  • Cases of Pregnancy

    Of course, every pregnancy is special, but there may be circumstances in which more careful monitoring will be required to ensure well-being for you and your child.

    Questions about the state of your health, which you will have to answer, will help you determine how much more careful observation and additional care during pregnancy is needed.

    If, for example, you are over 35 years old, you suffer from asthma or diabetes or a previous pregnancy has been going through with complications, your doctor may suggest that you visit it additionally. And also if you have twins or more antenatal care to be conducted more carefully.


    If you are over 35 years old, this is the best time for a calm, trouble-free pregnancy and childbirth. During this period of life, you are likely to have good health, and advances in medical technology will increase the chances of a healthy baby. If you hear that doctors call you "old mother" or "mature primiparous", do not be offended, these are just medical terms for describing the fact that you are 35 and this is your first child, if this is the second or third child, you will be called"Moth".

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    Studies show that if you wanted to have children, it is very likely that you made a conscious effort to ensure the well-being of your child through quality nutrition, regular exercise and trying to avoid dangerous situations. If you are physically strong and healthy, then most likely the pregnancy will go well.

    Health Risks

    The main risk for older mothers is the increased likelihood of chromosomal

    disorders. Chorionic villus sampling for histological examination or amniocentesis is a diagnostic test used to determine such disorders. Many labor-related studies indicate that, while chromosomes remain intact, the outcome of labor for older mothers is the same as for those who do not. 35

    Older women in labor have a slightly higher risk of developing gestational diabetes associated with pregnancy with hypertension. As a result, you can be offered more frequent visits to a doctor and more often do an ultrasound examination to monitor the development of the child and, if possible, detect problems at an earlier stage.


    Any woman can give birth to a child with chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down's disease. If you are 35 years old, the probability of having a child with Down syndrome is 1/350.Although if you look different, it means that 99.7% for the fact that you will give birth to a normal healthy child. According to your desire, the attending physician can conduct tests to determine the probability of the birth of a sick child. However, before that, you will be asked to consult to discuss the consequences if the results are positive. The following tests can be offered to you:

    Chorionic villus sampling for histological examination

    Ultrasound is used to insert a catheter or a thin needle into the placenta to take a sample of the chorion tissue( the chorion is part of the placenta) for analysis.

    Serous fluid screening

    This is a mother's blood test in which the amount of protein produced by a baby called alpha-fetoprotein( AFP) is determined, as well as hormones produced by the placenta. The test shows whether there is a risk of disease with Down's disease or spina bifida. Various types of screening for serous fluid are suggested, including "double" or "triple" tests.


    First, an ultrasound examination will determine your baby's position, and secondly, a needle will be inserted into the amniotic sac to take a small amount of liquid for analysis.

    Illumination of the back of the neck

    This special ultrasound scan examines and measures the thickness of the fluid-filled area in the back of the child's neck. The examination may show whether the child has Down's syndrome. The task of the medical staff is to support you during pregnancy, so do not hesitate to contact between visits to the doctor if you need to find out something, gain confidence and get advice.

    If you expect twins, triplets or more children

    If you expect twins, triplets or more children, you need to be more careful. The following tips will help to avoid or mitigate common complaints, which are an integral part of the multiple pregnancy, which will make the latter more safe and comfortable.

    1 Eat a little and often. Do not be surprised if you feel saturated, even after a glass of fruit juice or a bar of muesli - there will be less space in your stomach, as the children will fill the whole space and begin to "fight" for it.

    2 Sleep in the daytime, physically you will need more rest, as you will feel that life is boring, so it is vital during the day to have rest periods( especially in the last months of pregnancy) when you can sleep or perform relaxing exercises.

    If you do not do this, you can even be sent to the hospital at the end of pregnancy.

    3 Fight with pain in the back. Very carefully treat your posture, get up and sit with a flat back, as the extra weight of children can greatly increase the bending of the spine and provoke back pain, especially in its lower part. Ask your partner or someone you know to give you a lower back massage. Swim to maintain physical fitness. Staying in water reduces the force of gravity and provides the necessary support to the body. Swimming, especially with the crawl and on the back, does not allow the back to bend, as when swimming on the chest;This is a great exercise, relieving the burden on the pubic bone and helping to alleviate any pain.

    5 Make your friend a pillow. To alleviate and prevent severe back pain, which is common in a multiple pregnancy, buy or ask someone specially made a pillow to support the lower back. Always wear it with you.

    6 Distribute household chores and effortless daily work between your partner, friends and family. In addition, try not to lift anything heavy, including shopping bags and small children.

    7 Do everything slowly. You may feel dizzy or fainting, as your blood vessels are more open than normal, and blood rushes to your feet when you stand up, so do not jump, rise slowly and learn to get up from a prone position by rolling over on your side.

    8 Sleep comfortably. During sleep or rest, you may need to put a regular or rubber pillow under your back to avoid pressure on the main blood vessels, which can limit the flow of blood to the placenta. You may need to look for a convenient position for yourself.

    The Double

    The news that you will have more than one child can become a shock and shock you. Some women, especially if they themselves are from twins or if they already have a child, understand: "something is wrong", but completely can not believe it until they see a weighty confirmation on the monitor screen of an ultrasonic device. Sometimes, if twins or triplets are expected, you will experience more severe symptoms of pregnancy compared to the usual situation, so a heavy morning sickness and a huge fatigue in early pregnancy can be the key to the fact that there is something "wrong" in your situation.

    Multiple pregnancy is diagnosed by ultrasound examination in the initial stages;such an early "warning" will allow you and the supervising medical staff to make a plan for the delivery of tests and checks. Ultrasound scanning at the 12-14th week will determine how many children you have, then it turns out whether the twins are identical or not .

    What you can feel

    Unexpected news about multiple pregnancy can make you "special" feelings: you become one of a small number of parents of twins, triplets, etc. But after such an exciting start, fears and doubts may arise about havingwhether more than one child. If you and your partner become parents for the first time, your natural fears of motherhood and fatherhood may increase when you begin to consider the possibility of managing two children at the same time. Of course, at first it will be difficult, but soon you will get comfortable, life will improve and you will love the crumbs that have entered your life. As for parents who planned to have more than one-child, the appearance of twins is fantastic, because everything you wanted is realized in one pregnancy and one birth.

    Detecting twins at an early stage gives you and your partner time to psychologically and practically prepare for the emergence of two children. Of course, you will need additional things - baby cribs, clothes, car seats, diapers, etc., so double everything you put into the list of necessary things. Such training will also help to reduce unnecessary anxiety about the approach of childbirth, as everything will be under control and you will be ready to react properly.

    You will learn a lot of useful things by listening to the stories of other parents of twins.

    What to Expect

    To wear twins is probably a lot more difficult than one child, so the doctors watching you will keep a close eye on everything that is happening with you and your child. You can expect the following:

    More frequent tests of Your blood pressure and protein in the urine will be checked more often to identify signs of pre-eclampsia to normalize blood composition and prevent anemia.

    More frequent ultrasound examinations Because a simple examination is difficult to control the growth and development of twins, your doctor will schedule regular checks on how twins behave in their inner world. If the twins are not the same, then most likely you will go to an ultrasound every four weeks, if the same, then every two weeks, since in this case complications are more common.

    Premature labor and early labor In 50% of pregnancies with twins children are born early - by the 37th week. Immediately contact your doctor if you feel pain, bleeding or watery vaginal discharge.

    Childbirth at the hospital If before you discovered twins, you planned to give birth at home, you may be disappointed that you will have to give birth in the hospital, but the doctor is acting in your best interest. Although you can normally give birth to twins, remember, if the first child comes out of the head, there is nothing unusual in this, and for a twin, a cesarean section may be required, so approach the birth issue flexibly. Details about the position of the twins and childbirth through the natural birth canal.

    Additional childbirth leave If you work, your fatigue and increased need for rest will mean that you will have to leave work earlier in pregnancy and take a longer vacation.


    If you have had complications in any previous birth, there is a risk of the same problem and you should warn your doctor about the complications of your first visit. Of particular importance are severe preeclampsia and premature birth. The presence of miscarriages does not worsen the likelihood of normal and healthy delivery after a while: even after three miscarriages, you have a good chance of getting pregnant again and bearing the baby for nine months. Discuss all the questions with the attending physician, who can organize more careful monitoring.

    Pre-eclampsia recurrences occur in about 30% of pregnancies, although they may manifest to a lesser extent in the last stages of pregnancy. If this bothers you, then you will be assigned more frequent antenatal checks to monitor blood pressure and examination for signs of swelling of the ankles and hands. The doctor can prescribe a small dose of aspirin, 75 mg daily, which you will take during pregnancy. According to some studies, this can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia or at least delay its appearance.

    If your last child was born more than three weeks before the appointed time, it may happen again, although it depends on the cause of past premature births. Perhaps the attending physician will want to see you more often, especially in the last trimester, he will also recommend that you relax more, which will reduce the likelihood of early fights. Ask what signs and symptoms may indicate premature labor that;it would be possible to warn the doctor as soon as possible if such a problem arises.


    Even if you cope with a disease such as diabetes or hypertension for a long time, you will probably be worried about how this will affect your child. It is also important how pregnancy will affect your condition. It is necessary to discuss this with the attending physician, since, probably, you will have to visit more often a different specialist.

    Depending on the condition, you may be asked to check blood pressure, protein in the urine and child development more often. With diabetes, discuss plans for the next pregnancy with your doctor to ensure that your body is in good shape for conception. Information on how your condition can affect pregnancy is set out in the antenatal index.