  • Spousal relations

    The word "stress" has become so popular now that only true specialists can clearly formulate how important is the positive role of stress and how seriously its negative impact. The next article dealt with alcohol and smoking - stress factors that could harm a future child.

    Consider one of the most powerful stressors, which is the sexual life during pregnancy.

    Nature has a mechanism there to protect the fetus: after conception, the attraction is inhibited.

    In the animal world, no female will admit to her partner AFTER conception. The same strict rule exists in many so-called "primitive" peoples."Civilized" humanity has shaken this, like many others, defense mechanism. Most modern young people even have no idea that sexual intercourse during pregnancy, according to some serious experts, can be dangerous.

    Proponents of strict prohibitions argue that sexual intercourse has a negative effect on the developing fetus, especially in early pregnancy, when it is extremely vulnerable, and also at the end of pregnancy, when the fetus is preparing for birth. Naturopaths in many cases explain nervous exhaustion, weakness, irritability, frequent "involuntary" miscarriages, the birth of weak, emaciated children by the fact that the couple did not abide by the law of abstinence during this crucial period.

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    If, according to the doctor-naturopath Alisa Stockham, the man in his manifestations of physical passion has always been guided by the simple principle that sexual intercourse should be mutual from beginning to end, and would know how much sex life during pregnancy is dangerous for the future child, thenand the woman and the fruit would have avoided many sufferings: "A man must remember that at this time his wife and child need all the strength, and therefore he must comply with all laws that require that the power belong to the mind, and the passions weremeadows ".

    The present work is written for people who have a sense of responsibility for their future, for their children and for their physical and mental well-being, and therefore it makes sense to treat them with such recommendations. Of course, for those who live a life of empty entertainment, does not have any moral criteria and lacks a sense of responsibility that distinguishes a mature person from a child, all these arguments about higher spiritual values ​​are an empty sound.

    For those who really want the best continuation of themselves in their children, let us repeat the remarkable words: "Those who want the best reproduction of themselves should know that the management of lust is the first step in human education;that no man is fit to become a father who can not and does not want to comply with the requirements of moderation in everything for the sake of the good of his child "(A. Stockham).

    At the beginning of the century, several serious studies were written about the importance of abstinence to preserve the health of women and the fetus. In modern studies on this subject it is said about this in passing.

    Professor IA Arshavsky writes about the vulnerability of the embryo and fetus in the first months of intrauterine development and the importance of maintaining the hygiene of pregnancy from the first days of conception: "Sexual life during pregnancy is the strongest stress factor, categorically unacceptable."At the same time, IA Arshavsky, the world-renowned authority in the field of age physiology, asserts that, under normal pregnancy, the placental barrier is impenetrable for staphylococci and toxoplasm. However, if in the beginning of pregnancy the fetus is affected by stress factors, the strongest of which is sexual life, the placental barrier is broken and this leads to a serious pathology in the development of the child."After all, the placenta is a fortress wall, which Nature has built to protect the fetus from all harmful effects from outside"( Arshavsky, IA Essays on Age Physiology).

    To lead an abstinent life during the wife's pregnancy, the husband must:

    avoid all the exciting foods: coffee, strong tea, eggs, alcohol, eat less animal food;

    avoid a tight late dinner;


    do not smoke;

    important: remember that the sexual instinct, being directed in the right direction, sublimated into creativity, enhances mental energy, elevates a person.

    "In a word, the reproduction of the physical is replaced by the product in the spheres of moral progeny"( A. Stockham).

    We only provide you with the necessary information and in no case impose your opinion. But, maybe, it makes sense for a young couple to leave violent manifestations of passion for more suitable times. In the period of pregnancy, use gentle gentle caresses, the purpose of which is to give pleasure, tenderness and joy to each other. But this does not cause trouble for the future child. I assure you, he will appreciate your concern with dignity.