  • Ectopic pregnancy

    An ectopic pregnancy develops if the fetal egg chooses the site of its implantation not the uterus, but the fallopian tube, the abdominal cavity, or others.

    In all these cases, a woman's life threatens, because the fetus can not leave her body through the natural birth canal. This pregnancy usually does not wear out until the end. With her, there is a very large threat of bleeding, which can lead to the death of the mother. When bleeding, doctors in most cases are forced to remove the source of the threat, and since very often they are the mother tube, the woman can remain barren, especially if an inflammatory process takes place in the opposite tube with the formation of adhesions.

    Isolate tubal pregnancy, abdominal, ovarian pregnancy. Factors predisposing to the development of ectopic pregnancy are numerous abortions, inflammatory processes of the genital organs, especially chronic tuberculosis of the fallopian tubes. In these cases, spikes form in the tubes, which prevent the egg from advancing to the uterus, but may not interfere with spermatozoa. The egg is fertilized, but it can not enter the uterus and is implanted in any other place: abdominal cavity, fallopian tube, ovary. Obstacle on the path of the ovum creates not only adhesions, but also tumors of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Currently, one of the main causes of ectopic pregnancy is recognized as endometriosis - inflammation of the upper layer of the uterus. In this disease, during the period, the pieces of the endometrium fall into the other organs of the reproductive system and are implanted there. In subsequent menstrual cycles, these areas are bleeding, as is the normal endometrium of the uterus. The ovary, advancing through the fallopian tube, can easily choose the site of its attachment to such an abnormal endometrium as it is no different from the endometrium of the uterus. With sexual infantilism( underdevelopment), ectopic pregnancy also occurs quite often. This is due to the wrong location of the too-long fallopian tubes. There are many bends that are an obstacle to the egg.

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    Ectopic pregnancy is usually detected late, already with bleeding. It is this that is dangerous. Before bleeding, the woman discovers that the next "critical days" did not come at a time, in the mornings she became sick, disgusted with her favorite foods. Although for ectopic pregnancy is very typical and the lack of delay in menstruation. The surrounding people begin to notice that the woman has become irritable, whiny, capricious. Her breast swells and increases in volume. Pregnancy tests are also positive. Tubal pregnancy, in addition to these signs, does not show itself much more. Sometimes, cramping pains in the lower abdomen may be disturbing. Upon examination, the doctor discovers that the size of the uterus does not correspond to the expected time, and on the side of it there is a rounded formation. But, since tubal pregnancy is usually disturbed at very early stages - up to 5-6 weeks, the diagnosis is usually put on time, already in the hospital, where a woman comes in about bleeding.

    There are two possible variants of violation of tubal pregnancy: tube rupture and tubal abortion. The rupture of the tube is accompanied by the outflow of blood together with the fetal egg into the abdominal cavity. Since the loss of blood in this case is always great, a picture of the so-called "acute abdomen" arises because of the irritation of the leaflets of the peritoneum with blood, and a sharp anemization, since immediately a large volume of blood is outside the bloodstream. A woman suddenly feels a sharp weakness, loses consciousness, blood pressure drops. In the stomach, there is a lot of pain. Over time, these symptoms become even more pronounced, as the flow of blood into the abdominal cavity continues. After tubal abortion, spikes form in it, which not only contribute to the development of painful menstruation, but also cause infertility.

    At the first sign of this condition, you should immediately call an "ambulance", because the life of a woman is in danger. In a hospital to stop bleeding, the doctor usually decides to remove the broken pipe as a source of bleeding. Only if the patient is very young, it is possible to perform an operation to stop bleeding without removing the tube, only by bandaging the vessels. In tubal abortion, the disruption of ectopic pregnancy occurs in the lumen of the tube. In this case, the blood is poured mainly into the abdominal cavity, but into the uterine tube. The pipe begins to contract cramped under the influence of blood, trying to push it out. This can last a very long time, up to several weeks. During this time, a woman can complain of cramping pains in the lower abdomen. If the blood flowed a little, it worries only a small weakness and a decrease in efficiency.

    The peculiarity of abdominal pregnancy is that it can be reported almost to normal. But, in the end, the child in most cases still dies. It is quite difficult to suspect this type of ectopic pregnancy, as when examining a pregnant woman you see a belly that grows in size over time, you can feel the parts of the fetus. A woman often complains that when a child moves, she feels a strong pain in her stomach. This is understandable, because in this case the fetus irritates the peritoneum, which is extremely rich in nerve endings. By the end of pregnancy, when the fetus does not find a place for growth, a rupture of membranes occurs. This is accompanied by massive pain shock and bleeding. The woman feels a sharp pain in her stomach, pales, loses consciousness. If she does not receive qualified help in time, she may die. During pregnancy, the fetus that develops outside the uterus is affected by the surrounding internal organs, mainly the intestine. As a result, he develops various deformities, most often incompatible with life. In medicine, cases are described when ectopic pregnancy was taken by doctors for normal up to the term of childbirth. The child in such cases, if removed from the abdominal cavity alive, as a rule, died in the near future.

    In ovarian pregnancy, the fetal egg develops within the ovary. Usually, it is disturbed at very early times and is accompanied by the same symptoms as tubal pregnancy.