  • Gastritis: symptoms, causes, treatment

    Gastritis is a disease of the digestive system, which is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

    By way of the course of the disease gastritis is divided into acute and chronic.

    The acute form of gastritis manifests itself very quickly: for several hours or days.

    Acute gastritis depending on the cause is:

    1. 1) Superficial, or catarrhal - it is formed when pathogens penetrate into the stomach together with stale food, the medications taken destructively act on the mucous membrane or there is a food allergy in a person;
    2. 2) Corrosive, or erosive - develops when acid or alkali enters the stomach, causing a chemical burn;
    3. 3) Phlegmonous - manifests itself in the case if a foreign object penetrates into the gastric wall( often this object is the fish's bone), causing purulent inflammation. If a patient does not immediately undergo an operation, then peritonitis develops and the patient dies;
    4. 4) Fibrinous - occurs as a result of infection of blood.
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    Symptoms of chronic gastritis are mainly manifested if the acute gastritis can not be cured in time. But it can also be an independent disease.

    Depending on the cause of the disease, 3 types of chronic gastritis are distinguished:

    1. 1) Gastritis A, or autoimmune gastritis - genetic predisposition leads to its development;
    2. 2) Gastritis B, or Helicobacter pylori - it is caused by the Helicobacter bacterium;
    3. 3) Gastritis C, or chemical( reactive) gastritis - occurs under the influence of chemical reagents( acids and alkalis), drugs, bile.
    The peculiarity of autoimmune gastritis is that immune cells begin to destroy stomach tissues instead of pathogenic microorganisms. Helicobacter pylori often goes into atrophic gastritis.

    Sometimes these kinds of chronic gastritis are added to the above types:

    1. 1) Atrophic gastritis - as a result of death of the stomach glands the mucous membrane is atrophied;
    2. 2) Erosive gastritis - inflammation accompanied by erosion;
    3. 3) Infectious - develops under the influence of bacteria, viruses, fungi;
    4. 4) Lymphocytic - there is an increased content of lymphocytes in the stomach;
    5. 5) Eosinophilic, or allergic - occurs when there is a food allergy, accompanied by the accumulation of eosinophils;
    6. 6) Granulomatous - ulcers, granulomas and scars form as a result of the development of Crohn's disease, candidiasis, syphilis or tuberculosis on the mucous membrane;
    7. 7) Polyposis - a multitude of polyps are formed in the stomach;
    8. 8) Radiation - occurs when exposed to radiation or radiotherapy.
    According to the level of hydrochloric acid secretion gastritis is divided into:

    • normosecretory - the acidity of the stomach corresponds to the usual values;
    • hyposecretory - the acidity of the stomach decreases;
    • is hypersecretory - the acidity of the stomach rises.
    With atrophic gastritis, hydrochloric acid is often completely absent. Such a gastritis was called achlorhydria.

    Causes of gastritis

    The causes of gastritis are quite diverse. Often the causative agent of the disease is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. She settles in the intestines and damages it. Gastritis can also be caused by the increased activity of the immune system, when leukocytes begin to break down to act on the cells of the stomach.

    Other provoking factors include:

    • development in the body of infections;
    • ingestion in the digestive system of chemicals( alcohols, alkalis, acids);
    • exposure to certain medicines( aspirin, diclofenac, indomethacin);
    • constant stress;
    • smoking;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • genetic predisposition.
    Often the stomach becomes inflamed as a result of malnutrition:

    • eating on the go and poor-quality chewing food;
    • power supply "dry";
    • consumes very hot or very cold dishes;
    • frequent intake of too sharp and salty foods;
    • consumption of substandard products.

    Symptoms of gastritis

    As a rule, the course of gastritis has an asymptomatic period in the initial stage, but in any case, with time, the characteristic symptoms of gastritis will begin to manifest, which will depend on the type of disease.

    In acute gastritis, there are

    • paroxysmal or persistent stomach pains( they are especially worse on an empty stomach after eating);
    • severity in the stomach after eating;
    • lack of appetite;
    • weight loss;
    • nausea and vomiting, which are present continuously or manifest periodically;Eructation and heartburn;
    • increased salivation;
    • occurrence of constipation or diarrhea;
    • general decline of strength;
    • Migraine and dizziness;
    • increased sweating;
    • fever;
    • reduced pressure;
    • increased heart rate.
    In acute erosive gastritis gastric bleeding is added to the above symptoms, which is indicated by the appearance of blood clots in the vomit and dark tarry stool.

    Chronic gastritis lasts for a long time without showing itself. Then the periods of exacerbation begin to be replaced by periods of remission. During the remission period, the patient does not feel any symptoms of the disease. During the exacerbation of the patient, all the symptoms characteristic of acute gastritis begin to excruciate.

    The periods of exacerbation often fall on the spring and autumn period. Also, the cause of their development can serve as a violation of diet, smoking, drinking alcohol, taking medication.

    Treatment of gastritis

    If a patient has signs of gastritis, the doctor prescribes a gastroscopy to confirm the diagnosis. In addition, gastroscopy makes it possible to determine the presence of edema and erosion, to ascertain the whole stomach is inflamed or only a separate site.

    Also conducted:

    • general urine analysis;
    • biochemical blood test;
    • cytological and histological analysis of the stomach;
    • analysis, which allows to detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
    Treat a disease usually at home. The acute form of gastritis is cured within 2-3 weeks. To get rid of the chronic form of gastritis, it will take about two years. But after recovery, patients are under the supervision of a doctor.

    Treat gastritis with medicines and with the help of diets. The diet is selected depending on the acidity of the stomach. Food should be well boiled and chopped. Eat regularly and often, but little by little. Supper need 3 hours before bedtime.

    In acute gastritis, first of all, it is necessary to wash the stomach. For washing use 2% solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate or alkaline mineral water and cleaning enemas. Then the patient is given the means that have an adsorbing effect: smect, activated charcoal, maalox.

    In the presence of pathogenic bacteria, antibacterial therapy( levomycetin or enteroseptol) is prescribed. In this case, the patient is placed in a hospital.

    To reduce pain, the doctor may attribute injections of painkillers( platyphylline and papaverine) and antispasmodics. To get rid of nausea and vomiting take cerulek or motilium. If you do not deal with the timely treatment of gastritis, then it goes into an ulcer or cancer of the stomach.

    To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary: ​​

    • to quit smoking;
    • to limit alcohol consumption;
    • eat right;
    • to go in for sports.

    What can you eat with gastritis?

    Patients suffering from gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended the use of products that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid. In the case of reduced acidity, products that contribute to the production of hydrochloric acid are needed.

    Patients who have increased gastric acidity, it is recommended to eat:

    • products rich in 3-omega-6 unsaturated fats: fish and seafood;
    • with low-fat meat: chicken and rabbit meat;
    • with milk;
    • greens;
    • vegetables;
    • with sweet berries.
    People who have gastritis with a low acidity, can use:

    • coarse fiber food;
    • beef, rabbit;
    • fried foods;
    • baked apples and pears;
    • sour-milk products;
    • mineral carbonated water.

    For all forms of gastritis, the menu includes liquid cereals, jelly, potato mashed potatoes, vegetable soups, boiled soft boiled eggs, cottage cheese, still mineral water and loose tea.

    What can not be eaten with gastritis?

    If an increased acidity is found in the stomach, then you should discard:

    • coarse-fiber foods;
    • fried foods;
    • of rich broths;
    • of black bread;
    • sour-milk products;
    • sour cheese;
    • of sour berries;
    • of citrus fruits and juices thereof;
    • alcoholic and carbonated beverages;
    • coffee;
    • hot and cold food;
    • spicy dishes.
    It is also necessary to minimize the consumption of fatty meat( pork, goose, duck, lamb) and foods rich in carbohydrates( refined sugar, cakes, muffins, chocolates and chocolate).

    In case of reduced acidity it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

    • salted and smoked fish;
    • greasy food;
    • flour pastry and puffed products;
    • milk;
    • beans;
    • okroshku.
    With any form of gastritis, you can not eat salted, marinated and smoked products, spicy foods, canned food.

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