
Lactase insufficiency in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment

  • Lactase insufficiency in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment

    What is lactase deficiency

    Lactase insufficiency in newborns( the causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease we will consider below) is the inability of the body to absorb lactose - milk sugar. Enzymes of lactase either completely or partially disappear from the intestine.

    To determine lactase deficiency, 50 grams of lactose is used on an empty stomach. If the abdomen is swollen, diarrhea or constipation has begun - the disease is detected. It is also desirable to pass urine and feces analysis.

    It is difficult for parents to notice lactase deficiency in their child, since such symptoms are often present in all healthy children. To establish a diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor.

    Types of lactase deficiency in young children

    Primary( stable state in which lactose activity is simply reduced).

    Secondary( erythrocytes that produce lactose are damaged).

    Transit( such lactase deficiency is manifested in premature babies, in due course it passes).

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    Causes of the disease

    The following causes of this disease are known in newborn children:

    1) Lactase insufficiency is congenital( such people will never be able to drink milk).

    2) The disease is temporary and manifests itself only against the background of some other disease

    3) Stimulation of lactation by the mother herself, constant shifting of the baby from one breast to another.

    4) The baby's body receives too much breast milk. Do not bend with this.

    Symptoms of

    There are certain symptoms of lactose intolerance in children:

    1) Diarrhea( up to 10 times a day);

    2) Vomiting;

    3) Pain in the abdomen;

    4) Bloating;

    5) Dysbacteriosis;

    6) Colic.

    Treatment of

    For the treatment of this disease in newborns, exclude from the diet products containing lactose. Switch to a variety of fruit purees. Cook cereals not on milk, but on a lactose-free product.

    To feed these children is a special formula without lactose.

    It is necessary to replace the deficiency of lactose in the body( for this, according to the doctor's prescription, the child is given certain pills that help to break down the milk sugar).This method allows you to keep breastfeeding.

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