
Vinpocetine for children: for what purpose is it prescribed, its analog and side effects that may arise

  • Vinpocetine for children: for what purpose is it prescribed, its analog and side effects that may arise

    Children's health is the main concern of the mother. But it is not always possible to protect children from adverse factors affecting their health. And if there is such a disaster as a disease, my mother, of course, wants to know how to treat a child, than to treat a child and whether the treatment will not hurt.

    When a child is prescribed any drug, the parents naturally want to know about the need for taking the drug, about the effect that this drug gives and about possible side effects. It's about the preparation of vinpocetine. In what cases are vinpocetine administered to children, all for and against this drug.

    What is vinpocetine

    Vinpocetine is the international name for the more famous Cavinton drug.

    Vinpocetine dilates the vessels of the brain, thereby increasing blood flow and contributing to the saturation of the brain with oxygen. Vinpocetine increases blood circulation in the area of ​​damaged areas of the brain without "stealing" other sites. It activates the metabolism and promotes an increase in the energy abilities of brain cells.

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    Another important ability of vinpocetine is the liquefaction of blood, that is, the suppression of blood clots. But is it possible to use vinpocetine to treat children?

    Action of vinpocetine

    Vinpocetine increases the capacity of functioning of healthy brain cells. Vinpocetine is a stimulant of the brain. In addition, it has a positive impact on hearing and sight, if the deterioration of their work is associated with a violation of the blood circulation of the brain.

    Indications for use

    Most often, vinpocetine is administered to children with perinatal lesions of the nervous system. With such disorders, vinpocetin stimulates cerebral circulation and gives a positive effect in the places where vascular changes are revealed. Vinpocetine is prescribed by long courses.

    In children's otolaryngology, vinpocytin is prescribed with a sharp decrease in hearing. The drug is also used in the treatment of the organs of vision, especially if the disease is associated with vascular disorders.

    In children's psychiatry, vinpocetine is used to treat epilepsy, manic-depressive psychosis.

    Side effects of

    Vinpocetine can not be used in cases of heart disease, as it lowers blood pressure.

    From the nervous system may be insomnia or drowsiness, headaches, dizziness. There may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    The attitude to vinpocetine for the treatment of children is very ambiguous. Appointed vinpocetine by children's neurologists, pediatricians, as a rule, it is not prescribed. Vinpocetine, without a doubt, is an effective drug, but only specialists can use vinpocetine to treat children, and then very carefully.

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