
What to wear to a newborn on an extract in the winter - winter clothes for a newborn

  • What to wear to a newborn on an extract in the winter - winter clothes for a newborn

    An extract from the maternity hospital is a responsible and festive event in the life of any family. Young parents tend to think about everything to the smallest detail, so that an important day is not overshadowed by unforeseen hassles.

    If the birth of a child falls on winter time, the preparation of clothes for the newborn should become more thorough, since a child who has never been in the fresh frosty air can catch a cold. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare warm things for him.

    It should be borne in mind that kids do not like to dress at all, so all clothes for them should be equipped with buttons, fasteners or Velcro to facilitate this process.

    Clothing intended for discharge from the hospital in winter, should consist of several elements. Let us consider in detail what to wear to a newborn on an extract in the winter.


    To underwear include a loaf, sliders or panties, socks, cap.

    Please note! You do not need to buy a blouse that is worn over the head, because the baby is not yet fully grown and any careless movement can damage the tender neck of the child.
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    It is better to give preference to models that are buttoned up with buttons or buttons. When choosing panties, pay attention to the density of the gum. They should not be tight so as not to press on the unhealed umbilical wound of the baby.

    All underwear must be made of cotton, pre-washed and ironed with a hot iron.

    Warm suit

    A warm suit is always worn over the underwear. It can be made of knitwear, velor or other dense natural fabric.


    An excellent option - slips, representing a one-piece suit on the buttons, which is put on the entire body of the baby and closes his hands and feet. You can choose a suit of any color, it is not necessary to buy blue for boys, and for girls pink outfit.

    Warm cap and winter overall

    Winter overall

    The cap should be bought in the smallest size, of course taking into account the circumference of the newborn's head. It is better to give preference to the form of a helmet.

    Overalls can be casual and smart. It all depends on whether the mother is going to put it on the baby all the time or whether it is intended for a one-time release. If the overalls are bought for long-lasting socks, do not take models with an abundant amount of decor: ruches, bows and other.

    Please note! Winter costumes can be made in the form of envelopes, and can have a standard shape with panties that easily transform into a bag.

    This is made for easy transportation of the child in the car seat. Warm winter overalls as a natural filler: down or sheep wool, and artificial materials: hollofayer and silicone.

    Overalls - transformer

    When choosing this detail of the children's wardrobe, you need to take into account that the first overalls will most likely have to carry only one season, so it's better not to take too much, as the kid just "drowns" in it. For children born with a small height, you can take a size 56 overall. For a newborn with an average height of about 52 cm, a 62 size suit-transformer suit. But if you are discharged, for example, in a frosty October and are going to use overalls all the time, then take a better 68 size, since by March your baby will grow up much. In addition, the overalls-transformer can first be made a bag, and later "with legs."

    Final finishing touch - blanket


    If the weather conditions are not very severe, you can do without a blanket. Moreover, the winter overall protects the baby's body from the cold. You can buy not too warm decorative blanket with ringlets and ruches to take a picture for memory and pay tribute to the tradition, when the children were taken from the hospital only in blankets tied with blue or pink ribbons.

    Please note! If it's cold enough in your area, it's better to take care of buying a warm blanket.

    In any case, in the car, in which you carry the child, it still have to be removed to put the baby in the car seat.

    Nowadays there are a lot of interesting and beautiful, and most importantly, warm things for newborns on sale, so the answer to the question what to put on an extract in the winter , is not complicated at all. The main thing is to take care of this in advance, so that the solemn moment of acquaintance of the new man with the world around him will not be overshadowed by vanity and troubles.