  • Vitamins of the group in

    Properties: according to the latest scientific research, vitamins of this group determine the general condition of the body, the strength of its nervous system, the ability to absorb vitamins from other groups. B vitamins are also associated with the proper functioning and health of the nervous system, skin, hair and eyes.

    All these vitamins, as components of enzymes, regulate metabolism, promote digestion and growth. During pregnancy and lactation, doses should be doubled.

    Nutrition experts( based on years of research) claim: for all nervous states, ranging from unmotivated bouts of crying, weak nerves, stuttering, severe headaches, painful menstruation, convulsions and cramping, it is necessary to increase the intake of B vitamins.

    Especially importantthe saturation with vitamins( thiamine) and B3( niacin or nicotiamide) during pregnancy, since their absence or deficiency leads to premature births, malformations in the future child, up to the death of the novelof those born.

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    Although B group vitamins are usually grouped together in food, individual vitamins from this complex can have completely different functions.

    Some B vitamins play an important role in the formation of amino acids and enzymes. Others - participate in the functions of the immune system and regulate the cleansing of the body from certain toxins. Vitamin B6( pyridoxine), for example, is required to participate in the metabolic process of protein cleavage and the formation of one of the amino acids that is responsible for the occurrence of lesions in the walls of the arteries, which causes atherosclerosis and, later, coronary artery disease of the heart.

    In addition, it should be noted that the intake of contraceptive pills before pregnancy by women also causes vitamin B deficiency( this leads to excessive irritability and nervousness, especially in the period before menstruation).

    Vitamin B5( folic acid) helps regulate the formation and growth of new cells and is associated with some immune responses, so its deficiency can cause congenital malformations in future children. With anemia, a deficiency of folic acid is observed( which is why it is not enough to take iron only to increase hemoglobin).


    vegetable: vegetables and especially green vegetables, whole grains( unrefined cereals, bran, whole grain bread, sprouted grain), nuts, seeds, whey, whole foliage, yeast, herbs( nettle, mother-and-stepmother, dandelion, yarrow, plantain);

    animals: egg, liver, cottage cheese, milk, fish.

    The famous Dr. Isido Rosenfeld suggests that the fastest and best way to correct the deficiency of B vitamins is to connect both whole foods and biologically active food additives. Half a century ago, the only natural source of vitamin B complex was dry brewer's yeast. Wheat and rye bran, wheat sprouts, phytin( rice bran), dried sea kale, dried juice of green barley and green wheat, as well as various seaweed: spirulina and chlorella, pollen, etc. have appeared.

    Antagonists of the vitamins of the group are alcohol,boiled food products, modern storage methods, refined flour, high temperatures, stress, caffeine, aspirin, environmental poisoning and birth control pills.