  • Prevention of miscarriage

    Prevention of miscarriages should begin at least one year prior to conception, when reasonable parents, like the diligent hosts, prepare their bodies for the reception of the long-awaited guest.

    The health of a future child is closely related to the emotional and mental mood of a woman for a healthy pregnancy. About miscarriages look here.

    Prevention of miscarriages is emotionally important during pregnancy: joyful and confident expectation of the child, constant and quiet conversations with him, greeting every push, affectionate stroking of the belly by the mother and father and older children - all this is vital for the baby's future. Remember, according to the latest scientific research, the future child hears everything, feels everything, understands everything much earlier than previously thought.

    Look carefully at Letter 9 about healthy food. For the prevention of miscarriage( especially if this trouble has happened to you in the past) it would be prudent to adhere to this diet for a year before conception.

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    Under modern ecological conditions, it is reasonable to accept - especially those women who live in large cities - high-quality biologically active additives based on natural ingredients( seaweed, green plant juice, sprouted wheat oil, pollen, royal jelly, in addition to being as close to healthy food as possible)milk, soy proteins, etc., the gifts of generous Nature).They will help you avoid a miscarriage.

    It is extremely important to check on the annotation, whether there are in the natural multivitamins that you are taking, folic acid, since a sufficient number of it is the prevention of various malformations of the children who are uprooted.

    Especially need products containing vitamin E, which is the main thing in the prevention of miscarriages. It is found in nuts, seeds, unrefined vegetable oil, nettle. Especially a lot of vitamin E in sprouted wheat.

    Please note that natural vitamin E, made from sprouted wheat oil, is ten times more effective, so do not succumb to cheap synthetics. It should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, the daily norm of vitamin E is doubled - i.e.a young woman in this period needs at least 25 mg per day.

    American physician V. Shota gave the future fathers and mothers natural vitamin E for a year before conception. In addition, both potential parents observed a diet with sufficient saturation with essential amino acids( that is, they ate a sufficient number of proteins) and natural vitamins. As a result, these same mothers, who had suffered previous miscarriages, began to give birth on time, and the children were strong and healthy. Do not be lazy early in the spring on the windowsill to put a plate of sprouted wheat and sprouted oats so that they let the green

    . As drinks for the prevention of miscarriages, only those that contain vitamins are recommended, especially vitamin. These are infusions of dogrose, dry black currant, nettle, red mountain ash, dried fruitsApples, dried apricots, apricots, raisins, dates, figs, etc.).Do not spare money for cranberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn, lemons.

    For prevention of miscarriages and full conception it is recommended to drink a drink made from natural( !) Apple cider vinegar( 1t spoon) and honey( to taste) on a glass of warm boiled water. By the way, it's very pleasant, tasty and perfectly quenches thirst. And the future child will only benefit.

    Although there should be no day without physical activity, prevention of miscarriage requires reasonable restrictions. On days consistent with menstruation prior to the onset of pregnancy, no exercise should be done other than training deep breathing and alternating tension and relaxation during rest. For those women who previously had a threat of miscarriage, this is a matter of paramount importance.

    Do not get carried away by physical activity, it is better to do some exercises, but longer, slowly increasing the load. The best exercise is energetic walks( without overwork) in the fresh air.

    Prevention of miscarriage means the rejection of sudden movements at the very beginning of pregnancy, it is impossible:

    too sharply to stretch upwards by hands;

    quickly get up from the bath;

    running too fast;

    to skate, ski, bike, horse( there is a danger of falling).

    It's better not to walk in slippery weather. Buy comfortable shoes on a flat sole that does not slip, leaving fashionable high-heeled shoes to better times.

    Please do not drag the weights! Use a wheelchair on wheels or get a nice backpack, where you put your purchases( but not more than 3-4 kg), then the weight will be evenly distributed on the back.

    Do not tighten the waistline at all, loosen all the elastic bands, wear skirts on the corsage or a wide elastic band so that you can easily rearrange the buttons. During pregnancy, nothing should be squeezed or squeezed. Now many beautiful clothes for pregnant women, but before buying it, think. The main thing is, do not chase after fashionable synthetic clothes!

    A very important point in is the prevention of miscarriage : a reasonable limitation of passionate marital relations. Preference is best given to gentle sex, not traumatizing the future baby.

    Be extremely careful in those days that before pregnancy corresponded to the days of menstruation. If in the past a woman had a tendency to miscarriage, these days try to limit yourself to gentle caresses and avoid active sexual relations;otherwise the risk increases.

    Especially dangerous are the first two months after conception and the last two months before childbirth. Many experts( A. Stockham, IA Arshavsky) generally do not advise at this time to show sexual activity. This, of course, to solve each individual pair, but the main thing is to try to observe the maximum care. Take this time to make new, gentle colors in your sexual relationship. It's always nice to try something new.

    If you want to avoid miscarriage, learn to rest: better several times a day, literally for 5-10 minutes. It is not necessary to go to bed, the most important is to learn to relax. The main thing is to catch and learn to reproduce the feeling of calm rest and relaxation at every opportunity.