  • The diet after the operation of hemorrhoids is extremely useful!

    Hemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases. The disease can go unnoticed for a person, chronically. But sometimes it takes on an acute form and, in this case, the patient needs urgent medical help.

    Because of the stagnation of blood in the cavernous corpuscles of the rectum, internal or external hemorrhoids are formed, which cause pain and bleeding. Clots form and, as soon as this happens, the chronic course of the disease becomes acute. These processes, accompanied by severe pain, make it virtually impossible to defecate. Therefore, diet is very important - a special diet for acute hemorrhoids.

    There is such a form of the disease as internal hemorrhoids. In this case, the nodes are located in the lumen of the rectum and are not visible from the outside during exacerbation. The diet with internal hemorrhoids is the same as with the usual form of the disease, excluding marinated, spicy, smoked, alcohol. It is not recommended to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

    One of the cardinal ways to get rid of hemorrhoids is the so-called hemorrhoidectomy, which allows you to quickly rid the patient of the manifestation of the disease. But the treatment for hemorrhoids does not end there. As well as after any operation, a recovery period follows, requiring compliance with certain recommendations.

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    Diet after hemorrhoids. How to eat right?

    The person who underwent surgery is concerned with the question of what the consequences may be after removing hemorrhoids. How can they be avoided? What is it worth to give up and what should be taken into account so that the recovery period goes smoothly and everything ends as quickly as possible?

    The condition of hemorrhoids with food is directly related. From the correct mode and the nature of the food consumed depends on how regular the chair will be. Proper nutrition after surgery is especially necessary, since it is defecation that can cause seam rupture, bleeding and infection attachment.

    One of the most important conditions for a successful recovery after an operation to remove hemorrhoids is a correct and balanced diet. It is built on the following principles:

    • the balance of food and the full content of all the nutrients it needs;
    • fractional meals, 5-6 times a day, and in small portions;
    • use of food that does not cause flatulence and does not interfere with the healing of postoperative wounds;
    • food should promote regular and soft stools.
    • It is desirable in the first day after the operation of hemorrhoidectomy, the patient generally would not have defecation, so of course it would be better to starve.

    On the second day you can already eat foods that are not able to cause fermentation and gas formation in the intestines:

    • greens, fruits and vegetables with a high content of coarse fiber, and extractives: white cabbage, sorrel, radish, turnip, garlic, onion,apples, radishes, gooseberries and raspberries;
    • all legumes: beans, peas, beans;
    • grapes, nuts, tangerines, raisins, black bread;
    • whole milk, carbonated drinks and kvass.

    Proper nutrition after surgery, as well as adherence to a diet with exacerbation of hemorrhoids, implies the complete exclusion of products that enhance blood circulation in the small pelvis: pickled and spicy foods, smoked products, canned food, alcohol. It is necessary to minimize the use of protein intractable products, such as pork, goose, lamb and mushrooms. The same applies to easily digestible carbohydrates: cakes, cakes, pastries, cookies and sugar.

    What you can eat after the operation

    The diet after the operation of hemorrhoids should include:

    1. Friable porridge from buckwheat and millet croup.
    2. White bread from wholemeal flour, yesterday.
    3. Sour-milk products.
    4. Low-fat meat( chicken and beef).
    5. Fruits and vegetables.

    In this case, a protein-vegetable diet is preferred. Fish, meat, poultry should be consumed in boiled, stewed or baked form. A day is recommended to eat about 500 grams of fruits and vegetables, rich in fiber. Of vegetables, beets, salad, cauliflower, pumpkin and carrots are most useful.

    Fruits are recommended apples, bananas, plums, apricots. The latter can be replaced with dried apricots or prunes. Drink fluids are recommended as much as possible, and it is better in the form of mineral water, juices, tea and soft drinks. In the period after the operation a person should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

    Plus, for regular work of the intestine, in addition to rationally selected nutrition, you should use special medications that improve the consistency of contents in the intestine and its movement through the intestine( Forlax, Fitomycil or Mukofalk).It is recommended that you completely eliminate fried foods from your diet. Dishes should be steamed, boiled or put out. Proper diet after removal of hemorrhoids is an important factor, without which complete rehabilitation after surgery can be delayed for a longer period or even accompanied by complications of a different nature.

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