  • How to wean a child from breast - wean the child from breastfeeding

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    It's no secret that breast milk is the main source of various nutrients for a child up to one year. Many mothers who really care about the health of their baby, try to prolong the period of breastfeeding at least until the performance of the baby twelve months. Applying to the breast is another way of communicating with the mother and the baby, perhaps even more important than the game. During the attachment to the breast, each mother feels a special affinity for her child, and the baby feels loved and protected as never before.

    No matter how long this happy period was, sooner or later breastfeeding has to be completed.

    The decision to wean the baby comes for various reasons: mother is sick and she has to take some potent medicines, mom leaves for the session in another city, it's time for mom to go to work. But how many situations can arise in life.

    Another reason why mother decides to stop breastfeeding is biting her breasts during feeding. Usually the child begins to bite the chest when the first teeth begin to erupt. Biting by chance for the first time, he begins to do it again and again.

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    Why a child bites his chest

    Perhaps when he did it by chance for the first time, you screamed in pain and surprise. The child liked this "performance" and he begins to repeat his actions with the following feedings. And maybe during the feeding you are busy with something else: watch TV, read or talk on the phone with a friend. Most likely, in this way he tries to draw attention to his person.

    How to disaccustom a child to bite a breast

    If the baby continues to bite the breast during feeding, you need to wean him from this habit as soon as possible. Biting a baby's breast is not an excuse to deprive him of the most valuable food that only one mother can give. What to do? How to solve this problem as quickly and painlessly as possible?

    • If the child does this again, you should immediately take it from his chest, remove it from his knees or get out of bed and say "no, you can not do this!".You can even leave the room. The child is important to understand that he did not do well and Mom does not like it at all.
    • Try not to show that it hurts. Do not shout and, if possible, keep a calm expression on your face. Soon the child will understand that the performance will no longer be.
    • If any of the feeds went well - your breasts have escaped bites, then be sure to praise and caress the child.
    • Focus on the feeding process as much as possible - the child should not feel lack of attention.
    • If the child falls asleep( half asleep, he can also bite the nipple), then gently pull it from the chest.
    • Try to feed your baby only when you know for sure that he is hungry.
    • More often give him a tooth ring.

    Soon your baby will understand that biting is bad, and you will be happy to continue breastfeeding.

    If the decision to terminate HB is still taken, you must remember that this is the first important loss in the life of your child. It is desirable to take his feelings seriously.

    When it is preferable to begin the process of weaning

    The best option is to wait for the involution period, that is, the natural curtailment of breastfeeding. Involution of lactation occurs approximately 2.5 years after the birth of the child. It is at this time and the baby disappears sucking reflex. If a child continues to suck his breast after two and a half years, then it's just a habit.

    How to understand that the involution process has begun? If your breasts are not full of milk, even if the baby has not sucked on the breast for more than 12 hours, this is one of the signs of a natural fading of lactation. It is worth noting that now we are talking about the period when the child was more than two years old. Because throughout the GW there are so-called periods of lactation crises, during which a feeling is created that the milk is gone. If you continue to apply to the breast, then lactation will necessarily recover.

    But not all mothers have the opportunity and desire to wait for the natural involution of lactation. So you need to choose the right time to complete. It is important to remember that in the winter and summer, weaning is extremely undesirable, because along with the mother's milk the child is protected from various infections, which are more than usual in the summer and winter. You can not start weaning at those moments when any serious events occur in your kid's life. It can be moving or the first months in kindergarten.

    To wean a child from a breast, by and large there are only two ways:

    A sharp weaning. If your baby more or less tolerates your absence, then you can, for example, invite a grandmother to visit, and most go to live with her in the house for a few days. Most likely, she and her daddy a few days will have to suffer. After all, for sure, your beloved baby is used to fall asleep after a portion of breast milk and it will not be easy for him to get ready for bed without soft and warm titi. But do not worry, many children quickly get used to the new rules.

    If your child can not part with you for a minute and cries, even if you are only going to the store, then this method is not for you. A long separation can cause a child severe stress or infantile depression.

    Soft weaning. This method consists in a gradual reduction in the number of breastfeedings. To begin with, transfer the baby to a feeding regime and offer breast only after eating. Gradually, in 1-3 months, you should have only two breastfeeding - before the day and before bedtime. The next stage is the cancellation of day feeding. When the baby gets used to this, you can try to start the main stage of the operation called "Ottuchenie from the chest."You must wean the baby to suckle before evening sleep. This is unlikely to work out by yourself. Involve the Pope in this process. Now let him lay the baby, and you will be closed in another room. You can express the milk and offer the child to drink from a cup or bottle.

    If you have chosen a soft method of weaning, then that the child needs your attention less in the evening, spend as much of your free time with him as possible during the day: play with him a lot, say how much you love him. It is important that the child is filled with your attention throughout the day, and then the process of weaning will go smoothly and almost unnoticed for both of you.