
What are the symptoms and causes of exacerbation of trigeminal nerve pain?

  • What are the symptoms and causes of exacerbation of trigeminal nerve pain?

    Trigeminal neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia is a disease that is described as one of the most painful types of pain known to mankind.

    Most often the pain binds the jaw and lower part of the face, although it can cover both the eye and nose areas. The pain that occurs with this disease in one half of the face is very strong, similar to the outbursts of piercing electrical discharges. And the cause of unbearable torment - irritation of the nerve, which has three branches in the area of ​​the lower jaw, cheeks and forehead.

    The function of this cranial nerve is to ensure the sensitivity of the face, and each nerve branch has its own duty:

    • The upper branch gives sensitivity to the eyelids, eyes and forehead;
    • The middle branch provides sensitivity to nostrils, cheeks, upper gums and lips;
    • Finally, thanks to the third branch, the sensitivity has a lower jaw, lip, gum and chewing muscles.

    People suffering from this disease suffer from regular and severe headaches that disrupt the normal course of life, deprive healthy sleep and appetite. Patients show irritability, anxiety, a constant fear of a new attack, and in some cases, even depression develops.

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    Often, trigeminal neuralgia or Fosergill disease, manifests itself as a painful muscle spasm of the face.

    Causes of the disease

    Severe pain in the disease is due to irritation of the trigeminal nerve. The whole reason is that in the area of ​​the base of the skull, the root of the nerve, in connection with some changes in the circulatory system of the brain, begins to come in contact with the blood vessels.

    Constant contact of the root of the nerve and blood vessels, leads to the fact that with each heart beat, the myelin, or insulating envelope of the trigeminal nerve becomes thinner. As a result, the nerve itself is compressed, which leads to the appearance of its irritation, and, consequently, pain syndrome. Other causes of the disease may be compression of the nerve with a developing tumor or multiple sclerosis, which also breaks the myelin sheath.

    Symptoms of

    It is believed that the disease in question is more likely to affect older people, in connection with the changes in the vessels of the brain. This is by no means the case.

    Unfortunately, for this disease there are no age restrictions, since it can occur against the background of severe fatigue, cold or stress that occur in the lives of young people. The impetus for the onset of the disease, which occurs almost always suddenly, can be accidents, blows to the face and dental treatment.

    Very often, people turn to the dentist, not understanding that the pain in the upper or lower jaw is not related to the teeth. Pain in neuralgia can have a typical or atypical course. In the first case, with the typical nature of the disease, periodic pain reassessment occurs. Pain, which usually arises from touching some parts of the face, is similar to electric shocks, piercing and shooting.

    Some suffer from a pain attack a couple of times a day, while others, have to endure it every hour. In the second case, with atypical neuralgia, the pain covers a large area of ​​the face and is constant, and the moments of fading may be completely absent. Such a course of the disease is most difficult to treat.

    There are a number of factors that can provoke a painful attack:

    • teeth cleaning;
    • shaving,
    • wind blow;
    • application of make-up;
    • conversation and smile;
    • blow to the nose.

    For the diagnosis of this disease, it is enough to have a medical examination and a description of the pains by the patient himself. To determine the cause of the disease, often resort to the procedure of magnetic resonance imaging, which allows to identify the signs of sclerosis or the presence of a tumor.

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