
Lack of appetite in the child, with what it is connected and how to help the child start eating with appetite

  • Lack of appetite in the child, with what it is connected and how to help the child start eating with appetite

    Loving parents are certainly trying to give their child the best. For some reason in our country there is a concept of so-called "correctness".Almost every grandmother and mother with absolute certainty will say that a well-fed child is good.

    A child's lack of appetite should not cause you to panic. Each organism is unique: some children have a good appetite, others have bad appetite.

    Children are rather stubborn, like to resist.

    Causes of lack of appetite in children

    A child may not like what you have prepared for him.

    First, the lack of appetite should not scare parents, secondly , it is your immense anxiety that can prevent his return.

    One of the reasons that a child does not eat well is that it can be disturbed by all kinds of experiences. He, for example, may have problems in the kindergarten or in the courtyard, a misunderstanding with older brothers and sisters. This is extremely important for children, do not take their little trouble as an empty sound.

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    Poor appetite in a child can be caused by a violation of the thyroid gland. A child may simply not have enough iodine in the body, but run to the doctor, rushing off, do not.

    Many children eat poorly, and this does not mean that they are starving. The organism itself knows how much energy it needs. Thus, young animals consume food when they are very hungry.

    It is not necessary to make a child take food by fraud. Remember one more bad property of care: overeating is also harmful. Children with excess weight are limited in movement, with age they have complexes.

    Poor appetite can be a consequence of a baby's illness. If the child who has always eaten well, the appetite has sharply disappeared, then the cause may be:

    1. Viral infection. The first signs of a viral infection are usually malaise, drowsiness and loss of appetite.

    2. With otitis, chewing and sucking movements provoke sharp pains in the ears. Check the absence of otitis can be by lightly pressing on the tragus( a small cartilaginous protrusion on the outer ear).A child who willingly takes a breast, but with a cry, throws it, with a high probability, can be otitis. In a healthy baby, this pressure does not cause any discomfort.

    3. Cutting teeth, diseases of the oral cavity( thrush) and throat( laryngitis) can cause a complete lack of appetite. Usually the child can not yet formulate the difference between "I do not want to eat" and "I can not" eat. Carry out a thorough examination of the oral cavity, and if your assumptions are confirmed, feed the crumb of little liquid warm food.

    4. Problems with the intestines are often accompanied by a sharp decrease in appetite, especially for babies who start eating complementary foods. A new product can be poorly absorbed by the body, causing bloating, increased peristalsis, or constipation.

    5. Runny nose. A child with a "hammered" nose can be uncomfortable eating, especially if he is breastfeeding. Regularly rinsing the nose with saline solution and dripping the vasoconstrictor drops before eating, you can make it easier for him to eat.

    6. The presence of worms in a child can also affect appetite. To exclude this item, you need to submit a special analysis.

    7. Stress. A child can refuse to eat if he feels not only physical discomfort, but also experiences inner experiences. For example, moving to a new place of residence, traveling to an unfamiliar place, going to the garden, the absence of one of the parents - this all too can be the cause of poor appetite in the child.

    What to do if a child does not eat well

    The main thing is to listen to your children. They will let know when they are hungry.

    To reduce your anxiety, feed your baby several times a day, but in small portions.

    If you are still concerned about the poor appetite of the child, you can go on the other side: walk with him more often, go out into the open air, play mobile games. Children are extremely energetic, they need a lot of energy. In this situation, they themselves will want to refresh themselves.

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