  • Intoxication of the body: symptoms, treatment, causes, symptoms

    The process that occurs as a result of the influence of toxic substances on the body is called an intoxication of the body.

    This unpleasant phenomenon occurs due to poisoning, long-term use of medications or occupational injury.

    Toxins enter the body from the outside, but can sometimes be produced directly by the body in case of serious impairment of the internal organs. In the first case, it is customary to talk about exogenous intoxication, in the second - about endogenous intoxication.

    Causes of intoxication

    In exogenous intoxication, toxins enter the body from the external environment. Such toxins include poisons of animal and plant origin, as well as heavy metals, nitrates, nitrites, halogens, etc.

    A person can be poisoned by eating contaminated food or water by inhaling the contaminated air. The toxin can enter the body by contact with it through the skin or mucous membranes. In some cases, poisoning will follow not from the influence of the toxin itself, but from the formation of a new substance after the decay of the toxin in the human body.
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    Not every toxin that gets into a person's body will cause a perceptible intoxication. Everything depends on the dose, that is, on the amount of harmful substance that has got into the human blood.

    There is a big difference between the absorbed amount of toxin and its absorbed dose, which through the blood was distributed throughout the body.

    This is what determines the toxicity of a substance. In addition, toxins have the property of depositing and accumulating in organs and tissues, which explains chronic poisoning. They are characterized by a slow appearance of symptoms, but a permanent damage to the body.

    When endogenous intoxication toxins are formed due to tissue damage, the development of certain diseases, the appearance of malignant neoplasms or an infectious disease. Thus, with severe burns and wounds, an inflammatory process develops, followed by the appearance of a toxic substance and contamination of the blood. As a result of sepsis, there is a general intoxication of the body.

    In the development of certain diseases, substances that in small quantities do not harm the human body at all, but accumulate, they are converted into toxins. So, if the thyroid gland is not working properly, an excessive amount of hormones can enter the blood, which will cause an intoxication of the body.

    Symptoms and signs of intoxication

    Symptoms of intoxication depend primarily on the nature of the toxin and the way it enters the body. Further, the development and manifestation of symptoms are influenced by such factors as the dose of the substance and its amount in the human blood, as well as the predisposition of the toxin to accumulation.

    Acute intoxication of the body is characterized by fever, frequent diarrhea and vomiting, which dehydrates the person in a matter of hours.

    In addition, with severe poisoning, people can be tormented by head, muscle and joint pain of varying severity, as well as various skin manifestations.

    In some cases, hair falls out, and the skin loses its healthy appearance, becoming dry and thin. In addition to the above symptoms, after poisoning with human toxins, there is a disruption in the work of internal organs and concomitant diseases.

    Chronic intoxication occurs as a result of the gradual exposure of the toxin to the human body. Symptoms in this case are manifested in the form of chronic fatigue syndrome, constant weight loss, stomach pain and intestinal problems.

    In rare cases, chronic intoxication can lead to the development of depression, neuroses and other serious psychological disorders.

    Treatment of intoxication of the body

    Treatment of both acute and chronic intoxication begins with the cessation of toxin entering the human body by cleaning the skin and mucous membranes, using protective agents, washing the stomach and intestines.

    Next, it is necessary to remove the absorbed part of the toxin, which is done with the help of forced diuresis or hemodialysis. In some cases, it is possible to use antidotes that neutralize the toxin.

    The consumption of a large amount of liquid is welcomed, which speeds up the withdrawal of unfavorable substances, as well as the intake of sorbents.

    Further treatment of organism intoxication should be based on symptomatic and restorative therapies. Since exposure to toxins thoroughly undermines human health, then rehabilitation therapy must be carried out properly.

    This will help drugs that restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, as well as drugs to reduce the degree of dehydration.

    Do not forget about the prevention of intoxication, which should be aimed at preventing cases of poisoning with toxins.

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