  • How to treat green snot in children - ways to treat

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    Young children are especially susceptible to colds with the formation of a serious cold, which quickly becomes stagnant without treatment. Thus nasal slime thickens and becomes sticky, tight. The child is very difficult to breathe, he opens his mouth to ease his condition, and in this case a secondary infection can join. As a result, the runny nose becomes purulent and the mucus thick and green. In this article, we will analyze how to treat green snot in children.

    The cause of

    Catarrhal diseases of different etiology begin almost the same - mostly the common cold is a complication of the common cold. The child is overcooled, he can soak up his feet or get in the rain, in the summer to buy a drink in the sea or another pond, get under draft. All this leads to the fact that the immunity of the baby drops sharply, the body weakens and a variety of microorganisms literally "attack" it. Since microbes always live in our body, including pathogens, infection can occur without an external source, and if the child is in contact with the carriers of the disease, a secondary infection is possible.

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    The cause of the onset of a cold can be viruses, bacteria and fungi. Depending on the pathogen, the type of treatment is chosen, since different drugs affect only a specific type of infection. For example, antibiotics can not be used against viruses, and with a fungal infection they can provoke uncontrolled growth of mold.

    Usually the disease begins acutely, with active temperature increase, weakness, aches in bones, headache, cough and a strong cold. At first, the nasal secretions are liquid and transparent, watery, but with the attachment of infection quickly acquire a different density and color. They are thick, viscous, badly separated and vomarkivayutsya, the child suffocates and is capricious. The younger the baby, the greater the chance of getting complications of the disease.

    The child fell ill

    Since the child can not constantly blow his nose, the snot starts to flow down the back wall of the throat and enter the bronchi. They can provoke serious bronchitis or even more dangerous disease - pneumonia.

    If the child's snot has become yellow-green, this indicates an infection. This condition is very dangerous for the child and can lead to numerous complications. Often, their cure is much more difficult than the underlying disease.

    What danger is


    If the runny nose becomes purulent, there is a high risk of dangerous complications. Most often suffer from maxillary sinuses and frontal sinuses, ears, adenoids, tonsils and throat. Penetration of pus and infection of the sinuses leads to a dangerous disease - sinusitis. The smaller the child, the more dangerous for him this disease. His treatment is long, complicated and painful.

    Please note! Often a runny nose with green snot is complicated by otitis - an inflammation of the middle ear. This disease can cause partial or complete loss of hearing, brings a child severe discomfort and pain. If untimely or incorrect treatment can go into a chronic form and affect the overall health of the child.
    Eustachian tube

    If a child has polyps in the nose( adenoids), infection and permanent trauma to blowing can cause them to grow actively. If they reach a critical size, they can not do without surgery.

    Infection of the infection on the tonsils can lead to their infection and the appearance of tonsillitis or tonsillitis. In turn, this disease is extremely dangerous complications and in children can cause such grave diseases as endocarditis and nephritis.

    In the initial stages, the green snot can be successfully treated with folk remedies, however if within 2-3 days the runny nose does not go away, it is necessary to go on to medical treatment and use physiotherapy.

    Recommendations for treatment

    Treatment of runny nose

    Parents should first of all consult a doctor. It is especially important to do this if the child is very small, since even a slight runny nose can become the beginning of a very dangerous and serious illness.

    The first thing to do is to provide the child with complete comfort. As recommended by Dr. Komarovsky, the room should be well ventilated, and if the air is dry, ensure its good hydration. With high dryness, the nasal mucosa, already very inflamed, dries up and intensifies the suffering of the baby. The child needs to be ensured bed rest, if he has a high temperature, pajamas or a shirt needs to be changed frequently - wet clothes help supercooling and intensifying the disease.

    Please note! A sick child should be given a generous warm drink, the food should be caloric and soft, since with a stuffy nose it is difficult for him to chew. Eliminate irritating foods, but make sure that the food is delicious and with lots of vitamins.

    With warmth, the warmth helps well. You can use a "blue lamp" or a special infrared device, which is convenient to warm up the baby's nose. You can also use home remedies, for example, hard-boiled chicken egg, boiled potatoes, heated rock salt in a linen bag.

    Use of

    salt is also used. Nasal cleansing and nasal cleansing also contribute to nose cleansing. When exposed to steam, the mucus softens and starts to separate easier, and washing helps to remove it from the nose and helps to facilitate breathing.

    Please note! The use of vasoconstrictive drops is quite effective, but at the same time it is dangerous. Such drops can be used with caution, no more than a few days and not often, since they can affect the vessels and heart activity. It is very risky to choose and prescribe baby drops in your nose, it can only be done by an experienced pediatrician.
    Vasodilating drops are used with caution

    The use of antibiotics is not a panacea and is only possible if there is a bacterial infection. The decision to prescribe a child for such drugs should be taken by a doctor, since sometimes the benefits of the drug are blocked by its potential harm. However, if several days have passed since the onset of the disease, and the green snot has not passed, perhaps the use of antibiotics is the only correct decision, especially if complications have occurred.

    If the runny nose with green snot is complicated by other diseases, complex measures must be taken. For example, the added otitis can be very dangerous, since the focus of the infection is in close proximity to the brain. Such an infection threatens the child with the emergence of an extremely dangerous disease - meningitis, inflammation of the meninges.

    Pity a sick child

    To cure green snot, it is not enough to act alone in the way. It is necessary to apply the whole range of measures, from nutrition to medication. It is very important to provide the child with a calm, benevolent atmosphere, not to be irritated at his whims. A sick child can often cry, refuse to eat. The parents' task is to gently and unobtrusively convince the baby that taking medications, procedures and eating well is the necessary action for a speedy recovery. Give him your favorite toy, pity and kiss. In this case, coping with the disease will be easier.

    See also:

    Prevention of influenza and ARVI in children