  • Calcium

    At about 17 weeks the baby starts to move, and its activity increases, making the bones grow faster and become more durable. Means, mum is necessary in addition to magnesium and vitamin D and calcium. This important element is needed not only for the strength of teeth and bones. Foods rich in calcium reduce the risk of hypertension associated with pregnancy. With this pathology, which occurs on the 17-20th week of pregnancy, it is easier to cope, the earlier it is detected. So watch your pressure.

    So, the properties of calcium: is the most important element for the mother and her future baby, since 90% of all calcium in the body is part of the bone: the skeleton. In addition, calcium( along with magnesium and phosphoric acid) is necessary to form the roots of the child's teeth( it occurs during pregnancy).Together with potassium, it is involved in the regulation of excitability of the feather and muscular systems. Calcium is necessary for normal blood clotting. Calcium metabolism in the body is regulated by the nervous system, hormones, as well as vitamin and phosphate.

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    Calcium enters the breast milk, provides growth, strengthens the body's resistance, neutralizes harmful to the body's acids. All this is important to know the future mother. After all, from the full supply of her own body during pregnancy, organic sources of calcium depend not only on the state of her teeth, but also on the teeth, nervous and bony systems of the future baby, etc. It is not for nothing that the saying goes: "Every child is a mother of a tooth."So please note, my good, true prevention of neuroses and scoliosis in a child should begin even during pregnancy. The role of natural sources of calcium is irreplaceable here.

    It is important to know that a good calcium reserve in youth maintains the body young for many years. In addition, with the abuse of products that give acidic blood reaction( meat, refined products, sugar, animal fats), the body's need for calcium increases significantly, since it is necessary to neutralize these acid excesses, on the one hand, and on the other -to maintain the normal bone system and teeth.

    "Nothing is more conducive to a benevolent atmosphere in the house, like calcium," stresses nutritionist A. Devi. At his lack of nutrition, people are irritable and unrestrained. Calcium calms not worse than maternal affection, relaxes no worse than drugs, can be salutary, like an oxygen pillow. Anyone who realizes how the body needs calcium, will never allow that it was not enough in the diet. "Is it not important to know that "a bad mood can be a symptom of a lack of calcium" - because it's in our power to fix it! Try it!

    Insomnia, hair loss, cramps in the limbs - all this can be caused by a lack of calcium in the body.

    The most accurate determination of the needs of a pregnant woman in calcium will help an analysis on trace elements by the hair.


    vegetable: cucumbers, celery, onions, green beans, white cabbage and cauliflower, onions, beets, tangerines, dates, plums, cranberries, gooseberries, walnuts, peanuts, dried figs;

    animals: dairy and lactic acid products, including cottage cheese and cheese, egg yolk, seafood.

    If a pregnant woman - on the recommendation of a doctor - uses dietary supplements with calcium, read carefully, from which calcium is obtained and if there are other mineral salts in dietary supplements: magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, optimally - calcium in chelate form. Remember that the human body absorbs mainly organic substances. In addition, for better absorption of calcium( however, and other vitamins and trace elements) it is necessary to restore healthy intestinal flora.