
Increased pressure( arterial hypertension or hypertension) symptoms

  • Increased pressure( arterial hypertension or hypertension) symptoms

    Elevated blood pressure( arterial hypertension or hypertension) is characterized by a constant increase in the force with which blood presses against the walls of the arteries. When pressure increases with stress or physical exertion, it is normal, but with hypertension, the patient's blood pressure remains high even at rest.

    Blood pressure is determined by two digits: systolic( maximum) and diastolic( minimum) pressure. The readings are taken in millimeters of mercury( in short, mm Hg) using a manometer. Systolic pressure shows the force of blood pressure on the walls of the arteries;it reflects the work of the heart on pumping blood to all parts of the body. Diastolic pressure indicates the pressure inside the arteries when the heart relaxes and again becomes filled with blood( therefore the diastolic pressure is always lower than the systolic pressure).The diagnosis of hypertension is made when the systolic pressure exceeds 140 mm Hg or when the diastolic pressure is above 90 mm Hg;the optimal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg.

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    About 60 million Americans have hypertension, but only half of them are aware of this, primarily because hypertension very rarely causes tangible symptoms and is often only detected by chance in a routine survey. But in the absence of treatment, hypertension contributes to the development of atherosclerosis( narrowing of the arteries) and increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney damage and destruction of tiny blood vessels in the eye, which can result in loss of vision. Therefore, hypertension is often called a "silent killer".However, with early detection and appropriate treatment, the prognosis for the patient is good.

    Causes of

    • In more than 90 percent of cases, no specific cause can be established, but risk factors include the presence of hypertension in the family, gender( for women the risk is from one-half to two-thirds of men's risk), race( among blacks, cases of hypertension are observed in almost twotimes more often than among whites), emotional stress, a sedentary lifestyle and age. Obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and high sodium foods also increase the risk of hypertension.

    • When the main cause can be established, the disease is defined as secondary hypertension. Such causes include kidney disease, adrenal gland tumors and pregnancy.

    Symptoms of



    • To make a diagnosis, you need to accurately measure blood pressure at least three times during the week or more often. Some people have "hypertension white coat", in which the blood pressure is constantly high when measured in the clinic and normal when measuring the house. Other people sporadically alternate normal and high blood pressure( this disease is known as unstable hypertension).Some patients need to wear a portable device that automatically records their blood pressure periodically during the day, or regularly measure blood pressure with an electronic pressure gauge.

    • Blood and urine tests should be performed to identify possible kidney disease, and an electrocardiogram to identify possible heart disease( possible complications of hypertension).

    Treatment of

    • The main way to treat hypertension is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Moderate hypertension can be cured in this way and in this case no medical therapy will be required. Studies have shown that in 30 percent of cases high blood pressure( especially hypertension, resulting from increased sodium intake) can be controlled by reducing salt intake.

    • If lifestyle changes are not enough, your doctor will prescribe one or more medications for you. Diuretics increase the excretion of salt and water from the body and thus reduce the total volume of fluid in the body.(Some diuretics remove potassium from the body, so additional consumption may be required.) Beta-blockers interfere with the work of the nerve receptors in the heart, causing it to fight less intensively. Calcium channel blockers reduce the ability of arterial walls to contract. Inhibitors of the anglotensin-converting enzyme prevent the formation of a hormone that causes a spasm of blood vessels. Alpha-blockers prevent nerve impulses that cause the arteries to contract. Vasodilator funds relax and thus expand the walls of the arteries.

    • With secondary hypertension, it is necessary to identify and treat the underlying disease.

    Dependence of drug therapy on the stage of hypertension

    At the I stage of hypertension it is necessary to simply change the diet. In this case, a diet enriched with vitamins B1, B2, C, and especially B6, increased physical activity, normalization of sleep and rest is recommended.

    In II-III stages, when there is organ damage, anti-atherosclerotic therapy is performed against the background of lowering arterial pressure and measures are taken to reduce the high coagulability of the blood. At these stages it is impossible to make up for the deficiency of vitamins, only following a diet. Therefore, the course of treatment includes an additional intake of multivitamin preparations.

    When these measures do not reduce pressure, special drugs are prescribed. The choice of a medicine depends on many factors: the disease underlying the increased blood pressure, sex, age, concomitant diseases.

    As a rule, first prescribe diuretics. This is due to the fact that the kidneys involved in the pathological process begin to hold water in the body, thus causing the development of edema. Appointed diuretic drugs with prolonged action - hypothiazide, dichlorothiazide. It should be remembered that with the use of these drugs, it is possible to reduce the potassium content in the body and increase the sugar level. Therefore, for patients suffering from diabetes, this treatment is not recommended.

    In severe cases, beta-blockers are added to the diuretics. They can also be used as an independent tool, especially in the treatment of patients with increased excitability, a predilection for palpitations.

    The main rule of drug therapy is the treatment with small doses of one drug with subsequent increase. If the treatment is ineffective, a drug from another group is added, with the same gradual increase in the dose, or a replacement of the drug prescribed at the beginning is made. When the pressure drops to normal, the drug should be continued for another 1-2 weeks, reducing the dose to a minimum.


    Prevention of hypertension is the moderate use of salt, dosing loads on the nervous system and following a reasonable diet in order not to gain excess weight. Must sleep at night for at least 8 hours a day. It is useful to sleep at least for half an hour during the day.

    Hypertension in pregnancy

    The reasons for the increase in blood pressure during pregnancy can be different. In some cases, hypertension is considered a manifestation of hypertension. There are also so-called secondary hypertension associated with diseases of the kidneys, endocrine system, large vessels, etc.

    The upper limit of the norm of blood pressure is the level of 140/90 mm Hg. Art. It is accepted to distinguish 3 stages of arterial hypertension.

    The first, , the easy stage of is not an obstacle to pregnancy and childbirth, and is usually not a threat to the health of the mother and the unborn child if the doctor's recommendations are followed.

    In the second, of the middle stage of , hypertension is possible in the child and childbirth, but only if the woman has no hypertensive crises before pregnancy, there are no complications from the internal organs, mainly the heart and kidneys.

    At the third, of the severe stage of , pregnancy is contraindicated, since the threat to the life of the expectant mother is very high.

    The issue of keeping a child with hypertension is solved together with a cardiologist. Examination of a pregnant woman with hypertension includes regular measurement of blood pressure, ECG examination, consultations with an ophthalmologist, urine tests are performed every 1 to 2 weeks with determination of protein, and after 30 weeks of pregnancy - weekly.

    Arterial hypertension is usually worried about headaches, visual impairments may occur. The most formidable complications are cerebral hemorrhage and retinal detachment. However, to prevent the development of complications of hypertension in pregnancy is possible with constant observation and adequately selected treatment.

    Even if a woman with hypertension is well during the waiting period, she is placed in the hospital 2-3 weeks before the expected date of delivery. In these cases, childbirth is often complicated. In childbirth, medication is used to reduce blood pressure, and there is constant monitoring of the fetus. In some cases, a cesarean section is done, sometimes it is necessary to give birth prematurely.

    During pregnancy, a woman is recommended to follow certain recommendations regarding lifestyle. In the diet should restrict or almost completely eliminate the use of table salt, recommended full and easy food natural products. The future mother should be provided with adequate rest and sleep, regular walks, moderate physical activity, favorable conditions in the family are needed. Avoid stress, emotional distress, overwork. Drug treatment, aimed at lowering the level of blood pressure, is determined only by the doctor.

    It should be remembered that with hypertensive disease, it is possible to develop crises. They are accompanied by a sharp rise in blood pressure, severe headache, more often in the occipital region, dizziness, flies flies before the eyes, palpitations, noise in the ears, nausea, vomiting. In this case, urgently need to call a doctor, as usual, daily treatment will not be enough.

    Sometimes the pressure rises due to late toxicosis( check the kidneys!).Remember that high blood pressure is often associated with inadequate kidney function.

    Hypertension has two enemies: salt and stress. Unfortunately, reducing the amount of salt is much easier!

    Inability to overcome stress is a scourge of today's time and especially in our crisis life. But you, my dear, understand: so much is actually nonsense compared to the Miracle that ripens within you. What if you have a new Mozart? Or the new Sofya Kovalevskaya? Who knows?!Yes, and give the world just a good man - it's so important!

    Exit, as always, next! Try to master the art of relaxing. Activate self-help methods to relieve stress: meditation, autosuggestion and auto-training techniques, use any methods.

    Use warm baths with aromatic oils that relieve stress. Relax in the bath and before going to bed. On the recommendation of a doctor, connect the appropriate homeopathy.

    The options are endless, look for an individual way to relieve stress, but look! And do not take the "leaden abominations of life" too close to your heart. You have something to rejoice and for what to love Life, because now you are the source of a new Life.

    Basics of diet therapy

    Patients suffering from hypertension, especially against the background of high blood pressure, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of table salt. You can consume no more than 1.5-2.0 grams of sodium, which is naturally contained in food.

    Diet No. 10 is taken as the basis of the patient's diet. Salts and meals, alcohol are excluded from the diet. As the pressure is stabilized, the use of salt is allowed, but only in the finished food( 2-3 grams of salt per day).

    In the diet are introduced products rich in potassium, which helps remove excess sodium and water from the body, thereby reducing pressure. A good effect in hypertension is the use of beets, which is used in any form, and especially beet juice, mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1.It should be drunk 50-100 g 3 times a day.

    To reduce and prevent attacks of hypertension, it is recommended to eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium. A well balanced source of calcium are many vegetables and fruits( parsley, green onions, carrots, cabbage, radish, beets, apricots, cherries, grapes, oranges, strawberries);dairy products and in particular serum from under yogurt, reverse( skimmed milk), buttermilk. The high content of calcium is different beans and cereals, but in them calcium is poorly balanced with phosphorus.

    Magnesium, as is known, has a vasodilator effect, so in hypertensive disease, a good effect is provided by the magnesium diet. Magnesium in this diet can be increased by including oats, buckwheat, pearl and millet cereals, wheat bran, carrots, dried fruits, etc.

    Since hypertensive disease never occurs suddenly( the development of the disease occurs within a few years), then in the case of the diagnosis it is necessary to begin to change their lifestyle. Sometimes this is quite enough to lower blood pressure. And then you do not need to take a large number of medications.

    Changes in lifestyle include 6 main conditions:

    • weight loss;

    • regular exercise;

    • Reduction of salt intake;

    • restriction of alcohol consumption;

    • improved diet;

    • smoking cessation.

    For many years, the rules of nutrition with high blood pressure remained unchanged: fewer calories, less alcohol, less salt. They have not lost their importance today. But the specialists became aware of the relationship between nutrition and hypertension of another kind - the benefits of consumed foods also depend on how much we eat. Consequently, changes in the diet of a particular person will significantly reduce his blood pressure, regardless of whether he is losing weight or not. Confirmation of this fact was found after one study was conducted, devoted to the dietetic approach to the treatment of hypertension. A group of 459 people for 11 weeks was fed according to different diets.

    The first 3 weeks the whole group followed a diet with relatively low content of fruits, vegetables and dairy products, without fat restriction.

    After this, the participants in the experiment were divided into 3 subgroups. The first of them continued to feed according to the old scheme. The other received a large number of fruits and vegetables. The third was to follow a specially developed diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-calorie foods.

    Specialists monitored the intake of salt by all subjects, and also ensured that the participants in the experiment took the same amount of food and their weight remained unchanged during the study.

    After 11 weeks had passed, all participants measured blood pressure. Perfectly felt by those who observed a diet with a high content of vegetables and fruits. The systolic pressure in them dropped by about 2.8 mm Hg.st., and diastolic - by 1.1 mm Hg. Art.

    But in the most advantageous position were those who adhered to a special diet. The systolic pressure in them dropped by about 5.5 mm Hg.and diastolic - by 3.0 mm Hg. Art. At the same time, those who had hypertension had tremendous results: their systolic pressure dropped by an average of 11.4 mm Hg.st., and diastolic - by 5.5 mm Hg. Art.

    Health is worth it to somewhat curb its irrepressible desire to eat something tasty. First of all, we need to pay attention to the food we eat, and its ability to lower blood pressure. Another famous doctor, GF Lang, wrote: "Undoubtedly, dietotherapy in the broadest sense of the word is of great importance in the treatment of hypertension."

    According to medical research, hypertension and atherosclerosis are genetically related diseases. This means that it is necessary to limit the consumption of animal fats, digestible carbohydrates and significantly reduce the energy value of food. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the consumption of vitamins and important trace elements.

    The main requirements for nutrition of hypertensive patients are:

    1) decrease in the energy value of the diet, taking into account the energy costs of the organism;

    2) significant restriction of table salt( up to 4-7 g per day), and in the period of exacerbation of the disease - temporary complete exclusion of it;

    3) restriction of consumption of animal fats containing cholesterol and saturated fatty acids;

    4) limiting the intake of calciferol and phylloquinol;

    5) increase in the content in the diet of ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine and bioflavonoids, as well as magnesium salts;

    6) enrichment of the diet with potassium salts, as they are quickly removed from the body against the background of a hyponatrial diet.

    Applied to supply hypertensive hyponatric, magnesium, potassium and vegetable diets.

    Hyponodium diet is prescribed at different stages of hypertensive disease, accompanied by atherosclerosis.

    The diet is characterized by the restriction of table salt, as well as liquids, extractives and drinks that excite the central nervous system and heart activity, irritating the kidneys( alcohol, nitrogen extractives, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, hot snacks and seasonings).

    When preparing the menu, taking into account the chemical composition of the diet, the following products are recommended:

    • bread;

    • bread products from wheat flour of 1st and 2nd grade with obligatory addition of rye or otrubnogo bread;

    • Biscuit is not good;

    • various soups( meat broth should not be rich);

    • meat and fish of low-fat varieties( excluding pork, lamb, goose meat and ducks, higher grades of sea fish);

    • vegetables in the form of salads, vinaigrettes - in raw form, and also in a boiled form - for garnishes;

    • cereals, legumes and pasta in boiled or baked form;

    • fruits, berries, various sweet dishes with mandatory inclusion of raw fruits and berries;

    • juices - carrot, spinach, cucumber, beetroot, celery;

    • milk and dairy products in any form( with a small amount of cheese, sour cream, butter).

    From drinks it is recommended to use not strong tea, welding of an extract of a root of chicory, fruit and berry juice, kvass.

    To enrich the diet with magnesium salts, use bran, buckwheat and oatmeal, nuts, beans, vegetables and greens. Potassium salts are found in large quantities in dried apricots, raisins, wine berries, cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables. Exclude from the menu of pickles, marinades, smoked products.

    Magnesium diet is prescribed for hypertension and atherosclerosis. It includes products containing a large amount of magnesium( food bran added to cereals, borsch, bread from wheat bran, buckwheat, millet, carrots, etc.).The table salt is excluded, the liquid is limited. Exclude meat and fish broth and gravy. Vitamins are included in the diet in the form of wild rose hips, broth of wheat bran, fruit and berry and vegetable juices( carrot, cucumber, beetroot, spinach, celery).

    Potassium diet is prescribed in cases when combined with hypertensive disease, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis causes a blood circulation disorder. It includes products containing a large number of potassium salts. At the same time, they limit products containing a lot of sodium. Exclude meat and fish broth and gravy, as well as table salt. The amount of liquid is sharply limited.

    Patients with hypertension II and III stage with atherosclerosis are limited in diet to table salt to 3-5 grams per day and liquid, exclude from the diet products containing cholesterol-like substances, enrich the diet with lipotropic substances, seafood, vitamins.

    Vegetable diet is prescribed for hypertension. Hyponodium diet 1-2 times a week, especially in the summer, you can replace the vegetable or fruit and vegetable.

    The total number of vegetables can be brought up to 1500 g per day. Bread should be saltless from wholemeal wheat flour - 100 g per day, you can consume sugar in the amount of 40 grams, adding to decoctions and compotes.

    Given the importance of a vegetable diet for hypertensive patients with a large body weight, an approximate menu of a fruit and vegetable diet is given below.

    First breakfast:

    • hot infusion of rose hips or dried currants - 1 glass;

    • cabbage salad, or carrots and apples, or rhubarb with vegetable oil.

    Second breakfast:

    • carrot juice - 300 g, or spinach - 110 g, or beet - 140 g, or cucumber - 140 g;

    • vegetable puree.


    • hot cranberry soup with bread crumbs, or vegetarian vegetable soup, or vegetable salad with vegetable oil.


    • nuts - 100 g;

    • grated carrots, or cabbage, or beets, or cucumbers;

    • hot infusion of rose hips or black currant with 20 g of sugar.


    • Vinaigrette with vegetable oil;

    • compote made of dried apricots with raisins or dried fruit.

    In summer, dried fruit is best replaced with fresh fruit and cook dishes from different vegetables( cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower, carrots).

    Instead of a vegetable diet for patients with excessive weight 1-2 times a week hyponatrial diet can be replaced by unloading days. For example:

    • Milk day: 6 cups of boiled milk;every 2 hours for 1 glass;

    • apple day: 1500 g of apples - 300 g 5 times a day;

    • watermelon day: 5 times 300 g of ripe watermelon( without skin);

    • salad day: 4-5 times a day for 200-250 g of salad without salt with vegetable oil;

    • yogurt day: 6 times a day( every 3 hours) 250 grams of curdled milk( or kefir).

    Milk-honey diet is suitable for those who tolerate dairy products and honey well. When appointing such a diet should be 2-3 days to eat honey or curdled milk with cinnamon. It is possible within 3-5 days to eat curdled milk and honey with crushed apples added in them.

    It is also very useful to take in food pollen mixed with honey. Do this 6 times a day.

    As is known, mostly hypertensive patients are overweight. Not the last role in this is played by fats. How to limit their consumption? First of all, you need to carefully read the labels that are supplied with all products. They are required to indicate the amount of fat in grams.

    In case the patient adheres to a 2000-calorie diet, he should consume no more than 65 grams of fat per day. Of this amount, not more than 20 grams can be saturated fats. People who follow a 2500-calorie diet can consume no more than 80 grams of fat per day, and the amount of saturated fat should not exceed 25 g.

    For food, it is better to choose lean meats. Especially useful is a turkey, chicken, veal, young beef. Perfectly replaces meat fish. It contains little saturated fat and cholesterol. In addition, many varieties of fish are rich in fatty acids of a special form( omega-3), which significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduce blood pressure.

    Those who include a lot of fish in their diet feel much better than vegetarians, although it is believed that vegetables and fruits in their raw form are the most optimal food for a person. This is not entirely true, as the latest studies conducted in the West have proved. Scientists found that in people who constantly eat fish, the average systolic pressure is 122.6 mm Hg.and for those who eat mainly vegetables and rice, this figure is on average 132.6 mm Hg. Art. In addition, people who eat fish also have a lowered level of cholesterol.

    But not all fish species contain the same amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Their best sources are anchovies, mackerel, salmon, swordfish, tuna.

    It is impossible to talk about fats without mentioning cholesterol, as they are inextricably linked.

    Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in the blood of a person. Like fats, it performs functions that are very important for the existence of the body. But just like fats, excessive cholesterol does serious harm. It clogs blood vessels, which leads to their blockage and causes heart disease.

    In humans, cholesterol is partially produced in the liver, but in much more amounts it comes with food. Like saturated fats, cholesterol is present in all foods of animal origin. Fats and cholesterol represent a dangerous combination for our health. If the food is full of saturated fats, the body produces more cholesterol than is required. And the person also aggravates a situation, consuming many products with the raised maintenance of cholesterol.

    According to doctors, a person a day should receive no more than 300 mg of cholesterol. This figure must be remembered when making up your diet.

    There is another way to fight cholesterol - with the help of fiber. Almost all products that contain a lot of fiber, are characterized by a lower content of fat. You can eat one apple a day - and the result will be significant, if in addition to the apple do not eat another frying pan.

    Another enemy of hypertension is sodium. Everyone gets this substance with almost any food. Every day an average adult consumes 3.5 to 5 grams of sodium, several times more than the 200 mg he needs for life.

    Where does all this sodium come from? Yes, from common table salt. Each of its crystals is 40% sodium, which causes the kidneys to hold water in the body. The more water is retained, the more fluid circulates in the circulatory system. This means that the human heart is forced to work harder, which causes an increase in blood pressure. Sodium also contributes to the reduction of small blood vessels, causing the heart to work even harder to push blood through the narrowed lumen.

    So, why do we consume more sodium than is necessary? It seems that just out of habit. If you remember the story, then in Russia dear guests are always greeted with bread and salt. And on the table there should have been a salt shaker, otherwise the owner was not considered hospitable. And just like in Russia they always liked herring, salted mushrooms and sauerkraut - and there's nothing to say. And it turns out that we are a hospitable nation and can not live without salt.

    But the salt shaker with salt on the dining table is half the problem. Almost all canned and packaged products have sodium in their composition, and quite often in too much. For example, one can of stew contains approximately 1000 mg of sodium. This amount is enough to cover the needs of the body for 5 days. Ketchup is a kind of sodium bomb. And even a sweet biscuit contains salt.

    How to avoid excess sodium intake? It is worth giving preference to natural products. For example, buy them on the market, but it's best to grow it yourself. It should be noted that fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits contain a small amount of sodium. Carrots, beets, turnips, apples, currants and other berries - all these products will only benefit. The same can be said about exotic fruits. So, in one half of the grapefruit in general there is no sodium, and in the banana it is only 1 mg. It is rather difficult to find a fruit or vegetable with a high sodium content, unless it is a canned product.

    But do not sharply limit yourself and suffer, looking sadly at the herring. It is impossible to stop eating salt. To this you need to accustom yourself gradually.

    Studies have found that reducing salt intake to 2,400 mg per day can really help people in the fight against hypertension. Reducing the amount of salt can reduce systolic indices by 5-10 mm Hg.st., and diastolic - by 2-5 mm Hg. Art. At the first stage of hypertension, this alone will be enough to normalize blood pressure. Which happens in more than 50% of cases.

    But from this rule there is an exception. Reducing salt intake is beneficial to many people, but sometimes it is undesirable. You can not dramatically reduce its number to those people who are dizzy. They have an increased sodium content in the body.

    Talk about proper nutrition will be incomplete, if not to say about how to finish dinner. All people act differently. Some drink a cup of coffee, others - a cup of tea, and still others - something stronger. If, after a hearty meal, take even a weak liqueur or a liqueur, it will tilt into sleep, because alcohol acts as a sleeping pill. But caffeine, contained in coffee, sharply raises the tone and invigorates. Tannin, available in tea, makes it a little softer, but also acts as a dope.

    All this would be fine, but alcohol, tannin and caffeine have one significant side effect - they all raise blood pressure. Therefore, people who are predisposed to hypertension should abandon them or at least reduce the consumption rate.

    Specialists do not know exactly how caffeine acts on blood pressure. There is an opinion that it narrows the blood vessels, forcing the heart to contract much more. It is known that one cup of coffee can raise the diastolic pressure by 5 mm Hg. Art. This happens regardless of whether a person has hypertensive disease or not.

    Taking alcohol should also be careful. According to experts, about 7% of cases of development of hypertension are caused by excessive consumption of alcohol.

    Approximately 40% of patients with hypertension are obese. Those who decided to go on a diet, it is not recommended to immediately drop many kilograms to improve blood pressure. Even getting rid of 3-4 kg can already lower the systolic pressure by 7 mm Hg. Art. This alone will allow a person to move from the category of "stage I hypertension" to the category "blood pressure increased within the normal range."Every fourth patient who decides to lose weight, has a chance to more or less reduce high blood pressure.

    In no case should you panic if your weight exceeds the optimal body weight, which should match the growth, age and other indicators. After all, the goal is not to have the parameters of a photomodel, but to drop a few extra pounds. Lose excess weight gradually. It may take a month, maybe two or three, to make the weight normal. Such a gradual weight loss will cause the least damage to health.

    If you have too much weight, do not self-medicate and do not use so-called fast-acting and not familiar to you diets. They are very dangerous for health. All the famous grapefruit, protein-free and other exotic diets break the balance in the body and entail the most unexpected diseases.

    Most experts recommend such diets, the use of which makes it possible to lose 0.5 or 1 kg of weight per week. Within six months you can get rid of about 10 kg.

    The main secret in losing weight is to consume a lot of calories. There are two sources of calories: the products that we consume, and the energy reserves in our body. When a person eats less, the body is forced to spend its supplies, that is, fats, to make up for the lack of calories coming from outside.

    There are two ways to accelerate the process of fat burning. The first is the use of physical exercises. When a person moves, he spends more calories.

    The second way is to consume fewer calories. Recall that if the body lacks calories in foods, it makes up for their deficiency by burning their own fats.

    How many calories does a person need? All people use energy at different rates, so it's impossible to name a figure that would suit everyone.

    But it is believed that a person needs about 15 calories per 0.5 kg of body weight per day to maintain their normal weight, and a little less to lose weight. This indicator is higher for young people and men and lower for the elderly and women.

    After calculating the daily amount of calories received, risk cutting it down to about 500. This alone will cause you to lose weight by as much as 400 g per day.