  • Motion

    Motion is one of the unshakable laws of Nature. Modern women pay with the health of the child and their own suffering for the fact that very little and sluggishly move during pregnancy.

    The famous American physician K. Cooper, who made the whole world move, emphasizes: "Waiting for the child causes huge changes in the woman's body. But very many are physically not prepared for this most important event. In a woman engaged in aerobics, toned muscles of the abdomen and back make it easier to transfer pregnancy, quickly give birth, and then return the figure to the previous harmony. In addition, the general level of health creates the prerequisites for a child's development and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease for the mother, and also helps to avoid the unpleasant consequences of pregnancy and childbirth. "Without a sufficiently active movement, all the processes in the body slow down, there is no complete assimilation of food, even if it is most useful. The metabolic processes, and especially the processes of purification and excretion, are not completely accomplished. Sluggish muscles, especially those that should participate in the delivery process, can not support the tone of the stomach. The nervous system is weakened, and a constant feeling of fatigue and nervous overexertion arises.

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    Doctors often have to listen to women's complaints about back pain, especially in the lower back, intensified after the recent birth. Namely, poor training of women before and during pregnancy is most often the cause of low back pain.

    In Japan, for example, drew attention to that in women in labor - divers, pearls are born ideal children: normal weight, and most importantly, physiologically mature. Women who swim up to the last weeks, easily bear children without any complications. Numerous observations convince that women, constantly engaged in physical education with the purpose of recovery before and during pregnancy, are much easier to bear, give birth quickly and without serious complications.

    Of course, this does not mean that pregnant women should participate in the Olympic Games and set world records, by no means. Professional sports during pregnancy are categorically prohibited.

    Be sure to consult a doctor regarding your exercise. After all, there are certain movements that( especially in some complications of pregnancy) do not be recommended, for example:

    sharply tilt;

    raise hands sharply;

    get up too quickly from the bath( in general, in a bathroom, a pregnant woman should not be locked!);

    wear gravity, especially in one hand;

    is supercooled;

    to overheat, etc.

    There are types of physical activities that are categorically contraindicated to all pregnant women without exception:

    skating and skiing( because of the danger of falls and bumps);


    garden on the bike;


    pulling heavy backpacks;

    weight lifting;

    any excessively sharp movements.

    There is nothing shameful to protect yourself during this crucial period. Do not you want your child to be healthy? !

    However, there are elementary types of physical exercises, which are under the strength of the most weakened woman, and they will quickly feel their life-giving power on themselves.

    You can just start walking. Best in the park or in the woods. Do not forget - most importantly, comfortable shoes and appropriate sportswear.

    When walking, it is very important to observe the right rhythm, because from the slow, shuffling walk only get tired more. You have to walk energetically, cheerfully, do not scuff your feet, it is advisable not to hold anything in your hands( better to wear a small backpack) and swing them in time to steps. Be sure to observe the rhythm of breathing, and the main condition: the exhalation should be longer than inhalation, first inhale - 2 steps, exhale - 3-4 steps, then extend the inhale and exhale - 4-5.For those who are not used to walking so much, it is necessary to start from 10-15 minutes, every two days to increase the time by 5 minutes, in a week - to bring up to 20-25 minutes.

    Gradually increase the speed of the step, breathe deeply, go vigorously.

    Daily exercise combined with breathing exercises, walking in the fresh air( with breathing exercises), working in the garden or the garden( squatting, in no case overworking) - all in conjunction with the stress-relaxation training and auto-training, tuningon the lungs, soft, safe delivery, is an indispensable element of physical fitness during pregnancy. This complex is the best way to promote not only the birth of a strong child, but also the preservation of the health of the mother, which will be very useful for her in the difficult work of raising a child.

    Among the simple, accessible to every woman, but extremely effective exercises recommended by different doctors, walking up the stairs. At the same time, several uncomplicated conditions must be observed: keep the horn closed, exhale slowly and keep straight;then the diaphragm is especially active, whose role in ensuring the correct development of the fetus is extremely important.

    It is very important to know that in days corresponding to menstruation before pregnancy, you should not exercise any exercise other than training deep breathing and stress-relaxation during rest. For those women who previously had a threat of miscarriage, this is a matter of paramount importance.

    Try at any opportunity to do exercises in the fresh air or at least with an open window. It must be constantly remembered that a woman during this crucial period breathes for two.

    Clothes should not be embarrassed.

    See the truth in person: if you have never done it, do not wait for quick miraculous results. Let it be better that you do the most uncomplicated exercises and little by little, but daily. If you experience discomfort or pain, do not force yourself. Choose other exercises that are more to your liking and strength.

    Each organism has its own internal reserves, its state of the muscular system and its own reaction of the cardiovascular system. Do not pursue the laurels and records of your girlfriends for pregnancy: choose your tempo and count on your well-being. Pregnancy in all passes in different ways. It's not the timing of pregnancy, but in the state of health - your and your child. It is necessary to overcome laziness, but in no case do not bring yourself to exhaustion. Remember, dear women, and that during pregnancy the body does not warm up so quickly, and it is necessary to breathe for two. So it's better to do a little exercise, but constantly, slowly increasing the load, but not getting carried away by the records. Your task is easy birth, your record is a healthy child.