
How to choose a sling for a newborn - choose sling

  • How to choose a sling for a newborn - choose sling

    Sling - this is quite an ancient invention, which in recent decades is finding more supporters. There are even several movements aimed at promoting this convenient device for carrying babies. But sling is needed not only to make it convenient for mother to go out into the street, this device can be used in many other cases. Naturally, in our markets a wide assortment is provided, but how to choose a sling for a newborn in such a variety? There are at least three types of the most common models, and each has its own advantages and, accordingly, supporters.



    One of the most popular and comfortable models is a sling-scarf, which is a wide long scarf that can be wrapped around the torso while comfortably attaching the baby to the chest, on the side, on the back and, what's importantthe baby can be in different poses.

    Features of the sling-scarf Of course, it is very convenient to use just after birth, since the hands of the mother are tired, even from the newborn, and the baby needs the warmth of the mother almost constantly. In addition, household chores themselves are not done, and putting the baby next to him, you can free your hands and calmly engage in simple but necessary household chores. For example, you can wash dishes or pat, and perhaps just sit and read a book, and the hands are free and the baby is comfortable. The child can be put in a comfortable position for him, almost the same as on the hands of the mother, which naturally only adds positive moments to the sling-scarf. There are such slings for the quality of fabric, that is, they can be knitted or, for example, cotton, and can also be short or long enough. Knitted slings are comfortable with their elasticity, which will only add comfort to the newborn, slings from the fabric are preferable to use with older children, but for newborns they also perfectly fit. Advantages of the sling - the scarf is much, and the disadvantage is only one, that they can be successfully used, you must first learn, since not every mother can properly wrap herself and the baby and without special knowledge and skills here can not do.

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    Sling with rings

    This sling is a wide scarf with rings through which the ends of the scarf are stretched, thus forming a pocket. It is convenient for newborns, since the child in such a sling is lying down, just under the breast of the mother.

    Features of the sling on rings The main advantages of this sling is that with the help of the ring you can adjust the depth of the pocket and the length of the scarf so that the baby can be worn not only by mom, but also by other relatives. These slings are made from different fabrics, the main criteria of which are naturalness and softness, as well as strength. In addition, slings with rings come with rims and without sides. The difference in them is not particularly important, it's easier to put the baby's head on the side more easily, but in hot weather the edge of such a sling will be on the contrary to interfere, since the baby will be hot in it. Advantages of a sling with rings is that it is easy for the baby to put both in and out, without removing the device itself. You can change the position of the baby, and at the same time you can feed it or play it. In addition, handling this sling does not require additional skills and in handling it is quite simple. Its biggest drawback is that it is worn on one shoulder, and accordingly the entire load also goes to one shoulder, which is fraught with consequences for prolonged or permanent wearing.

    Sling - pocket

    Sling pocket

    This sling is a scarf sewn into a loop. Mom puts it on one shoulder, and in the folded pocket, puts the baby. Great for a newborn, as the child can be laid along the body of the mother, putting it to the chest. This sling can be used for a long time, it is designed for different positions of the child and different ages. It is convenient that the child can be laid and removed from the sling without removing the device itself. But the main drawback of a sling-pocket is its size, which can not be adjusted to a specific person, so when buying it, you need to carefully select the size individually. In addition, in such a sling, it is desirable that the baby be supported with one hand, since there are no additional sides. And of course also a negative moment is the load only on one shoulder.

    The main advantages of any sling are, first of all, the correct location of the baby from the anatomical point of view, with the distribution of the load on the entire body, and not only on the spine, as in kangaroos. Another advantage is the constant visual contact. The kid sees the mother's face and her emotions, hears her voice and sees how she addresses him, which emotionally makes mom and baby closer. In sling it is more convenient for a toddler to rock, when he wants to sleep, it is more convenient to heat the tummy, if there is swelling, it is more convenient to breast-feed. And, after all, the baby in the sling feels as comfortable as it is on the hands of Mom. It's not for nothing that sling is a very ancient invention, even then people knew how important the emotional connection between the baby and the mother.