
How to adopt a child from a maternity home - adoption of a child

  • How to adopt a child from a maternity home - adoption of a child

    Adoption seems to us a legal fact that establishes personal non-property relations of the child and a certain person or persons who undertake to educate him. In the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Article 165 makes clear all the rights and obligations of both sides of these relations.

    On the territory of Russia have the right to adopt children, both citizens of the country and foreign nationals. There is a certain system, observing which one can take a child from an orphanage or maternity home. The adoption procedure determined by the legislation has also been established.

    Baby from the hospital is very difficult to take. Many couples, not being able to have children, want to take a newborn. This is due to a number of psychological aspects.

    Documents for adoption

    Refusers are very in demand, therefore it is necessary to "queue up".To register in this "line" you should contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. It will be necessary to formalize in writing your desire to adopt a newborn. Before the turn comes, it is necessary to collect a whole package of documents to be able to formalize the adoption.

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    In the mentioned package of documents it is necessary to put:

    • Passports of both foster parents( their photocopies);
    • Application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
    • Health certificate;
    • Notarial consent of husband or wife;
    • Income Statement;
    • The act or the conclusion about inspection of a residential area by the housing commission;
    • Act or conclusion on the survey of living space by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
    • Account statement;
    • An extract from the house book;
    • Characteristics from the place of work.

    Having collected the necessary package of documents and waiting for your turn, you can safely go to the guardianship and trusteeship bodies for adoption registration.

    Requirements for the adoptive parents of

    Only people who have positive characteristics, stable wages and suitable living space for a child can take part in adoption. A special commission in the guardianship and trusteeship bodies will examine the package of documents and make a conclusion that will be given to you in writing.

    Both future adoptive parents must have certificates of their income, and the joint income must exceed the subsistence minimum.

    In addition, both parents should not be previously convicted. You should also submit a certificate of the absence of previous convictions to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

    You and your partner must express your voluntary consent to the adoption. This consent is issued by a notarial permit.

    Health certificate of the adopters of

    It is also necessary to have a certificate confirming that you and your husband have no diseases that are contraindications to adoption. To do this, you need to visit the tuberculosis, skin and venereal, oncology, narcological, psychoneurological dispensaries and the AIDS center. References are issued on special forms issued by the guardianship and trusteeship bodies. This certificate is characterized by the conclusion of a medical commission, the signatures of all the members of this commission, personal seals and the stamp of the medical institution itself. You should also receive a resolution from a therapist and a neurologist.

    In the extract from the house book should appear all the persons registered on your living space. It is also necessary to issue an apartment from the personal account.

    A decision on the possibility of adoption will be issued one month after consideration of all necessary documents and submitted surveys.

    There, in the guardianship and trusteeship agencies, there are all the information about the refuseniks, whose biological mothers have renounced their parental rights to them. You can ask to present you this list.

    When your turn comes, you will be summoned to the guardianship and guardianship agencies and informed about the place and time of the meeting with the child.

    Adoption Judgment

    In court you need to apply for adoption together with the guardianship authorities. Having determined the date of the meeting and having checked all the data submitted by you, a court session is held. At this meeting, a decision is made on adoption. If the decision is positive, the child is given a new birth certificate and enters his data in the parents' passports. If the decision is negative, then you can appeal against it to a higher authority. As a rule, meetings on adoption end in favor of future adoptive parents.

    The adoption of children who are citizens of the Russian Federation has been considered above. Adopt these children are entitled not only to the Russians, but also to foreigners in accordance with the procedure adopted by law.

    Children who are citizens of another state are also subject to adoption. But this requires the consent of their legal representative and state body of the state having the necessary competencies.