  • Symptoms of external hemorrhoids and methods of its treatment

    Hemorrhoids are a disease of the veins of the rectum, which, depending on the localization, are divided into the internal, located inside the intestine, external and combined, when two types of hemorrhoids are encountered.

    External hemorrhoids are distinguished by its location - hemorrhoidal nodes are located outside the entrance to the rectum. In case of external hemorrhoids, symptoms are manifested only when the disease worsens, and in the period of remission they do not give their owners special anxiety.

    The causes that cause external hemorrhoids can be divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital is the hereditary factor - the weakness of the veins. In this case, not only hemorrhoids, but also varicose veins may appear.

    Acquired causes more - a sedentary lifestyle, eating disorders, drinking alcohol, a tendency to constipation, heavy physical activity. Very often, in almost 80% of cases, pregnancy can become a provoking factor, during which external hemorrhoids appear.

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    How it looks like external hemorrhoids, it's not hard to imagine. When examining the anal passage, hemorrhoids located around the anus are clearly visible, which may have different sizes and colors.

    Symptoms with external hemorrhoids

    • Appearance of a pineal protrusion around the anus. Cones can have a variety of sizes, location, are easily palpable to the patient and increase with the difficulty of the act of defecation.
    • Blood that appears during an act of bowel movement. It occurs much less frequently than with internal hemorrhoids.
    • Itching or unpleasant burning sensation in the anal area. Local irritation may occur if the patient brushes the skin.
    • Pains in the anus, which are intensified when the act of defecation becomes more difficult.

    Symptoms of external hemorrhoids are few, but their appearance speaks only of one thing - the exacerbation of the disease has begun.

    Possible complications of

    When the disease occurs complications that can develop in the event of the emergence of provoking factors - a violation of diet or lifestyle, lifting weights, with severe physical exertion, prolonged congestion of blood in the veins of the rectum.

    External hemorrhoids are complicated by the appearance of thrombosis or blockage of the venous node, in this case there is a so-called thrombosed external hemorrhoids. In this case, all the clinical symptoms of the disease manifest themselves brightly, and the complication is referred to as an acute form of the disease. Pain occurs during movement, sneezing, coughing, walking. The nodes themselves become blue, drastically swell and increase in size, and when palpation there is severe pain.

    Thrombosed external hemorrhoids can inflame, then all symptoms are accompanied by a rise in temperature, around the nodes redness and swelling of soft tissues appear. This complication is dangerous because pus can form in the pararectal tissue, then there is a purulent paraproctitis. If the pus pushes the way out through the cellulose, a pararectal fistula can form.

    Sometimes the inflammatory process is aggravated by the appearance of a trickle of blood in the act of defecation. In the event that an external hemorrhoids bleeds, this should serve as a signal for immediate access to a doctor for help in order to avoid consequences. One of the consequences of bleeding may be iron deficiency anemia.

    Existing methods of treatment of

    The initial stages of external hemorrhoids are mainly treated conservatively, and in later stages, if complication of external hemorrhoids occurs, operative treatment is prescribed. Before, how to remove the external hemorrhoids and begin medical treatment, it is necessary to eliminate all provoking factors.

    Treatment should be necessarily comprehensive, with the participation of the patient himself. We need to move more, follow the work of the intestines, adjust the diet, add more fresh vegetables and fruits, fiber, and refuse to take fast food and alcohol.

    In drug therapy, several treatment options can be distinguished:

    • Preparations for topical therapy( ointments, gels, suppositories, cream).Drugs that anesthetize external hemorrhoids.
    • Preparations, relaxing the sphincter of the anal passage.
    • Drugs for the prevention and treatment of venous thrombosis.
    • Preparations for the prevention and treatment of inflammation.
    • Drugs that increase intestinal motility( laxatives).

    In modern medicine, external agents are used that have several properties - pain relievers, itching and swelling, a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect. Since the form of hemorrhoids is external, preference is given to ointments, gels and creams that have proved to be a good remedy for external hemorrhoids. These include Heparin Ointment, as well as Dip rilif ointments, Gepatrombin G, Proctosidil.

    Inside for the prevention and treatment of inflammation non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac) and venotonic agents( Detralex, Fleobodia) are prescribed.

    If treatment in the initial stages is carried out at home, you can use warm sessile baths with herbs that have a calming effect. These include infusions of chamomile, string, marigold, St. John's wort.

    Treatment with folk remedies is also very popular. Use such means as honey, propolis, mummies, onions, garlic, carrots, beets. Of them, make juices, gruel, which are applied to the outer nodes after the trays.

    Modern medicine offers an extensive list of minimally invasive, non-surgical methods of removing external hemorrhoids. The application of these methods allows to achieve good results in the shortest possible time, and the risks are practically reduced to zero. Such methods are used in the early stages of the disease. These include:

    • Sclerotherapy - the introduction of a sclerosing agent into the site.
    • Infrared photocoagulation - moxibustion of veins feeding the node.
    • Ligation is a method for binding veins that feed the

    node. If hemorrhoids are complicated by vein thrombosis, removal of the external hemorrhoids is indicated. Treatment is carried out only by a specialist in a hospital. During the operation, not only external but also internal nodes are deleted, if any.

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