  • Breast Changes During Pregnancy

    Under the influence of hormones produced by the body of a pregnant woman, her breasts swell, become larger, their sensitivity, especially in the nipple region, increases. Sometimes this new sensation can be a signal of the beginning of pregnancy. Previously, you were worried about the shape, breast size, aesthetic and sexual impression it produces;Now the main idea is whether there will be milk? Nature is so wise that regardless of whether the big breast or small, soft or strong, saggy or elastic, the inner essence does not change: all female mammary glands have the biological ability to produce and secrete milk during lactation, i.e.feeding the newborn. Be sure: you are sure to feed your baby with breast milk!

    Be prepared for the fact that your breasts are growing, becoming more sensitive, painful and tender. Try to buy bras from natural, "breathing" fabrics and always with wide straps so that they do not crash into the body. In specialized stores even bras are sold, which stretch as the breast grows. In advance, buy yourself a comfortable bras, fastened in front or with a detachable cup. It is desirable that they can be boiled.

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    In recent months, the breast can swell strongly, so even sleep better in a bra. The same applies to the postpartum period, if you want to keep a beautiful breast shape.

    Pregnancy causes darkening of the pigment of the areola( ring) around the nipple, sometimes bluish veins become visible, as blood circulation increases, and even traces of stretching may appear-red lines diverging from the nipple, because the breast is growing rapidly. Do not worry, they will fade in the first months after birth.

    On the circumference of the areola, small buds appear, releasing the substance, imperceptibly lubricating the nipple. That's why there is no need to use any cream, lotion, or even soap daily, although you need to bathe often. The only thing you need is natural vitamin E in an oily solution for nipple massage.

    Breast skin also contains tonous hairs, sebaceous and sweat glands, which( provided hygiene rules are observed) create a unique smell of each mother. Your child will be able to tell your smell from everyone else.