  • You are changing

    For 9 months of pregnancy the body of a woman changes, adapting to her new inhabitant. Let's see together how this happens.

    Fertilization occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. A week later, the ovum, which is already in fact an embryo, is attached to the inner lining of the uterus.

    At the 4th week of pregnancy, you still do not know about it, but there is already a delay in menstruation. At this stage, to determine whether you are expecting a child, a blood test for a chorionic gonadotro-pin or home tests for determining this hormone in the urine will help you. Now you can have such symptoms as mood changes,

    engorgement and increased breast sensitivity, appetite change, morning sickness, etc., which you can attribute to premenstrual syndrome, but in fact they are the first signs of pregnancy.

    At the 7th week, the cervix is ​​clogged with a mucous plug that will protect the fetus from various infections that can penetrate from the outside. This cork will be released before delivery.

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    At the 8th week you can already notice that you have slightly recovered and your clothes are tight. The uterus also gradually increases in size, which your gynecologist can easily determine.

    At the 9th week, changes in your body are gaining momentum. You may have noticed that your skin has become better, you have begun to wash your hair less often. However, quite often occurs and vice versa - on the skin there are various eruptions and pimples. This is because pregnancy passes under the sign of the hormone progesterone, which does not contribute to a good skin condition. There may appear small yellowish discharge from the vagina, this should not frighten you, since it is a natural process.

    10th week - you gain weight, others notice frequent changes in your mood. This is due to the high level of the corresponding hormones. The thyroid gland is active.

    Since the 11th week, you may have noticed that you are now constantly hot, you sweat a lot and, accordingly, drink. This is explained by the fact that now

    your internal exchange has become higher, taking into account the needs of a growing baby.

    12th week - the uterus has already significantly increased in comparison with its usual condition. Now it even slightly comes out into the abdominal cavity, since it does not fit into the pelvic cavity.

    13th week - you noticed that the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy: nausea, mood changes, etc. - do not bother you anymore, because the hormonal background has come to a new equilibrium.

    14th week - the uterus bottom has reached the navel area, it continues to grow rapidly in size. You feel wonderful, full of energy. The abdomen is not very big, so it does not interfere much.

    15th week - it's time to worry about a new wardrobe for the period of pregnancy.

    16th week - the mammary glands are increasing even more, becoming very sensitive. On the skin of the chest, you can see the venous pattern, as the blood flow in it has increased significantly.

    17th week - the heart is working now in a more active mode, so small blood vessels that are located in the mucous membrane of the gums and nose can not stand and burst. This is associated with nasal bleeding and bleeding from the gums that may occur during this period.

    18th week - this week, you have a chance for the first time to feel the stirring of your baby!

    19th week - your baby is actively making itself felt. You become clumsy, it is more difficult for you to walk, because the center of gravity is shifting.

    20th week - your tummy is already big and gives you anxiety. During this period, the appearance of stretch marks of red, and then brown on the skin of the abdomen. After childbirth with the passage of time they will turn pale, but they will never be lost until the end. The uterus presses on the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, so there may be problems with urination, belching, heartburn after eating, and it will become harder to breathe.

    21st week - the bottom of the uterus is above the level of the navel. You actively gain weight.

    22nd week - Anemia threat may occur if you get insufficient iron. Adjust your nutrition and intake of vitamins.

    23rd week - this week for the first time you can feel slight contractions of the uterus. They are somewhat painful, but they help prepare the uterus for real birth struggles. Later they will be present throughout the pregnancy.

    24th week - begins to feel heaviness in the legs, there are periodic headaches, you become more tired. All this is associated with increased body weight. Try to rest more often in such a position that your legs are above your head. This will help prevent the development of varicose veins.

    25th week - the uterus grows to the size of a soccer ball.

    26th week - the child more and more often moves, which sometimes does not bring the most pleasant sensations to his mother.

    27th week - the uterus continues to increase in size, and with it your baby.

    28th week - from now on your visits to the gynecologist will become more frequent, 2 times a week.

    29th week - colostrum begins to appear from the nipples of the mammary glands. This substance is not real milk, but contains a lot of useful substances that are necessary for a newborn in the first days of life.

    30th week - the stomach is increasing in size. You notice that the urge to urinate has become more frequent.

    31st week - on this period often there are pains in the back. Varicose veins of the lower extremities may develop.

    32nd week - at this time period begin to disturb swelling. The child is strongly pushed, which is quite painful, especially if the blow is under the ribs.

    33rd week - the uterus has reached considerable dimensions. The frequency of urination increases.

    34th week - painful cramping contractions of the uterus become more frequent, but they are not real fights, so do not bother you.

    35th week - the uterus presses on the stomach and diaphragm, so you have trouble breathing, after eating

    may be troubled by eructations, heartburn. In order to avoid this, it is better to cite small portions, but often.

    The third week - you may have noticed that the amount of hair on your body has increased dramatically. This is due to the increased content of sex hormones during pregnancy. Do not worry, after birth, these phenomena will pass by themselves.

    37th week - you notice that it became easier to breathe. This is because the baby's head has dropped into the small pelvis, the birth will begin very soon, the diaphragm does not experience the pressure that was during pregnancy.

    38th week - at this time sometimes there are so-called false fights. They pass when a woman begins to walk.

    39th week - at any time the delivery can begin. The cervix is ​​prepared for this, shortened and unfolded.

    40th week - labor begins, you feel painful true contractions. At first they are irregular, but then arise exactly after an equal number of minutes, become more frequent.