  • Mixed gastritis, methods of its diagnosis and treatment options

    Mixed gastritis is a disease in which the lesion of the gastric mucosa is manifested by clinical signs of various forms of the disease. In most cases, it combines the erosive, hemorrhagic, hypertrophic and superficial type of this pathology of the digestive tract.

    Mixed gastritis often develops against a background of a certain pathological process - infection by pathogenic microorganisms Helicobacter pylori, which cause many diseases of the stomach. Most often, infection with these microorganisms is alimentary, fecal-oral, although they do not exclude the possibility of infection from a sick person in close contact with it.

    Symptoms of mixed gastritis

    At the onset of the disease, an inflammatory process develops, which in most cases covers only the superficial epithelium of the stomach. In some cases, the gastric glands are damaged, but they do not die, but continue their functional activity.

    Subsequently, the surface form of mixed gastritis changes into another form or is combined with hemorrhagic, hypertrophic or erosive changes in the mucosa.

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    If we talk about the development of the clinical picture, it should be said that its features depend on many factors. A constant general sign is the deterioration of the patient's condition with the active progression of any form of the disease.

    The acidity of the stomach can then remain within normal limits, increase( hyperacidity) or decrease( hypoacid state).

    Symptoms of mixed gastritis are similar to clinical manifestations of chronic gastritis. The following complaints are typical:

    • discomfort in the epigastric( epigastric region);
    • a feeling similar to pain;
    • sensation of "overflow" in the stomach;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • a sharp decrease in appetite;
    • blunt or acute pain in the epigastric region, which radiates into the back and region of the left hypochondrium;
    • inconstant belching with air or food;
    • bloating.

    It is necessary to say that chronic mixed gastritis takes a long time, provokes the constant appearance of such symptoms and significantly worsens the overall condition of patients.

    Methods of diagnosis and treatment of the disease

    It is important to diagnose the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. Different methods are used for this. Most often, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, an enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to these microorganisms, detection of the pathogen in scraping or flushing from the surface of the stomach, obtained at FGDS.

    Treatment of mixed gastritis should be given after detection of its features and etiological factors. If the exacerbation of the disease is caused by overeating or taking certain medications that irritate the mucous membrane, then the therapy in most cases is short-lived - it is enough to eliminate the provoking factors.

    The effectiveness of treatment depends on proper diagnosis and the appointment of correct therapy. Timely detection of this pathology can prevent complications and promote complete recovery.

    How to treat mixed gastritis should be determined by a qualified gastroenterologist - self-medication attempts can lead to the development of advanced forms of the disease or its complications. In severe cases, hospital treatment is indicated. Depending on the nature of the course of the disease, appropriate pharmacological therapy is prescribed. When pains are prescribed painkillers and antispasmodics. Antibiotics is indicated, the purpose of which is to destroy Helicobacter pylori. Therapy takes into account the acidity of the stomach and, if necessary, corrects its abnormalities.

    Compliance with proper nutrition is important. If the patient has a mixed gastritis, the diet( the patient's diet) may have certain characteristics, depending on the nature of the stomach damage and the level of acidity. The general principles of gastritis diet therapy are:

    • fractional food intake in small portions;
    • dishes for exacerbations should be cooked steamed or boiled, wiped, optimal temperature( not cold and not hot);
    • in the morning it is desirable to drink a glass of warm boiled water;
    • despite certain restrictions, the menu should be designed so that the patient receives all the necessary useful substances;
    • it is necessary to exclude foods containing a lot of fiber, as well as everything that is sharp, too salty, fried or canned;
    • animal fats should preferably be replaced by vegetable fats;
    • limitation of baking and complete elimination of alcohol and smoking.
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