  • What kind of cure for hemorrhoids exists and how to apply it?

    It seems that choosing the most acceptable cure for hemorrhoids is a simple task. However, such a judgment is erroneous. Given the variety of drugs, choose the best cure for hemorrhoids is complicated.

    After all, an inexpensive drug can remove the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, but in time they may reappear, but with some complications. Therefore, it is worth considering those drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which will effectively overcome the ailment, regardless of form and stage.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids

    To find an effective remedy for hemorrhoids, you need to understand at what stage of development the disease is. As is known, four stages are defined. Each of them has its own characteristics that affect the treatment. In addition, treatment of the disease in pregnant women, during lactation has differences. The remedy for hemorrhoids is classified as a conservative method of treatment, which is divided into three types:

    • tablets;
    • candles;
    • ointment.
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    Medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids are prescribed by a doctor only after diagnosis. Therefore, the independent decision-making on the purchase of a given medicine is a great chance to harm yourself. After all, you can buy a drug that will worsen your condition. This is worth remembering.

    What medicines to treat hemorrhoids in the initial stage?

    Unfortunately, most hemorrhoid medications include chemical elements that leave their imprint on the health of other organs, although they do not relieve the ailment of the rectum. Therefore, the most effective medicine for hemorrhoids at the initial stage is natural. For this, there are a large number of recipes in folk medicine that can solve the problem at the initial stage.

    Such means can have different forms, but you can prepare them yourself. Although this does not negate the need to see a doctor. After all, some of the components that are part of the folk drug, can cause allergies.

    Natural remedy for internal hemorrhoids can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Because there are many homeopathic drugs that effectively fight this disease. In their composition there are vegetable components, according to the type: oil of millennia, St. John's wort, sea-buckthorn, etc.

    Therapy for the progressive stage of the disease

    Remember that only a doctor knows how to treat hemorrhoids. This is especially important if the disease progresses. Given the individual case, the doctor determines the best cure for external hemorrhoids. If necessary, surgical methods of treatment of the disease can be used.

    If the stage of "neglected hemorrhoids", and surgical intervention is required, the doctor will prescribe a cure for hemorrhoids anyway. Such a drug helps accelerate the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues and enhance the immune system. The medicine can be in the form of ointments, suppositories or tablets.

    List of drugs for hemorrhoids in advanced stages


    These drugs in the form of tablets are tested in practice:

    1. Ginkor fort. Used to treat internal and external hemorrhoids. It is a universal tool to relieve the sensations in the development of the disease. The intake of such tablets helps to restore the immune system, improve blood circulation in the vessels that pass through the rectum.
    2. Litovit-B.It is used during lactation and pregnancy, because the medicine is based on plant components. It contributes to the regeneration of damaged tissues, increased blood coagulation, softening of fecal masses, restoration of the body's defenses.
    3. Detralex. It is used internally, it is the most effective cure for hemorrhoids. Detralex seeks to impart strength, elasticity and elasticity to the walls of the vessels, so that the rectum is not damaged.
    4. Posterizan. Easily and quickly removes inflammation in the rectum, increases the immune system of the body, prevents the formation of blood clots inside the intestine and enhances the regeneration of damaged tissues.


    When the disease progresses, it is necessary not only to reduce pain, but also to relieve itching. Do not forget that it is possible and the appearance of bleeding, so it must also be stopped. You will need an ointment:

    1. Aurobin. Ointment includes vitamins, increasing the strength of the body. It makes the vessels elastic and strong to protect them from blood clots, bruises and bleeding.
    2. Relief, ointment. Includes shark liver oil. This allows you to stop bleeding and improve blood coagulation. Thus, cracks in the rectum are healed faster.
    3. Methyluracil Ointment. You can call it the best remedy for external hemorrhoids, which is constantly inflamed and becomes wet. Thanks to this ointment recovery is much faster, it is able to cope even with a difficult situation.
    4. Ultraprotect ointment. Removes all symptoms of rectum disease, improves the immune system, kills pathogenic microflora, improves blood coagulation, restores regenerative properties of the body.


    A small list of drugs for hemorrhoids that have a positive use and reviews:

    1. Relief, candles. As already mentioned, the composition includes shark liver oil. Effectively relieves pain and itching, heals cracks, stops bleeding.
    2. Anestesol. Anesthetic candles. They raise blood pressure, so do not apply to hypertensive patients.
    3. Gepatrombin G. It is used as a remedy for internal hemorrhoids and external. Increases blood coagulation, strengthens regenerative processes. Prevents the appearance of bruising.
    4. All presented products are effective and safe, but remember that their use is possible only after the doctor's recommendation.
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