
What are the stages of hemorrhoids and how to determine if the disease is not started?

  • What are the stages of hemorrhoids and how to determine if the disease is not started?

    About some diseases it is very embarrassing to speak aloud and admit to their availability. It is easy to tell friends about pain in the heart, in the hand, in the head, but it's very embarrassing to talk about the painful sensations in the rectum. Yes, and not only to his friends, to doctors to handle such complaints for some very shameful. So it turns out that precious time is lost, and a person is diagnosed with a started stage of hemorrhoids.

    Hemorrhoids are inflammation and an increase in internal or external venous nodes, which is accompanied by their prolapse and bleeding. These hemorrhoids are felt in the form of bumps in the anus. There are 4 stages of hemorrhoids. Let us analyze them in more detail.

    The first stage of hemorrhoids

    This period is also called internal hemorrhoids, since its symptoms are either minimal or nonexistent. In some, burning, itching, sensation of an alien object in the anus can occur, bleeding may occur during defecation. The hemorrhoidal nodes are slightly enlarged, but since they are located inside the intestine - they can not be seen from the outside. Hemorrhoids are diagnosed at an early stage rather rarely, because patients are slow to consult a doctor, mistaking these symptoms for manifesting other diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Very much in vain! After all, the treatment of hemorrhoids at an early stage is very effective, painless and inexpensive.

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    And so, how to treat the initial stage of hemorrhoids?

    In most cases, conservative therapy is prescribed, which is the use of medications( rectal suppositories, ointments, tablets).But if the patient after such treatment does not eliminate from his life risk factors - hemorrhoids can return. In this case, sclerotherapy is recommended - a procedure in which a special sclerosing drug is introduced into the hemorrhoidal assembly, which promotes the gluing of the walls of cavernous vessels. As a result, the node disappears, being replaced by a connective tissue. This operation does not require anesthesia and takes only a few minutes. Treatment of hemorrhoids in the first stage is not dangerous for the patient and does not cause any complications.

    The second stage of

    Manifestations of the disease in this period are already clearly visible, since besides burning, itching and severe pain, hemorrhoids fall from the anal canal. But having set them independently, the patient continues to postpone the visit to the doctor. Bleeding at this stage is no longer associated with defecation, and can occur with physical exertion or with an increase in blood pressure. Having noticed the already obvious symptoms of hemorrhoids, the patient often begins to engage in self-medication, using folk remedies or independently selecting medicines. But the factors that lead to such a disease remain, which means that sooner or later the disease will worsen. Treatment of hemorrhoids of the 2nd stage should occur only after consultation with a specialist, and it depends on the condition of the intestinal mucosa and the number of hemorrhoids. During this period, the use of such procedures is recommended:

    • Infrared coagulation( infrared ray acts on the leg of the internal hemorrhoidal node, resulting in its necrosis).
    • Ligation by latex rings( on the base of the hemorrhoidal knot, the rings are put on, as a result of which they are torn off together).
    • The operation of desarterization( is the intersection of the artery that feeds the enlarged node).

    The third stage of the disease

    Hemorrhoidal nodes fall even from a small physical exertion. The patient feels increased pain, burning, itching, there is a profuse, in comparison with the first stages, bleeding. The dropped nodes( usually there are three of them) can not be reset by themselves, it can only be done manually. Itching can sometimes become so unbearable that the patient begins to strongly comb the anus. As a result, there are scratches that only increase pain and aggravate the course of the disease. Hemorrhoids of stage 3 can cause complications, such as thrombosis and inflammation of the node, and this is serious. That's why you should immediately contact a specialist for help. Treatment of hemorrhoids of the 3rd stage occurs either with the help of surgical excision of nodes, or desarterization.

    Fourth stage of hemorrhoids

    This is an acute and most neglected period of the disease. The mucous membrane is clearly visible, the muscles lose their elasticity completely, and the dropped nodes are not even adjusted by hands. In addition, very severe pain is felt, especially during defecation, and bleeding can be so severe that it leads to anemia. Stage 4 of hemorrhoids is also accompanied by thrombosis, the appearance of skin erosion, involuntary discharge of liquid feces and gases. There is nowhere to pull, you need to urgently contact the doctors. Treatment of hemorrhoids of the 4th stage is only surgical.

    As you can see, all stages of hemorrhoids are successfully treated. But only in what way it happens, depends solely on the duration of the disease. For if the initial stage of hemorrhoids can still do without surgery, then in 4 stages it is already impossible.

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