  • Uzi

    Ultrasound is probably the only research method that allows future mothers not only to know before birth if they are born: a boy or a girl, but also to see the future child with their own eyes. Important is the fact that at the moment, ultrasound is considered the safest of the available methods of examination. It is very convenient, because it is painless for a woman and does not require any preliminary preparation. And the most pleasant thing is that everything that interests you can be immediately seen on the screen of the monitor, rather than wait for the results of the tests for several days, as with other methods of research. The

    ultrasound can confirm the fact of the child's expectation, including detecting an ectopic pregnancy, which is very important for the timely correct treatment and prevention of complications. With the beginning of the era of ultrasound, doctors were given the opportunity at the earliest possible date to detect a gross pathology of the structure of the internal organs of the fetus, various hereditary diseases. This allowed to interrupt the pregnancy in time, while causing a minimal mental trauma to the mother. With the help of ultrasound, you can accurately determine the date of birth, as well as the sex of the future baby, the correctness of its position in the mouth and the correct location of the placenta.

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    This method uses high-frequency audio waves-P1.1, which are sent to tissues with the help of a special sensor, vaginal or abdominal, and the reflected signal is received by the device. As a result, the screen produces a two-dimensional picture.

    During pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound 3 times - at terms of 10-12 weeks, 20-22 weeks and 30-32 weeks. In each case, different information is expected from the survey. So, with a period of 10-12 weeks, you need to do an ultrasound study not only to confirm the fact of pregnancy, but also to ensure that if you find any anomalies in the structure of the fetus, do not miss the time when you can still have an abortion. At the age of 20-22 weeks, the examination is conducted in order to check that the fetus develops correctly, and there are no developmental defects. With a period of 30-32 weeks, ultrasound is done to check the condition of the fetus, determine its location in the uterus, which will then have a meaning in the management of labor.

    Currently, a more modern method based on ultrasound is dopplerography. It allows you to see not only the tissues of the fetus, but also its blood flow, palpitations.

    It should be remembered that, despite its remarkable qualities, ultrasound can not be used uncontrollably. At present, there are no studies that would prove its harmful effect on the fetus, but well-known obstetrician-gynecologists are wary of this method of research. The basis for this can serve at least that the fetus does not like it when its

    is irradiated with ultrasound. He tries to hide himself with his hands, to hide himself. This should not be left without attention.