
What clothes a newborn needs - clothes for newborns

  • What clothes a newborn needs - clothes for newborns

    The birth of a baby is a unique event. And that's why young parents, grandparents, family friends and close relatives are trying to give something to the culprit( or culprit) of the celebration. And the first thing that comes to mind as a gift is a beautiful pajamas, sliders and other clothes that seemingly just need a crumb. But is this really so, and what does the newborn really need out of clothes?

    Before the birth of a baby

    Preparing a dowry for a child

    . While the child was not born, it is not necessary to create a whole wardrobe for him. And it's not at all that you can jinx such an important event. Simply, even knowing the approximate weight and height of the baby after visiting ultrasound, guessing with the size of clothes is very problematic.

    Therefore, the simplest way to limit the original minimum:

    1. Diapers for newborns Two or three baby loops for the newborn with "paws"( if the last ultrasound was told that the child is large, tell the seller - most likely you will have to take the size "for a month" oreven "for two").
    2. instagram viewer
    3. Disposable diapers, size "1"( for newborns) - take a small package, it is possible that diapers of this size can not cope with the volume of urine of your crumbs and you immediately after delivery will have to purchase the next package( size "2")..
    4. Diapers - you will need them in the first two weeks, even if you plan to use only disposable diapers in the future - you can buy diapers( necessarily thin and warm), sew or ask the girlfriends whose children have already left infancy.
    5. Envelope for discharge from the hospital - you will need it in the cold season;If the child was born in the summer, you can confine yourself to a beautiful white flannel diaper, otherwise the child will "cook" during the journey home.
    6. One cap of white color - for discharge from the hospital;and a warm hat if the child was born in the winter.

    Home clothes for the newborn

    When you bring the baby, he does not need any special extra things other than those you bought him before his birth. True, now you already know its height and weight and you can more or less accurately choose for him ryazhonki. But do not forget to take into account that, for example, on breastfeeding a baby can gain in a month from 500 g to one and a half kilograms and, accordingly, also quickly and grow up.

    But what clothes do you need for a newborn, while you are sitting at home with him and do not go for walks to the street? Nothing special, in principle, you do not need. First of all, do not try to wrap the baby. Since he spends most of his new life in bed or on his parents' hands, he only needs a pajamas, a diaper and a diaper( it must be wrapped in crumbs, so that he does not wake up with shuddering hands when falling asleep).

    The most comfortable temperature in a house for a newborn( if it's a healthy full-term baby) is 20-22 degrees. At this temperature in the room, the baby can be generally naked, and to cover it with a thin diaper is only when he sleeps.

    If the room is warmer than 22 degrees, the crumbs under a disposable diaper may show intertrigo. Therefore, arrange the naked baby air bath after each change of the "diaper" for 15-20 minutes.

    Street clothes for the newborn

    Street clothes for the newborn

    It takes only a month to leave the crumb for a long walk( especially if it's not too warm outside).Do not walk with the newborn on cold or rainy days( it will freeze quickly even in a warm blanket), and also in the heat( the crumb will overheat and will then be sluggish and capricious).The optimum temperature for walking is from 5 to 25 degrees Celsius.

    Do not also go with the baby for a walk immediately after his birth. Firstly, he absolutely does not need it( he is interested only in his mother's cozy hands and her delicious milk), and secondly, after the birth the mother should be properly restored. Instead of walking, you can just open the ventilator at home, and wrap the baby in a warm blanket( if it's winter outside), or leave lying down without clothes( in one diaper) in the crib in the summer.

    Knitted overall for a baby

    In winter, for street walks, a newborn needs to buy suitable warmed sliders on the straps( they may be a bit too long for the legs, but this is not important, because the baby can not walk yet).To the sliders, buy a warm underpant "with paws", since the baby may want to chat with handles. But with the acquisition of a winter warm overalls will still have to wait a couple of months. Monthly crumbs can be taken out for a walk in the very "envelope" in which you took it from the hospital. And do not forget about a thin cap and a warm hat.

    A hot summer for walks is fine with thin raincoats. The legs of the baby can be left naked or covered with a thin diaper( but usually the baby quickly gets rid of it, jerking legs).

    And do not forget to cover the stroller during walks from prying eyes with a special net or a piece of tulle.