
How to re-educate a spoiled child - correct parenting

  • How to re-educate a spoiled child - correct parenting

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    In everyday worries and all-consuming care of your child, parents often do not notice how involuntarily they begin to indulge their beloved child in all his whims, whims and desires, sometimes escalating into insistent demands. Every time, trying to achieve his own, the child starts to think that he is the most important person in the world and absolutely everything is allowed to him. If, suddenly, Mamochkin darling faces a ban and some resistance to the immediate fulfillment of his desire in the form of the words "no" or "impossible", then immediately there begins loud-hysterical hysterics. Avoid such errors in education is difficult, but if you catch yourself in time, you can try to re-educate your naughty child. To understand how to rehabilitate a spoiled child, you should first understand whether your child is spoiled for sure?

    Ten signs of spoiling

    Symptoms of spoiling
    1. Systematic spontaneous hysterics. Whims, growing into aggression.
    2. Constant irritability. The child is quickly bored with his own toys, and he begins to demand the toy of another baby, and wants to get it immediately.
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    3. Stubbornness. Unwillingness to remove scattered toys.
    4. The requirement of momentary submission. Unwillingness to hear and listen to other people.
    5. The ability to put adults in an uncomfortable position.
    6. Reluctance to share with anyone. It can turn into greed.
    7. Constant, long persuasion to do anything. It is very important that, from infancy, the child should know about the existence of the indisputable authority of parents( grandparents, guardians, teachers).
    8. The rejection of the word "impossible."
    9. Insistence on constant attention to yourself.
    10. Obedience only if something is cajoled. Subsequently, this can lead to the fact that the child will speculate, each time to require any incentive.
    Different methods of education
    Please note! Most often the child becomes spoiled in a family where there is no agreement between the parents on the methods of upbringing. Seeing such disagreements, the kid begins to manipulate mom and dad.

    If you suddenly realized that your family is dominated by a spoiled little capricious, then you have received an alarm signal that requires immediate measures to eliminate it. Only in this way you will be able to raise a loving and obedient child, and not a selfish teenager, putting above all his desires and whims.

    Reeducation process

    Immediately specify that one should not rush to extremes during the re-education of a spoiled child. You should become calm, consistent, and common sense.

    Please note! The first thing to begin with, it is possible to explain to your kid that in the world besides him there lives a large number of people who also have their desires and dreams.

    Patiently teach the child to control one's own desires, manage their emotions and correctly treat different life situations.

    Strict prohibition frames, according to psychologists, only have a negative impact on the psyche of children. Therefore, refusing to do anything to a child, let's say in buying another toy, clearly explain to him the reason for his decision. First of all, when talking with the baby, make an emphasis on the fact that your love for him is unlimited, but then remember the case when he displeased you with his capricious behavior, and say that for this reason you now refrain from buying. As a result, the toddler will be sure that his parents love him 100%, but they have to punish him with a refusal for misconduct. If you constantly adhere to such tactics, without making concessions, in the end, the capricious will understand that no tears, hysterics and other artful tricks will not help him get what he wants.

    Hysterics in a child

    Often there are cases when the kid begins to scream in earnest, lying on the floor and demanding something from his parents. If this happens outside the home, then, as a rule, parents become uncomfortable with others, and in order to avoid embarrassment, they immediately satisfy the child's requirements. At least once this happens, and your kid will instantly understand how effective this method is and will use it in any case convenient for him. In this case, parents are encouraged to remain calm and indifferent to the trick of their beloved child. You do not need to pay attention to the baby's screams, but should do what you did with an imperturbable look. Such indifference will tell the capricious that the tactic chosen by him is useless, and he will immediately stop his sobbing.

    In conclusion, I want to note that the majority of parents work hard in a tense mode, and they absolutely do not have enough time to communicate with their child. Such a lack of communication busy parents often try to compensate for the purchase of expensive toys and clothes to the kid, without thinking that it is much more important for him to go to the cinema, circus, or zoo, walk in the park or go skating.

    Games with the child
    Please note! Children love when adults participate in different games, read books with them, read music, and draw.

    Love, attention and constant communication is all that your kid needs to grow up to be a clever, intelligent and obedient child.