  • Vitamin C( ascorbic acid)

    Properties: vital for any biological process in which nutrients must pass through the cell membranes. And this includes almost all the metabolic activities that we know about! Perhaps the most important role of vitamin C is to help prevent damage to proteins in cell membranes.namely, their oxidation. When the protein is oxidized, it is destroyed and destroyed. Vitamin C prevents this, but under one condition: if you store it in the body of a pregnant woman is constantly replenished.

    There is irrefutable evidence that vitamin C activates and strengthens the internal mechanism of self-healing( in particular, ascorbic acid has the properties of restraining the growth of malignant tumors, contributes to the restoration of biochemical equilibrium of blood).

    "If you take into account not only the unhealthy diet, not enough saturated vitamins, but also the environment, the increasing poisoning of water, air, the crowding, noise and stresses of modern life, the antitoxic role of ascorbic acid can not be overemphasized"( N. Cousins).

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    If there is a lack of vitamin C in the body, there may be different symptoms: pain and swelling of the joints, loss of appetite, increased respiration, decreased hemoglobin( very important to prevent during pregnancy!), Bleeding, easy bruising, adrenal gland function, decreased mental and physicalability to work, fast fatigue, increased sensitivity to colds and infections. The lack or absence of vitamin C disrupts the course of all life processes. It is established that pathological intestinal flora can destroy vitamin C in the intestine before it enters the blood. Therefore, pregnant women need to restore healthy intestinal flora. However, if the food is well chewed, then vitamin C is absorbed without loss.

    According to prominent experts, the body, especially during periods of stress, pregnancy, feeding, illness, needs a constant daily intake of the vitamin. This is especially important for the eyes, pituitary gland, brain, lungs and glands of the adrenal glands.

    Sources: rose hips, sweet pepper, dill, parsley, horseradish, nettle all citrus, sea buckthorn, black currant, lettuce and other fruits and vegetables( here only those with the highest number of Whigs on C are listed).Vitamin C is also found in berries, cantaloupe melon, potato tomatoes, cabbage of all varieties and herbs.

    It is established that natural plant sources of vitamin C contain also vitamin P( citrine), which is supplemented by the action of vitamin C( it strengthens and makes the walls of blood vessels elastic).

    Yellow, citrus fruits and vegetables contain bioflavonoids, without which the assimilation of vitamin C is also not complete.

    Vitamin C antagonists are substances that pollute the air, water and the environment, toxic industrial waste, smoking, alcohol, aspirin, antidepressants, diuretics( diuretics), antibiotics and fever with fever. Vitamin C is destroyed not only by heating, but also by prolonged storage, when it comes into contact with iron;he is very sensitive to light.

    When you eat green leafy vegetables, you can be sure that they contain not only vitamin C, but all the necessary accompanying factors, without which vitamin C is not digested, including bioflavonoids. After all, so much more we do not know about how vitamins work in the human body! That is why the best source of vitamins will always be natural, whole, unrefined processed foods that contain not only those vitamins that we already know, but also those vitamins, microelements and enzymes that science does not yet know.

    The best way to get vitamin C, of ​​course, with food, but in the winter without biologically active additives to food can not do. Synthetic ascorbic acid, chemically similar to vitamin C, does not contain bioflavonoids. It is best to choose biologically active supplements with vitamin C, isolated from natural products that contain biflavanoids. Without them, vitamin C is not fully absorbed.

    If you are forced to do without juices, fruit, green vegetables, especially in winter, or you smoke, are sick, pregnant, breastfeeding, living in a big city, being under stress - take at least 2 g( 2 000 ml)) of vitamin C per day - after eating, dividing it into equal doses and washing down with boiled water. These are the recommendations of the two-time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling.

    B. Kamen wittily notes: "And why did we not only listen to our mother's spells when she said:" Do not forget to eat vegetables! "How much suffering could be avoided if this important information about the role of vitamin C was spread more widelyfor many previous years! Now you, my dear pregnant women, become mums yourself. You will carry further this wise philosophy: "Children, eat raw fruits and vegetables!"

    Be healthy and give birth to healthy children! To achieve this without vitamins is almost impossible!