  • The concept of proper nutrition in hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids are a disease characterized by an expansion of the veins in the lower part of the rectum in the form of nodes inflamed and sometimes bleeding. This is the most common human disease. According to statistics, hemorrhoids affect about 60% of the adult population.

    Many people believe that the constant use of spicy and spicy food affects the number of risk factors for hemorrhoids, but there is no complete demonstrable evidence of the validity of such food. Most people who are prone to eating spicy foods, pickles and smoked products, the disease is absent, although, perhaps, it is not just diagnosed due to a barely noticeable or asymptomatic course.

    How to eat with hemorrhoids

    In acute period, doctors recommend strict bed rest, and within 7-10 days. It is better to hold the chair for 3-4 days. And for this purpose a "slag-free diet" is proposed. Not included:

    • albumen omelet;
    • meat broth;
    • boiled meat well ground on a meat grinder;
    • mucous rice porridge on water and with a small piece of oil;
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    • 3-4 white breadcrumbs;
    • plentiful drink( 4-6 glasses of slightly sweetened tea);
    • drink at night a glass of infusion from the leaves of yarrow, senna, licorice, bark of buckthorn and coriander fruits.

    Dosage-free slag can be provided by using special nutritional mixtures. Many foreign experts in the acute period of hemorrhoids, recommend intravenous nutrition, despite this drinking water is not forbidden. The above parenteral nutrition should preferably be used for a minimum period, as they can contribute to constipation.

    It is established that the menu with hemorrhoids, with the exception of salted or spicy dishes, seasonings, spices, as well as spirits, loosening of stools and home mode, almost always bring welcome relief in acute hemorrhoids. Nutrition after the operation of hemorrhoids is not much different from nutrition in the acute period of the disease.

    Food for exacerbation of the disease

    It is reduced to the following:

    • Not always chronic constipations are combined with hemorrhoids. But, in connection with the fact that constipation is the main painful phenomenon that leads to the expressed hemorrhoids, then a rational correction of the diet is necessary according to the principles.
    • You should not get involved in the use of large quantities of wheat bran, as patients with severe hemorrhoids are often poorly tolerated. The number of wheat bran per day should be increased gradually during the month from 5 g per day in the first week and to 20 g per day in the fourth week. In case of adverse reactions in the patient, wheat bran is advisable to increase the consumption of more "soft" sources of dietary fiber, for example dried fruits( prunes, dried apricots, figs) in the form of compote or in a softened form.
    • With hemorrhoids and functional constipation, it would be effective to supplement the diet with the use of preparations of forlax, lactulose or ginkor forte. Thanks to them, in patients, along with an increase in the frequency of the stool, almost disappeared discomfort in the region of the anus.

    If the patient can not increase the consumption of meat products, as well as fish as the best sources of iron, then it is necessary to supplement the diet with the intake of iron-containing preparations.

    Very often, patients with hemorrhoids are disturbed by anal itching, burning sensation, sagging, wet skin in the anus. And this is explained by the fact that large internal nodes create an obstacle for closing the walls in the anus, the tone of which with hemorrhoids can be reduced. In this regard, on the skin from the rectum, there is a corrosive content of the intestine - mucus, which causes itching, burning or other symptoms. Such symptoms are especially pronounced in obese people, as well as abusers of alcohol, salty, spicy, spicy food. Restriction in the diet of such food can reduce the above symptoms, but not eliminate completely.

    If the sphincter in the anus is insufficient, which leads to incontinence of gases, it is recommended to limit or eliminate the use of provoking products. Not recommended products for hemorrhoids : rye bread, peas, beans, white cabbage and other products that enhance gas formation in the intestine. The list of these products can be expanded. In this case, individual reactions in patients with all kinds of products are important.

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