
Hirudotherapy with varicose veins: the urgency of leech therapy in today's conditions

  • Hirudotherapy with varicose veins: the urgency of leech therapy in today's conditions

    There are a large number of treatments for varicose veins. Fortunately, the disease is known since the time of Hippocrates and coping with it is often possible with the help of wearing compression linen. One of the effective alternative methods is hirudotherapy with varicose veins. This ancient way to fight a dangerous disease has many supporters and opponents.


    Leeches are not the most pleasant creatures, the image of which is periodically used in various art works. But, despite the repulsive appearance, leeches are highly respected by many people. And all because with their help even in ancient times even serious diseases such as ischemia were treated.

    Hirudotherapy with varicose veins, in other words, bloodletting, is actual today. Of course, modern hirudotherapy has nothing to do with "village" leech therapy, which contributed to the emergence of the phrase "heal to death."

    Features of saliva

    Leeches have unusual saliva, which contains hirudin. It is this substance that prevents too fast blood clotting. Thanks to this, the accumulation of blood in weak veins is stopped, the formed blood clots dissolve safely, and the blood is purified and diluted.

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    The effect of

    Also in the saliva of these creatures is destabilase. The cooperation of this substance with hirudin leads to amazing results:

    1. Strengthening of blood microcirculation.
    2. Reduced edema.
    3. Decreased tissue pasty.
    4. Blood thinning and resorption.
    5. Closing of blood clots.
    6. Reduction of painful sensations.
    7. Strengthening of the vascular walls.

    When the procedure is up-to-date

    Hirudotherapy with varicose veins can be prescribed in the presence of vascular networks. Also, manipulation is performed in the diagnosis of varicose veins of the surface and deep veins. The painlessness of the procedure implies its use even when trophic wounds were formed on the lower extremities.

    It should be remembered that leech therapy is an exceptionally auxiliary method. To replace hirudotherapy the main treatment is not recommended.

    Treatment with leech varicose has a mass of merits. The main advantage of this manipulation is security and easy portability. Besides the treatment of the underlying disease, gynecological pathologies can be eliminated. The question of the influence of leeches on immunity has not yet been resolved.


    Treatment with leech varicose has some contraindications. So, resorting to this manipulation is not recommended for hypotension and for persons suffering from anemia.

    Incredible, but true: there is often an allergic reaction to the saliva of these small natural vampire physicians. A man complains of severe itching at the point of sucking a leech. A little later, swelling is formed.

    Hirudotherapy is also contraindicated in case of varicose veins in case of:

    • having too delicate skin;Fruit holding
    • ;
    • purulent thrombophlebitis;
    • the presence of a malignant tumor.

    How is the manipulation of

    Hirudotherapy with varicose can be prescribed at the initial stage of this pathology. The course of treatment with leech varicose consists of approximately five to six sessions. Then the patient is allowed to rest from the leeches for three to four months.

    Carrying out hirudotherapy

    Manipulation is carried out as follows:

    1. First, the doctor places several leeches on the most painful area.
    2. Finding the most problematic area, the leech does a bite and "pumps out" bad blood, after which, after satiating, creeps away.
    3. The specialist applies a sterile bandage to the place of bite.

    The procedure can be painful for people with high sensitivity. But the pain that can be compared with the impact of a syringe needle is tolerable.

    It is important to understand that there will be no effect from one session. The procedure should be carried out regularly, in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. The result can be observed at the end of the course.

    Problematic veins will acquire a normal form, and lower limbs - a healthy appearance. Many people who have undergone a leech therapy session also note the relief of a painful syndrome and the normalization of pressure.

    Preparation of

    Treatment with leech varicose requires compliance with certain rules. The patient is recommended:

    • to refuse the bathroom procedures;
    • do not use "odorous" cosmetics;
    • undergo the procedure of cleansing the intestines and liver.

    Also the patient should make depilation of the lower extremities. This will help the leech to quickly find a problem place.

    Side effects of

    The relevance of hirudotherapy in varicose veins is explained by its safety. But, in view of the fact that the organism of each person is individual, one can not exclude the risk of side effects.

    The most common side effect is considered to be an allergic reaction to saliva leech. It manifests like any other allergy: a person feels a strong itch, and the skin blushes. In the most severe cases, Quincke's edema can be observed.

    You can not comb itchy areas, as this can lead to infection.


    Leeches are available in free sale and you can purchase them even without a prescription. But it is important to understand the whole danger of self-treatment. A person who is not a specialist will not be able to pinpoint problem areas accurately.

    It is also possible that bought leeches are themselves sick, and this is fraught with unpredictable consequences.

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