
Caloric content of boiled beet, its benefits for our body

  • Caloric content of boiled beet, its benefits for our body

    Beets are an unusual and bright root crop, which perfectly complements many dishes in both raw and processed form. For the first time this vegetable was used as one of the means of traditional medicine, and only leaves were used for food.

    But for today, no one man can do without beets. Most often it is used in boiled form alone or as an additive to dishes. Due to the low calorie content of boiled beet, it can be consumed in any quantity.

    Useful properties of boiled beet

    Mineral-vitamin composition of boiled beet is varied. It contains trace elements such as iodine, selenium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, choline, manganese. The beet contains gamma-aminobutyric acid, which facilitates the metabolism of the brain.

    To normalize digestion in this vegetable there are apple, citric, oxalic acid. Not the least role this fruit plays in the prevention of anemia, because it contains enough iron, and also prevents the aging and withering of the skin.

    Vitamins B, C, A, E, K, PP, contained in root vegetables, strengthen immunity, improve the activity of the nervous system, strengthen nails and hair, restore vision.

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    Using beets in cosmetology

    Many experts have noticed the use of beet juice for cosmetic purposes. The microelements contained in the juice contribute to the removal of unwanted pigmentation spots and freckles.

    For a better effect before use, it is necessary to wash the problem area of ​​the skin with a weak soda solution and then apply a gauze impregnated with beet juice. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes, depending on the magnitude and intensity of the lesion.

    In the removal of warts and papillomas the same method is used, only the duration of the procedure is increased to 30 minutes. It is advisable to use this product at night. The expected effect can be seen after three weeks.

    Beet application in folk medicine

    Beetroot can remove inflammation, has a healing effect, and also stops bleeding. Beet juice improves the condition with hypertension and atherosclerosis.

    Honey and beet juice, mixed in equal parts, help to calm down, and in cases of using such a medicine with vegetable oil act as a laxative. Patients who have had a heart attack, such an infusion helps to recover and improve metabolic processes throughout the body.

    In inflammation of the gallbladder, it is necessary to take a decoction of root vegetables in three tablespoons daily before meals. To maintain immunity, it is normal to drink diluted beet juice or eat boiled beets on a daily basis.

    This vegetable has the necessary content of folic acid, which a woman needs during pregnancy.

    Colorants contained in beets are used for industrial purposes. Many know that in Russia, girls used beetroot as a blush.

    Contraindications and limitations

    Like any other product, beets are contraindicated in people with certain diseases of the digestive tract. It is not recommended for people with urolithiasis, gastritis, osteoporosis, or diabetes. This root crop reduces the ability to assimilate potassium. Therefore, people with low levels of potassium in the body should not eat beets in large quantities.

    How many calories are in the boiled beet?

    Beetroot is a versatile product that complements any salad, casserole, soup. Its soft, unobtrusive taste and tender sweetness can be used even in desserts. In the processed form it does not lose its taste and useful properties.

    An important factor for any correct and dietary nutrition is the calorie content of the products. Therefore it is important to know how many calories in the boiled beet. Caloric content of beets depends on what it is used for. In combination with vegetable oil, its calorific value reaches 150 kcal, in raw form 43 kcal, in vinaigrette 120 kcal.

    Those who wish to lose weight and bounce all metabolic processes in the body, it is necessary to pay special attention to this root vegetable. Its juice facilitates the easy removal of unnecessary liquid.

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