  • Belső aranyér - tünetek, megelőzés és kezelés

    Normally, hemorrhoidal nodes are located in the rectal mucosa, and act as a barrier to retain stool. When there is an act of defecation, the nodes are smoothed out and do not interfere with the exit of the stool. Hemorrhoids - a disease in which the blood supply to the veins in the hemorrhoidal nodes of the rectum is disturbed. As a result, the nodes increase in size, bulge out of the rectum and sometimes become inflamed.

    If the hemorrhoids are located inside the intestine, they speak of internal hemorrhoids, if they protrude outward - about the external hemorrhoids. There may also be a combined form of hemorrhoids, in which there are both internal and external nodes.

    Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids

    The difficulty lies in the fact that the rectal mucosa is not very sensitive to pain, therefore at the onset of the disease the symptoms may be less pronounced. In case of internal hemorrhoids, the symptoms appear either in the late stage of the disease or in the case of an acute manifestation of the disease. In the chronic phase, symptoms can be erased or not expressed.

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    The most characteristic symptom is the presence of blood in the stool or a small bleeding in the act of defecation. This is because, due to the stagnation of blood in the veins, their walls are thinned and broken off under mechanical action. Blood can be in the form of traces on linen or on toilet paper, and sometimes it can flow out in a trickle at the act of defecation. Hemorrhoids internal bleeding may in the future be complicated by iron deficiency anemia.

    Another, no less characteristic symptom may be pain and discomfort, sensations of a foreign body in the anus. The pain is worse with the act of defecation.

    The third symptom is manifested if the hemorrhoidal nodes increase in size or are located low above the entrance to the rectum. In this case, there may be a prolapse of nodes from the intestine.

    If you do not start treatment and take no action, the signs of internal hemorrhoids are aggravated by the appearance of cracks and zones of inflammation of the hemorrhoids. Sometimes all the symptoms are accompanied by itching or burning in the anal passage. At the same time the act of defecation can bring a strong and painful pain.

    In case of internal hemorrhoids, the symptoms are characteristic, but some of them can also occur in malignant tumors of the rectum. Therefore, it is very important when you have the first symptoms of the disease to see a specialist for setting an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

    Acute internal hemorrhoids can occur due to the following reasons:

    • disorders in nutrition, namely the consumption of large amounts of spicy food;
    • regular weight lifting and hard work;
    • presence of bad habits( alcohol);
    • sedentary lifestyle or "sedentary" work;
    • predisposition to constipation;
    • squeezing of rectum veins during pregnancy;
    • heredity( weak veins).

    It is necessary to treat the first symptoms of the disease, it is cheaper, and much safer. How to determine an internal hemorrhoids? Diagnosis with internal hemorrhoids presents some difficulty, since the symptoms are manifested not only with hemorrhoids. But in any case, an accurate diagnosis is made only by a specialist in the examination.

    If the nodes are located low to the entrance to the rectum, a simple finger examination is sufficient. In this case, you can determine not only the presence of nodes, but also determine their size and quantity. If the nodes are located high, good methods of diagnosis are special methods - anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy.

    Methods differ using different tools. The anoscope is shorter than the sigmoidoscope, they can inspect the nodes at a distance of no more than 10 cm from the entrance to the gut. Recto-manoscopy allows you to see hemorrhoids at a height of up to 25 cm.

    How does internal hemorrhoids look like? With endoscopic examination, nodes of various shapes and sizes are seen that swell and protrude into the lumen of the rectum.

    Before talking about the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, you need to know what is dangerous internal hemorrhoids. If you do not take medical measures on time, hemorrhoids can be complicated by the development of diseases such as venous thrombosis, paraproctitis( inflammation of the pararectal tissue), as well as infringement of the fallen nodes. Acute hemorrhoids in this case turns into chronic internal hemorrhoids, and if the hemorrhoids are infringed, only surgical treatment is necessary.

    Methods of treatment and therapy

    The choice of method of treatment depends on the size and number of nodes, as well as on the stage of the disease. In the early stages of the process and a small number of nodes, treatment is conservative, using medicines, ointments for external use, and traditional methods of treatment. The remedy for internal hemorrhoids can be both symptomatic, that is, eliminating the symptoms of the disease, and pathogenetic, that is, to work on the causes of the disease.

    In any case, a person with a diagnosis such as hemorrhoids needs to reconsider their lifestyle and diet, refuse to drink alcohol, move more, watch the stool, and remove all factors that can cause acute internal hemorrhoids. If acute hemorrhoids pass into a chronic stage, all the conditions of a healthy lifestyle are no less relevant, since any violation can cause an aggravation of the process.

    Venotonizing agents are used to strengthen venous walls - Detralex, Troxerutin, Venus, Flebodia. They have the ability to interfere with the formation of new nodes, and also strengthen the walls of the veins. But the reception of these funds should be long, the course of treatment should be at least 3-4 months.

    For the successful treatment of internal hemorrhoids, local remedies are also needed that relieve edema, reduce pain and relieve inflammation. Such means are suppositories for internal hemorrhoids, which have proved themselves well and are successfully used in therapy of internal nodes. These include candles Diprilif, Anestezol, Gepatrombin, Proctosidil and other equally effective drugs.

    If hemorrhoids are bleeding internally, then hemostasics will be required for treatment, but this measure is temporary, with regular bleeding surgery is required. This method is necessary if the site is affected or a complication occurs.

    For the removal of small nodes using minimally invasive methods of surgical treatment - sclerotherapy and photocoagulation with infrared rays. In advanced stages of the disease, knot bases are bandaged with latex rings, and cryotherapy is also used as a method of treatment. It is possible to bind the venous vessels feeding the node with the purpose of disturbing blood supply to the nodes.

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