  • Achievements of modern medicine

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    Recent research in medicine gives hope that there will be answers to the challenges of diseases such as AIDS and cancer. Modern medicine is able to correct human behavior, replace drugs with the action of devices and infiltrate the holy of holies - DNA.In the list of scientific breakthroughs, many novelties that can change lives.

    1. Men's birth control pills. The scope of contraceptives for men has expanded with the advent of a non-hormonal drug that blocks spermogenesis. The chemical compound contained in the miracle drug has already been successfully tested in mice. It is unique that the reproductive capacity is restored almost immediately after the drug is discontinued, so in the near future many women will be able to refuse taking hormones in order to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. And all responsibility for the continuation of the family will lie on the man's shoulders.
    2. Down with bad memories. Canadian scientists invented a drug that reduces the human need to "revive" negative memories. Initially, it was planned that the drug will be used to normalize the function of the adrenal cortex, but in a number of studies, a decrease in the level of stress in the body was detected. In addition, the painful perception of memories is weakened and a positive outlook is formed.
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    3. Neurostimulator from migraine. European experts presented to the public the neurostimulator, which greatly facilitates migraine. Activation of the device takes place by means of an external remote control panel by touching the cheek of the patient. The device itself is located in the nose bridge. As a result of the therapy, the subjects experienced a decrease or complete disappearance of the headache.
    4. Tablets against racism. To unexpected discoveries can be attributed and a cure for hypertension, a side effect of which was the reduction of racism. Noticeably decreases the subconscious level of aggression towards other nationalities. The reason lies in the decrease in activity of certain neurons, responsible for subconscious fear, including fear of foreigners.
    5. Disabling an unnecessary chromosome. American scientists succeeded truly impossible. A copy of the 21st chromosome responsible for the onset of Down's Syndrome is now "easily disconnected".The discovery will be the basis for the development of chromosomal therapy for those children who are still in the womb. Do not exclude the possibility of symptomatic treatment and children born with a disappointing syndrome.
    6. "Farewell, a hangover!" The novelty, called dihydromyricetin, can prevent a hangover, minimize the morning syndrome of "drunken nights" and even reduce the craving for drinking. However, there are also skeptical doctors who believe that a unique remedy does not relieve alcoholism, but will increase the temptation to drink more, because the consequences of "spree" will be minimal.
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