
Diet 3 table: diet menu for Pevzner for children and adults

  • Diet 3 table: diet menu for Pevzner for children and adults

    In various diseases of internal organs, an important role in the healing process is played not only by medicines, but also by properly selected food, because different products affect the work of various organs in different ways.

    Diet 3 table - one of the treatment methods, developed by a dietician Pevzner M.I.for prevention and elimination of intestinal obstruction, which was caused by a sedentary lifestyle, irregular irrational nutrition, intestinal diseases with chronic course.

    Indications for dietary nutrition table 3

    This diet is prescribed for patients with such diseases:

    1. constipation, flatulence;

    2. hemorrhoids and anal fissures;

    3. chronic intestinal diseases.

    Table N 3 is a food that stimulates the intestine, enhances peristalsis, which contributes to the bowel movement. The diet includes products that are laxative and enhance the motor function of the digestive system.

    The effect of diet on the body

    Therapeutic diet table 3 is a complete balanced diet for the period of intestinal treatment, saturated with micro- and macro elements, minerals, vitamins, salts.

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    Under the influence of therapeutic nutrition there is restoration of intestinal function, normalization of metabolic processes. The activation of intestinal motility is noted, bowel obstruction is eliminated, the swelling disappears.

    List of allowed products

    From sour-milk products, the diet allows: low-fat sour cream, kefir, yogurt, any fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, cheese.

    Vegetables are recommended: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes.

    Any fruit and berries in fresh, frozen, dried form.

    Of cereals, the most useful will be millet, buckwheat, barley.

    Sweet-toothers are not deprived: they are allowed fresh honey bees, marmalade, homemade jam.

    Allowed by diet and chicken eggs soft-boiled, but no more than two per day.

    Meat and fish products are allowed all low-fat varieties, but the doctor's recommendation is to use these products very moderately. Seafood can be any.

    From pastry products: bread yesterday's pastries, not baked pastries and cookies, you can dry biscuit.

    From drinks: tea, herbal tea, compotes, juices( freshly squeezed).

    Foods prohibited by the

    diet. It is strictly forbidden to use the following products:

    1. Fish and meat products of fatty varieties, any by-products;

    2. Mushrooms in any form and vegetables, such as radish, radishes, garlic, onions;

    3. Pasta, dried beans, cereals - oatmeal, pearl barley, rice, semolina;

    4. It excludes any alcoholic, carbonated drinks, natural coffee, cocoa, jelly.

    5. Soups on strong, fat broths;

    6. Any canned products, smoked products, chocolate and articles thereof;

    7. Fruits and berries: cornelian, grapes, blueberries, bananas.

    Table 3 for children

    The diet table 3 for children is not significantly different from the therapeutic and preventive diet table 3 for adults. But for children under three years of age, vegetables should not be given in raw form, the ideal option would be vegetables cooked for a couple or boiled.

    Older children in the diet menu can add fruit, vegetable salads, a variety of casseroles. The doctor recommends meat dishes to be included in the diet twice a week, and fish dishes - up to five times.

    The diet menu

    For the diet menu 3 table, cooking is recommended in three ways: steaming, cooking and baking. Fried dishes are strictly prohibited.

    The diet menu consists of a fractional five-time power supply. Every day, according to the schedule, there are three main meals, alternating with two snacks. The last meal should consist of fruit compotes or sour milk drinks.

    Sample menu:

    The first breakfast consists of mashed buckwheat porridge, tea with honey.

    The second breakfast is cottage cheese with lean sour cream.

    For lunch - borscht cooked on light meat broth, meat steamed cutlet, dried fruit compote.

    You can drink a glass of yogurt for a snack.

    Dinner - puree from potatoes, salad "Vinaigrette", a glass of milk.

    Diet Pevzner table number 3 - one of the fifteen table-diets, designed for therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition during illness and after the disease. Each table consists of products sparing the body according to each type of disease. A selection of videos on the topic of the article