
What should be the chair of the newborn - the chair of the newborn

  • What should be the chair of the newborn - the chair of the newborn

    Joy of motherhood and pleasant efforts during the care of a newborn baby is combined with curiosity and feelings about diapers and their contents. It is known that the chair of a child born on the right is called an indicator of health, because its smell, consistency, color and various impurities can determine the state of the digestive system of the child and his health. It is very important for every mother to know what a newborn's chair should be in order to detect possible pathologies in children of this tender age in time: dysbacteriosis and various intestinal infections.

    Meconium or first-born feces

    Stool immediately after birth

    The first stool after birth appears in the infant for twelve hours, its appearance is very specific - almost black viscous mass( reminiscent of motor oil), with a greenish-olive tinge, odorless. It accumulates during the fetal life of the fetus due to various products of the activity of a small organism. This chair is called, by virtue of its origin, the original feces or meconium. Its volume is, on average, 50-100 g. Cleans the intestines of the baby from this mass for 1-3 days.

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    Transitional chair

    Transitional chair of the newborn

    From the second to the fourth day the newborn baby begins to form a full-fledged chair, depending on the type of feeding.

    Please note! The newborn's breast-feeding chair differs markedly from the feces of an artificial baby.

    First, babies fed with mother's milk are emptied 6 to 8 times a day, that is, after each feeding. While children, whose diet consists of mixtures, cleanse the intestines only 1-2 times a day.

    The nature of the stool of a newborn crumb during this period is unstable. It can have a non-uniform consistency, include excessive liquid, slime, lumps, and also uneven coloring: areas with a dark green tinge can alternate with a yellowish-green or even whitish mass. During this period, the initial colonization of the baby's intestine with microflora occurs, since at the time of birth this organ is considered sterile. Microorganisms that get on the mucous membrane of the intestine from milk and the environment, cause an inflammatory reaction, which passes by itself.

    Transitional stool is the result of active processing of breast milk or a mixture. It also includes the remains of meconium, but later acquires a mushy consistency of a yellowish color, similar to a boiled egg yolk, or contains brownish inclusions characteristic of artificial babies. The smell of a newborn baby's breast is sour, resembling a curd. The color of the stool for newborn infants eating mixtures is dark brown, the smell is putrid, and the consistency of the stool is akin to a thick gruel.

    Newborn baby crumbs on breastfeeding

    Baby toddler on breastfeeding

    In infants exclusively breastfeeding, stools are yellow or mustard in various shades. Consistency creamy, can resemble sour cream, and also contain small granular impregnations. The frequency of the chair and its character for each baby are individual, but pediatricians advise mothers to carefully monitor that the process is not accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations: swelling or excessive gas formation. The chair of the newborn, who is naturally breastfed, fully depends on the diet of the nursing mother. Any products eaten by negligence can damage a very weak microflora of the intestinal crumbs. Green clots in the feces of the baby are often the result of malnutrition of the mother during lactation, which can cause indigestion in the baby.

    Please note! If the baby's chair becomes bright green or begins to foam, the specialists explain this by incorrect attachment to the chest.

    In this case, the child receives an excess of "front" maternal milk, which is low in calories. Fat milk - "back" is inaccessible to him, if he does not completely empties the breast. Pediatricians recommend starting the feeding of the baby from the breast that was fed the previous time. In addition, to control that the child sucks milk from your breast completely, before feeding it with the next breast. Proper feeding of the newborn normalizes his stool.

    Newborn with

    infant feeding chair

    artificial infant chair What should be the stool for a newborn artificial child after the transitional period? Unlike the yellow semi-fluid stool of the baby, it varies in the brown range: from yellow to green. In addition, the feces of an artificial baby have a sharp characteristic smell.

    Pediatricians often prescribe iron-rich preparations for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia for children who eat mixtures. This leads to the appearance of feces of dark green or even black color. However, if the child is on mixed feeding( breastfeeding and receives additional complementary foods), while not using iron-containing drugs, but the feces acquire a black color, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

    Digestive problems: diarrhea or constipation in a newborn

    Digestive problems in newborns

    Despite the constant care of parents, any baby can suddenly experience diarrhea. And, as a babe, and an artificial man. In the baby it is associated with the mother's nutrition( poor-quality or incompatible products, medicines and other causes), while for an artificial person this is due to reduced immunity and the penetration of bacteria from the outside. Frequent liquid stools( with or without herbs) usually last for 24 hours. If the situation in this period does not improve, then, in order to avoid dehydration, urgently consult a pediatrician!

    Another problem that brings a lot of emotions to parents is the reverse side of diarrhea - constipation. In this case, in infants, its appearance is also caused by the feeding of the mother. If she later starts to use prunes, dried apricots, boiled beets or apricots, the child will have a better chair. We will have to give up flour, sweet, rice dishes and strong black tea.

    Please note! In artificial joints, constipation is usually associated with the lure, the properties of the mixture or the lack of fluid. It can also become a symptom of the adaptation of the organism to new, yet unaccustomed food.

    If hard and dry feces come out with blood, then it's possible that the newborn has anal fissures. Prompt, prompt consultation with the doctor will solve this problem.

    When in the "menu" of the child begin to introduce lure, the stool of the newborn, its color and smell, is determined by the initial products that the baby began to feed on.

    Now that you are aware of what a newborn's chair should be, you can easily determine the health of a crumb and, if you have the slightest deviation, have time to take the necessary measures yourself or to consult specialists.


    More information about the problem, you can find out by watching the following video: