  • Neurasthenia: symptoms and treatment, causes, signs

    What is it - neurasthenia or asthenic neurosis is a pathology of the human nervous system, which appears due to exhaustion of the body as a result of prolonged mental or physical overload.

    Most often the disease affects people from 20 to 40 years, with women less prone to neurasthenia.

    There is a disease due to prolonged overloads, stress at work, lack of sleep, life tragedies, interpersonal conflicts.

    Causes of

    The main causes of neurasthenia can be considered a situation where the person's mental capabilities do not correspond to the obligations that he took on himself. With large loads on the nervous system, it becomes more difficult to switch to rest, and in the absence of a full rest, fatigue accumulates and the load increases.

    There is a constant stress in this, and a person trying to relax in conditions of overexertion, can not do it, because not all duties are fulfilled and the cases are not completely made. When trying to reduce the burden on the nervous system through alcohol or smoking, the situation is only aggravated. Intoxication carries an even greater risk when a disease occurs.
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    Read also, the causes and treatment of neurosis.

    Symptoms of neurasthenia

    The main symptoms of neurasthenia are the following symptoms:

    1. 1) Headache. Appears usually at the end of a day's work. The patient has a feeling that his head is squashed with a helmet. This effect is called the "helmet of the neurasthenic."
    2. 2) Dizziness. There is a rotation in the head. The symptom is aggravated with considerable excitement, stress, change of weather conditions, physical exertion.
    3. 3) Tachycardia, redness or pallor of the skin. Unpleasant sensations of palpitations and discomfort in the heart area usually appear when the patient agitates or when emotional overload occurs.
    4. 4) Poor appetite, heartburn, bloating, heaviness, constipation, or diarrhea. Dyspeptic symptoms occur quite often.
    5. 5) Pollackiuria or frequent urge to go to the toilet on a small one.
    6. 6) Early ejaculation in men.
    Neurasthenia, occurring in hypersthenic form, is marked by considerable irritability, excitability and emotional instability. Patients often show impatience, shout at close people or employees at work, quickly lose their temper. They are very irritable: noise, large concentrations of people, sounds strongly affect them. Significantly reduced performance. There is an absent-mindedness of attention and overfatigue.

    The work is very difficult to perform: the patient is often distracted, can not concentrate, often rises from the workplace. There is also a problem with sleep, night awakenings and nightmares. In the morning, the patient feels broken, he has a bad mood. Poor well-being by the evening is even worse. Memory decreases, there is discomfort in the body, a "neurasthenic helmet" is characteristic of the patient.

    Irritable weakness is the second phase of the disease. In this case, choleric patients suffer significant irritability, which quickly disappears, followed by mental exhaustion. Patients can scream and take offense, after which a violent reaction turns into frustration and tears. The patient in any situation changes his mood.

    In this phase of the disease, the neurasthenic is more difficult to work with, it simply can not concentrate. The headache increases, it becomes even more difficult to concentrate on something, fatigue increases.

    It's very difficult to complete a business, impotence comes. Again to return to work it turns out, therefore the patient soon throws it. As a result, complete exhaustion occurs.

    The hyposthenic form or the third phase of the disease is also possible at the initial stage, when it comes to people with a weak nervous system. At this phase of neurasthenia, mental and physical weakness, lethargy, debilitating anxiety, mood worsening, apathy occur. Patients feel causeless sadness.

    There is also tearfulness and a marked decrease in mood. Constant fatigue prevents a person from gathering, he can not engage in any type of work. Patients focus on internal problems, worry about their health status. There is a hypochondria. If the treatment is started in time, after a short period of time, sleep and normal health will be restored.

    See also how to get out of the depression yourself.

    Treatment of neurasthenia

    A doctor at the initial stage of treatment of neurasthenia creates an optimal regimen for the patient's day, time for walking and sleeping. It is recommended to normalize your regimen by non-drug ways, adjust the nutrition and resume the methods of relaxation.

    Physical activity is necessary, as neurasthenia often appears due to hypodynamia. Effective walking in the fresh air, jogging in the morning, as well as swimming.

    Diet for neurasthenia should consist of nutrition, which increases the adaptive capacity. Warm baths with aroma oils and broths of medicinal herbs are prescribed.

    Drugs for neurasthenia are as follows:

    1. 1) Vasculature. Since often there is a spasm of cerebral vessels and there is a headache, you should stop pain with these medications. They will remove the lack of oxygen in the brain.
    2. 2) Vitamins. Improve the general condition, increase immunity.
    3. 3) Nootropics. Tablets that feed brain cells. Since some of them have a psychostimulating effect on the body, the doctor must prescribe a dosage and a drug.
    4. 4) Antidepressants. Applicable only if there is a depressive condition( see symptoms and treatment of depression.) In parallel with neurasthenia.
    5. 5) Sedative. They are able to reduce tension and reduce anxiety. Improves sleep and the ability to relax. Cardiovascular disorders are treated with tinctures of hawthorn, preparations with mint, valerian and motherwort.
    6. 6) Substances that improve the metabolism of the brain. The brain cells are restored in a natural way.
    Patients with this disease are also advised to consult a physiotherapist to select suitable physiotherapy methods. Apply such procedures as massage, aromatherapy, electrosleep, reflexotherapy.


    If symptoms are found, it is recommended first of all to adjust the normal mode of the day. A full rest and a settled sleep is what is needed. It is necessary to avoid emotional overstrain, not to perceive problems and negative too "to heart."It is also recommended to take preventive drugs to improve the functioning of the nervous system and immunity.

    In this case, do not self-medicate. The neurologist will advise suitable medications, help relieve stress.

    More positive emotions, less cycles on negative situations - all this is necessary. It is worth using, in addition to all this, the possibilities of traditional medicine. If there are tendencies to nervous overloads, be sure to give yourself a break. With a busy schedule, at least 2 times a year you need to rest for 1 week. Love yourself, and appreciate your life! And then you will always be healthy!

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