  • Features of manifestations of varicose in men

    Varicosity in men is less common than in women, but, nevertheless, statistics say that every fourth man suffers from this pathology after forty years to some extent. In addition, the disease has recently become sharply younger, sometimes even heaviness and pain in the lower limbs, even adolescents and young men complain.

    Features of male varicose

    The insidiousness of this chronic illness lies in the fact that its treatment by conservative way is possible only at the earliest stage. And if it becomes important for a woman that she has a vascular mesh on her legs that creates not so much physical as emotional discomfort about appearance, then men do not pay attention to this at all.

    Therefore, it turns out that they turn to the doctor in a timely manner, mostly ladies. And with severe manifestations, treatment of the disease already requires surgical intervention. That's why, according to the statement of clinicians, despite the fact that 70% of patients with varicose veins are without cost, in the strong half of humanity operative treatment is performed in half of cases. The most frequent manifestation of varicose veins in men on their feet. Particular attention should be paid to the slightest signs of trouble for those who have close relatives with a similar pathology. The reason for the development of stagnation in the veins of men can be excessive hobby for sports with lifting weights, frequent trips in the car.

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    To a special group of risk are people with excess weight and hereditary predisposition.

    At the first signs of the disease - the heaviness in the legs at the end of the day, the feeling of fatigue in them after a long sitting or standing, the appearance of a vascular pattern, bloating, should immediately go to the phlebologist to not start the disease and avoid possible complications.

    Varicose genital tract

    The peculiarities of varicose manifestations in men is the defeat of the external genital organs - penis and testicle.

    With varicose enlargement of the penis, there is an increase in the diameter of the vessels, which can be seen visually, a person experiences pain when performing sexual intercourse. Often such a pathology leads to promiscuous connections with the development of chronic specific and nonspecific infection, trauma, tumors, the use of local anesthetic agents to prolong the erection.

    Varicocele, or testicle varicose in men, occurs when the valves of the veins are damaged, with the stresses associated with increased blood flow to the genital organs. Most often there is varicose left testis. This is due to the peculiarities of the circulation. The point is that venous outflow from this organ passes through the left kidney, and the vein of the kidney can sometimes be pressed by vessels passing in the intestine, stagnation occurs, which determines the development of this disease.

    Most often, varicose veins and penis, proceeding without complication does not threaten health, but can cause in some circumstances a certain discomfort.

    Diagnosis of testicular varicose is performed with the help of ultrasound( dopplerography), phlebography with the introduction of contrast, analysis of the ejaculate. The last study is conducted when there is a question about the need for an operation.

    The most severe consequences of development of varicose veins in testicles is infertility, due to impaired spermatogenesis. This is due to a rise in temperature in this organ, which prevents the germ cells from reaching full maturity. A violation of blood circulation leads to a decrease in the trophic processes necessary for the formation of full sperm. Such data do not indicate that in varicocele a man will probably develop infertility, but 40% of men who have such a problem have varicose testicles.

    How to treat ailment

    For the prevention and treatment of leg varicose, the following recommendations exist:

    1. When doing any work, if possible, make it sitting, not standing up.
    2. Allocate a few minutes a day with high legs.
    3. Do not wear uncomfortable or too tight shoes.
    4. Do not swim in a hot bath too often, go to a sauna or a bath.
    5. It is not recommended to sit with crossed legs often, or in a leg-to-foot position.
    6. With prolonged sitting or standing, you should be like doing a warm-up.
    7. The slightest manifestations of stagnation in the veins of the legs in the form of a feeling of heaviness towards the evening, or rapid fatigue with normal exercise is the reason for going to the doctor. Do not wait for the development of complications, which are eliminated only with the help of a surgical operation.
    8. It is necessary to use complex treatment, which includes tablets and ointments that improve blood circulation, as well as wearing special knitwear or, in extreme cases, elastic bandages.
    9. There is such a technique called sclerotherapy. Its essence lies in the introduction into the vessel of a special preparation, which causes the adhesion of the damaged venous site. This technique gives good results in the initial stages of varicose veins.
    10. Food should be rational, with a high content of vitamins and fiber. Always have fresh vegetables on the table. Smoking, alcohol is recommended to be completely ruled out.
    11. The modern method of treating the disease is a laser. Under the supervision of ultrasound, the patient site undergoes treatment, its lumen is closed, and blood enters the unmodified venous bed.

    Varicose testicles should be treated only if the disease causes severe pain or leads to infertility. Outside funds or pills in this case do not help. The decision of a question is possible or probable only at operative intervention.

    There are several operations recommended for varicocele. This is a classical intervention, performed by cutting the iliac region, through the mini-access through the inguinal ring, endoscopic technique, as well as revascularization of the testicle( microsurgical method).

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