
The main causes of different types of vasculitis

  • The main causes of different types of vasculitis

    Disease of vasculitis is characterized by acute inflammation, localized on the walls of small blood vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

    Its danger lies in the fact that the abnormal changes observed in the blood vessels can take place in a protracted, chronic form.

    Basically, vasculitis occurs due to disturbances in the body's immune system and can manifest itself in addition to the cutaneous syndrome in the form of rheumatism, red systemic lupus, allergies or various kinds of tumors.

    Also, the disease can occur after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, flu or sore throat. First of all, the skin on the legs is affected. This manifests itself in the form of vesicles filled with blood, and then turning into nodules, and then into ulcers.

    Common causes of the disease

    Vasculitis - the causes are not fully understood. It is believed that this disease manifests itself due to a chronic infection, including sinusitis, tonsillitis, adnexitis and other diseases.

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    Also to the assuming factors are such bacteria as staphylococcus and streptococcus, viruses, some varieties of fungi and mycobacterium tuberculosis. The causes may be endocrine system diseases, chronic intoxications, metabolic disorders, physical and mental disorders.

    Many people are interested in whether vasculitis is contagious. It happens to be primary, as an independent disease. He is not contagious. And a secondary infectious vasculitis caused by the transferred infectious diseases.

    Causes of hemorrhagic vasculitis

    Hemorrhagic vasculitis is one of the forms, which is based on hyperergic inflammation of small vessels and capillaries.

    Causes of the disease can be different. Among them are bacterial or viral products, allergenic components in food, medicines.

    Treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis - is to destroy the factors that can have a negative impact on the entire body as a whole.

    The main drugs are desensitizing drugs, as well as remedies for immunity correction. After the antibiotic is prescribed antibacterial drugs except for sulfonamides and penicillins.

    Also used are vitamin and antihistamines, which reduce the manifestations of the vascular reaction, including drugs that have a good effect on the movement of blood through the blood vessels. In especially severe cases, hormonal drugs from the group of corticoids are used.

    The diet of the

    Diet for this disease consists in the exclusion of allergic products: citrus fruits, exotic fruits, chocolate, honey, sea fish, chicken, nuts, chicken eggs.

    It is allowed to eat foods only in cooked form.

    Vascular vasculitis

    Vascular vasculitis, characterized by inflammation of the vascular walls, arises from the presence of foci of smoldering chronic infection.

    This type of disease affects the majority, and sometimes even all the blood vessels of the body, and inflammation of their walls occurs. As a result, there is a disruption in the work of many organs and systems of the body.

    Infectious form of the disease

    Infectious vasculitis occurs in the presence of infectious diseases due to the damaging effect of the pathogen on the walls of the vessels. The causative agent penetrates the body by overcoming the biological barrier of the mucous membranes through the bloodstream.

    This causes vascular damage and increases the activity of the immune system, aimed at controlling the penetrated microorganism and destroying the cells of the host organism.

    Vasculitis of the lungs

    The disease occurs when the virus enters the human body through the upper respiratory tract. It develops against the background of the rheumatic process or in parallel with other signs of activity of this process.

    It appears as a cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis. In this case, no percussion changes in the lungs are observed, but accompanied by abundant moist wheezing. At the first manifestations of vasculitis, immediately consult a doctor for timely diagnosis and properly prescribed treatment. We wish you good health!

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