  • Nerve blockage: symptoms and treatment, causes, prevention

    Pinching of the nerve is a painful experience that occurs as a result of squeezing the nerve roots with muscles, vertebrae or tumors.

    The most common are pinch in the cervical and lumbosacral spine.

    This condition is accompanied by severe pain syndrome, which can significantly reduce the activity of a person.

    Causes of

    The main causes of pinching of the nerve are diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, tumors, hernia, as well as injuries and strains associated with an active lifestyle. We can identify certain factors, the presence of which significantly increases the risk of pinching the nerve:

    1. 1) Pregnancy. When bearing a woman quickly gaining weight, which increases the burden on the spine, muscles and nerves.
    2. 2) Obesity. Rapid weight gain can have a negative impact on the body, giving it an extra burden. Muscle hypertension may develop.
    3. 3) Sport. Training without preheating, without the correct "work-rest" ratio, as well as loads at the limit of a person's capabilities, can lead to a pinched nerve.
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    5. 4) Wrong posture. Often leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and, as a result, to a pinch.
    6. 5) A sedentary lifestyle. It can lead to pinching of the nerve, as the load on the upper part of the spine increases, especially if the person does not follow the rules of good posture.
    A short pinched nerve will not bring anything other than pain. To be afraid is a long pressure on the nerve, because it can lead to its inflammation, loss of sensitivity and irreversible damage. Proper diagnosis and timely treatment in this case plays a big role.

    Symptoms of pinching of the nerve

    Symptoms of a jammed nerve depend primarily on the site of the lesion, the reasons for which it occurred, and the nerve functions. But there is also a common symptom characteristic of all types of lesions. It is pain. It can carry a very diverse nature - stinging, burning, shooting, piercing.

    Most often, the pain is localized at the site of the lesion, but sometimes it can be given to another part of the body according to the type of reflected pain.

    Long nerve compression leads to its inflammation. The place of defeat thus reddens and swells. In addition, the pinched nerve often leads to spasm of blood vessels and the organs to which these blood vessels carry blood, cease to receive it in the required volume. This negatively affects the functionality of these organs, leading to various chronic diseases.

    As already mentioned, the most commonly affected cervical and sciatic nerves. To pinch the nerve in the cervical region is characterized by a one-sided pain in the neck, which often passes over the shoulders, arm or scapula. The pain increases with movement, for example, with the turns of the head, which makes the person inactive and complicates his daily life. In addition, the blood supply to the head is disturbed, resulting in headaches, tinnitus, disability, memory impairment, etc.

    The pain in the lower back is typical of the sciatic nerve, which descends to the buttocks and hamstrings. Pain is felt as a burning sensation, often tingling starts in the leg with unilateral defeat. The weakness develops, the legs lose mobility, and the person in the standing position feels the pain of the shooting character, which causes him to bend forward.

    With inflammation of the clamped nerve, a person develops sciatica and muscle weakness due to restricted movements.

    Treatment of pinch of the nerve

    Treatment of any type of nerve pinched should be directed to:

    • nerve release;
    • relieving pressure on the nerve;
    • reduction of pain;
    • recovery of mobility.
    To do this, it is necessary to determine the exact location of the lesion, the type of nerve, the cause of the pinch and the presence or absence of complications. Only a highly qualified doctor can do this. Self-medication with this diagnosis is not recommended. Depending on the person's condition, a specific treatment regimen is prescribed. To remove the pain, it is often prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with bed rest, which will ease the burden on the affected area.

    If the cause of pinching of the nerve is a disease, then therapy should be directed at treating this disease as a root cause. In addition, complete with medicines are often prescribed physiotherapy, osteopathy, acupressure or general massage, acupuncture or therapeutic exercise, which helps in the treatment of nerve pincers.

    Often, nerve damage occurs as a result of excessive weight. Then therapeutic measures should be aimed at correcting the weight of the patient. In the event that comprehensive measures aimed at recovery have not produced results or a person suffers from persistent relapses as a result of concomitant diseases, it makes sense to go for surgery.


    After treatment, prevention of the disease plays an important role, which is based on regular physical activity. It is worth noting that to play sports after pinching the nerve can only with the permission of the doctor. Only an expert will give recommendations on the optimal workload and frequency of training taking into account the disease.

    To prevent pinching of the nerve, such loads as simple charging, swimming and yoga are suitable. These types of training reduce the burden on the back, relaxing the muscles and leveling the posture, but at the same time strengthen the muscular corset of the back. The main thing in training is regularity, which will ensure a quick and lasting result.

    To prevent crushing, massage therapy is also ideal. It is very important to approach the choice of a specialist. Often there are times when you have to change a few masseurs before you can find the right one. The main thing in the massage is to go through the whole course. Only in this case will the result be seen.

    In addition to physical exertion and massage, a person must take care of his back to prevent pinching. This is expressed in avoiding unnecessary loads, correct posture and normalization of weight with its excess.

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