solid, which means it's more beautiful.
    3. In the center of the head, at the very top, tie the tail so that you have about the same mass of hair around the edges. Tie the tail very tightly with an elastic band.
    4. Near the left ear, take a small two strands of loose curls. Then take the strand from the tail. The main strand will begin here, all the others will be superimposed on it.
    5. Begin to weave the classical French braid. Make 2 turns. Strands of loose hair impose on the prick of the tail. Remember that you must always place extreme strings on the middle one.
    6. Now we begin the basic weaving. During each turn, add a part of the free hair and strands from the tail to the main strand. You should get this: on the right hand you add strands of loose curls, and with the left of the tail.
    7. Please note that you have enough hair in the tail for weaving, otherwise your hair will be unbalanced.
    8. The remaining locks plait in a braid and fasten with an elastic band. Then hide it under the tail locks.

    For better understanding, watch the video:

    Weaving with bangs

    1. It's very fashionable now to braid a French pigtail on a bang.
    2. Take a small strand from the bang and divide it into three strands.
    3. Proceed to the weave with the picking up of strands on the sides. Remember that they should be applied not from above, but under the central strand.
    4. At the end, fix the braid with a ribbon, hair clip or elastic.
    5. If you wish, you can fluff the braid by pulling the eyelets.
    6. Use all possible bows, beads or sequins as embellishments.

    Beautiful weaving braid braids herself

    One of the options for a gentle evening hairstyle with openwork weaving with step-by-step photos.

    1. Use a comb to separate the part in the bang area and secure it with a hair clip.
    2. Take the strand parallel to the first and begin to weave a French pigtail. After you reach the base of the neck, plait the usual braid. Fix the tip with an elastic band.
    3. Collect loose hair on the back of the head in the tail. Now divide them into three strands and braid three back pigtails. That is, the last strands you should put under the middle. Secure the pigtails with elastic bands.
    4. Carefully pull out the braids of the braids, so you will make them laced.
    5. Take one pigtail and wrap it around the gum, fixing the tail, secure with invisible ones.
    6. Keep the remaining scythes in the form of eights around the rubber of the tail, well hide the ends. Secure all with invisible and stilettos.
    7. Take the strand in the bang area and wind it with a plait.
    8. Split the strand into small strands. Each fasten near a bundle of weaving using invisible. Complete the hairstyle with a gentle accessory.

    Weaving diagrams


    Romantic Waterfall:

    Weaving with tape:

    Video tutorials in Russian