  • Heparin ointment with hemorrhoids is simple and reliable in use!

    Hemorrhoids are capable for many years to spoil people's lives, as the act of defecation becomes very painful. Sometimes in the search for medicinal miracle-funds and effective ointment from hemorrhoids in patients take years, which they could live differently.

    Do not worry, this disease is completely curable if you know the causes of the disease and in time to apply reliable first-aid, one of which is ointment against hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids - a disease of the veins of the rectum, which is associated with their thrombosis, enlargement and occasionally inflammatory process.

    It is accompanied by hemorrhoids, as a rule, with severe pain syndrome, bleeding at a rupture of veins, as well as prolapse of nodes from the rectum to the outside. Usually this happens with a tendency to constipation and occurs after the act of defecation.

    Depending on the location of the affected veins, the external and internal hemorrhoids are distinguished, but in some cases it can be combined. In hemorrhoids, thrombi are formed, which can disrupt trophic tissue in the rectal area. In such tissues, a bacterial infection that forms inflammatory processes, ulceration and eventually leads to necrosis can settle.

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    In the treatment of hemorrhoids, first of all, the causes that caused the disease are eliminated. Such measures include the elimination of constipation, healthy eating, the introduction of more fiber in the diet. To eliminate these causes can take days or even weeks, so a patient with hemorrhoids is important to provide first aid.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids should be complex, which uses medication for oral administration, as well as ointment against hemorrhoids, used locally. Patients with hemorrhoids experience discomfort and suffer, so they often ask the question - which ointment helps with hemorrhoids? The first help with hemorrhoids is provided by many ointments, but the best ointment from hemorrhoids is heparin.

    Hemparin ointment for hemorrhoids is used as a first aid, is one of the most popular, tested and reliable first aid equipment. The composition of 1 gram of the ointment includes 100 units of heparin, 40 mg of benzocaine, and also 0.8 mg of benzyl nicotine. Benzocoin is a substance that can provide a local anesthetic effect. Part of the ointment Benzylnicotin has a vasodilating effect before heparin begins to act.

    Heparin is a potent anticoagulant of direct action. Has anti-inflammatory effect.
    Heparin can prevent the formation of the very blood clots that form with hemorrhoids. If heparin is applied to already existing blood clots, then he successfully dissolves them. That's why such a haemorrhoid is the most effective and gives a quick result. Indications for the use of heparin ointment

    Indications for the use of heparin ointment are:

    • thrombophlebitis of superficial and deep veins of various etiology,
    • external and internal hemorrhoids,
    • inflammatory process in hemorrhoids after delivery,
    • trophic ulcers of different locations,
    • surface mastitis,
    • elephantiasis,
    • infiltrates, swelling, subcutaneous hematomas located located,
    • injuries and various injuries of joints, muscles, tendons.

    Hemparin ointment for hemorrhoids is applied in a thin layer on the affected areas, and can be used both externally and injected as a tampon impregnated with it inside. As an external agent is applied 2-3 times a day, preferably after each act of defecation.

    Inside it is enough to enter once a day. For external treatment, you can use a bandage or a piece of tissue, which is applied heparin ointment.

    As you can see, the instructions of the heparin ointment when hemorrhoids are simple and does not require any effort, it is very convenient to apply it to the patients themselves. The course of treatment for hemorrhoids is usually from 3 to 7 days. Longer use requires additional consultation and examination of a proctologist.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids with heparin ointment has its own contraindications. So it can not be applied with the appearance of necrosis, as well as the appearance of ulcers and suppuration in the hemorrhoids. If the patient has a reduced number of platelets in the blood, and as a consequence, blood clotting is impaired, then it is not recommended in such cases to apply heparin ointment for hemorrhoids.

    Heparin ointment should be used with caution in patients with increased sensitivity to individual components of the ointment. In some cases, there may be an allergic reaction in the form of redness of the skin. The price of a heparin ointment with hemorrhoids is quite acceptable, accessible to every patient, and ranges from 50 to 80 rubles.

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