  • External hemorrhoids: symptoms, photos, treatment, causes

    Hemorrhoids - a disease of the veins of the rectum, in which there is their expansion, inflammation, thrombosis.

    From Latin, the literal translation of the term means - the expiration of blood( "heme" - blood, "rragia" - expiration after the break).

    There are many names of the disease, among them: the royal disease, the satellite of civilization, etc., which are closely related to the predisposing factor - a sedentary lifestyle, typical of representatives of many modern professions.

    Prevalence of hemorrhoids

    According to statistics, signs of hemorrhoids are noted at least once in life in 5 out of 10 people at the age of middle( 20 to 50) years.

    Although, according to many experts, the number of patients suffering from the disease is greater, but due to a false sense of shame, not everyone is on time to seek medical help. Very rarely, children suffer from hemorrhoids.

    In large cities, cases of the disease are registered more often. This is due to the prevalence of office occupations, namely sedentary lifestyle, nutrition, hypodynamia, etc. Every 12 patients with hemorrhoids need surgical treatment. Men are more likely to suffer from a disease( see hemorrhoids in men) than women.
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    In women, cases of the disease increase during pregnancy( see treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth).Among other diseases of the intestine, hemorrhoids occupy a leading position.

    Anatomy of the disease

    Gastrointestinal tract ends in the rectum, which is surrounded by a double( internal and external) venous plexus. With hemorrhoids, the veins of the plexus are overwhelmed with blood and expand. Depending on the location of these extensions, the combined, external and internal hemorrhoids are distinguished.

    About external( external) hemorrhoids speak in the case of the arrangement of nodes around the anus. Over time, under the pressure of venous blood, the vein wall becomes thinner and damaged - bleeding occurs, which literally confirms the literal translation of the disease from the Latin language.

    A similar process occurs in the veins of the lower extremities with their varicose extension.

    Causes of external hemorrhoids

    The most important causative factor for the appearance of external hemorrhoids is a hereditary predisposition leading to weakness of the venous plexus walls, as well as the development of the disease provokes:

    • malnutrition: eating acute food, alcohol, coffee;
    • is overweight;
    • limited physical activity;
    • profession associated with excessive tension of the abdominals, for example, the loader, etc.;
    • constipation;
    • infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
    • tumor and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • violation of outflow of venous blood from the rectal veins;
    • pregnancy.

    Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

    The first symptoms of external hemorrhoids in men and women are observed before the expansion of venous plexuses. None:

    1. 1) Discomfort, irritation, itching in the anus;
    2. 2) Painful sensations during the act of defecation, arising during the period of exacerbation of the disease;
    3. 3) Minor blood loss, the cause of which is anal fissures or damage to the mucous membrane and venous masses;
    4. 4) Small swelling of the anal opening;
    5. 5) Palpable "lumps" of different sizes around the anus;
    6. 6) You can learn more, and find out what the photo looks like in the initial stage of hemorrhoids.
    The course of the disease is accompanied by alternation of periods of exacerbations and remissions( fading of symptoms), during which there are no characteristic symptoms. The photo shows external and internal hemorrhoids.

    Complications of

    Thrombosis of hemorrhoids is a formidable complication of the disease, related to acute forms. The thrombosis is accompanied by congestion of venous blood with its subsequent thickening. The thrombus opens the deformed wall of the plexus, causing severe pain, which is more felt when coughing, moving, etc.

    On the appearance of the node is a bluish hue, around it there is hyperemia( redness) and when touched it is sharply painful. Acute thrombosis is accompanied by inflammation. The entire process is also accompanied by a change in overall well-being: the patient has hyperthermia( fever), general malaise.

    Sometimes inflammation spreads to the perineal region and seizes the external genitalia. Serious consequences in the absence of treatment for acute thrombosis include: the formation of fistulas( artificial openings in the tissues surrounding the rectum) and paraproctitis.

    External hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a predisposing factor of the disease, especially against a background of hereditary predisposition. The causes of the disease are associated with the expansion of veins in the pelvic area. The longer the gestation period, the more likely it will be.

    The main reason contributing to the onset of the disease in pregnancy is constipation. For its prevention it is important to observe the following recommendations: to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, to move more, to eat more foods containing vegetable fiber.

    Recommendations on how to get rid of hemorrhoids at the first sign of pregnancy:

    • to avoid lifting heavy objects;
    • keep the anal area clean;
    • avoid prolonged seating in one position;
    • perform special exercises;
    • apply ice compresses for a short time to reduce the symptoms of inflammation;
    • use candles and ointments, the components of which are allowed during pregnancy.
    See also, features of hemorrhoids in women, and how to properly treat hemorrhoids after childbirth.


    The specialist who is engaged in the examination and treatment of the disease is a proctologist. As a rule, inspection is enough to establish the diagnosis: "cones" with external hemorrhoids are clearly visible. Their size varies from a small pea to a large cherry. Complaints patients confirm the diagnosis.

    In order to diagnose a mixed form of the disease the doctor can resort to palpation research of the rectum, as well as to use instrumental research methods( for example, sigmoidoscopy, anoscopy, etc.)

    Treatment of external hemorrhoids

    If there are no complications, external hemorrhoids are treated at home. Therapy consists in the prescription of drugs belonging to the antihemorrhoidal group.

    Primarily used are local forms in the form of candles and ointments. The composition of preparations against hemorrhoids usually includes the following main components: an anesthetic, which removes the feeling of pain;Heparin, blood thinning and preventing thrombus formation;hormonal substance that eliminates the symptoms of inflammation( redness, swelling, etc.);antibacterial components, etc. To frequently used local medicinal forms are: "Relief", "Proctosedil", "Gepatrombin", etc.

    Complicated external hemorrhoids are treated in a hospital. Self-medication is dangerous by the development of serious consequences. Local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( "ibuprofen", etc.) are prescribed locally, as well as tonic veins( Detralex, etc.).

    Surgical treatment of external hemorrhoids consists in the removal of a blood clot, as well as the node itself. It is used in case of ineffective conservative treatment, carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Removal of the node is also indicated with frequent relapses of the disease. An alternative method of treatment is the sclerotherapy of dilated vessels, into which a special substance is introduced.

    Effectively help to accelerate the recovery of uncomplicated disease, physiotherapy methods in the form of magnetotherapy, laser therapy, etc. Promotes healing of foot massage in the direction of movements to the heart. With its help, blood circulation in stagnant hemorrhoidal veins can be improved.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    In the complex treatment, provided there is no thrombosis and the presence of small nodes, folk medicine will help. The most effective lotions, sedentary contrasting baths, self-made ointments.

    Baths can be made with ordinary water, as well as with the addition of decoction of onion husks, marigolds, peaches, etc. Effective treatment of the nodes with celandine juice, garlic, birch tar.

    Remove edema from wet grated potatoes.


    From herbal medicines used for treatment is an ointment, which includes comfrey and witch hazel( especially it is good for bleeding).

    A few drops of essential oils of cypress, mint juniper will reduce discomfort. With an exacerbation of the disease will help reduce the symptoms of inflammation of the peony infusion.

    Prevention of external hemorrhoids

    Is it possible to get rid of the disease after surgery? In fact, during surgery, only nodes with blood clots are removed and after some time, if predisposing factors are present, the disease can again be repeated with the same symptoms.

    Thus, successful recovery and prevention of repetition of hemorrhoid symptoms is a change in lifestyle, and for this it is necessary: ​​

    1. 1) Change eating habits: more eating plant foods and as rarely as possible acute meals that increase the flow of blood to the small pelvis thatpromotes stagnation;
    2. 2) More move, especially this recommendation applies to office workers. Movement prevents the stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoidal veins, as well as in the region of the lower limbs;
    3. 3) Keep an eye on the bowel movement, which must be regular and depends entirely on nutrition and movement;
    4. 4) Limit the elevation of gravity, which increases intra-abdominal pressure and promotes hemorrhoidal veins overflowing with blood;
    5. 5) Improve the tone of the vessels will help wash the area of ​​the anus with cool water;
    6. 6) Regularly perform a set of special exercises;
    7. 7) From drugs on the recommendation of a doctor can be used for a long time venotonizing drugs.

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