  • Preparing for exercise during pregnancy

    Regular physical exercises provide the body with an excellent form for responding to physiological changes during pregnancy, but it is important to know how much time you need to spend on them exactly to you and what is the exact weight of the "load" inside you.

    Exercising during pregnancy will increase the efficiency of the heart and lungs, improve posture, accelerate blood and lymph circulation, help control additional weight gain, reduce discomfort of the digestive system, alleviate muscle pain, relieve cramps and strengthen muscles.

    Physical activity also helps the brain produce chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins that help balance mood swings, reduce stress and promote a positive outlook on life. By the time when your body will undergo major changes, exercise will provide a sense of control over the appearance of your body. Studies show that a more trained body will give you greater endurance for the duration of labor, which can be prolonged, and help you recover more quickly after birth - muscle pain will be less and it will be easier for you to return to normal. Moreover, you will soon come to the form you need and will have more energy to cope with the worries after the birth of the child.

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    Regardless of the level of your physical fitness, additional precautions should be taken during class. Training during pregnancy can carry certain risks, so before starting or continuing a physical program, consult a doctor or a midwife. Some women have or have contraindications to their studies. Sometimes you can do it if you control your condition. However, there are cases when physical exercises are completely banned.

    As soon as you begin your studies, keep the doctor watching you up to date on your progress. Learn to listen to your body and respond to its needs, pregnancy is not the time for critical physical exertion. Try to avoid danger: if you doubt the exercise, do not do it. Remember also that pregnancy is time to maintain your physical readiness, but not to develop it, and there should not be a goal to reduce weight. But at the same time, regular exercise can help keep the weight within reasonable limits. Try to get as much benefit from training as possible, but , taking into account the above caution recommendations.

    Thoroughly select the exercises

    Choose the exercises that you can perform with your partner or girlfriend. It will be better and you will be more active if what you do, like you. Do not engage in sports where there is a risk of falling, losing balance or getting hit in the stomach, such as horseback riding, surfing, downhill skiing or team games like basketball and volleyball. During pregnancy, avoid scuba diving because it can lead to the formation of gas bubbles in the bloodstream of the baby.

    Adhere to the mid-level

    Try to avoid or limit the effort required, perform all in the tempo, suitable for you. Often rest and do not overexert, especially in the first trimester. Monitor the pulse to know how big the load is.

    In the last stages of pregnancy , you can detect shortness of breath, even when just sitting. This is normal, since your pulse is higher than usual( on average during pregnancy, it rises by 15-20 beats per minute).However, when performing exercises, try to breathe smoothly and regularly. Do not hold your breath, as this increases the pressure in the chest and can lead to dizziness and fainting.

    Maintain a healthy body temperature

    The overall temperature of your body rises because of the baby, and your body releases this extra heat through the skin, leading to a healthy "pink blush" of pregnancy. This increase in temperature means that when you exercise, you become sensitive to overheating, you can quickly get tired or dehydrated. Therefore, it is important to stop exercising if you feel fever and drink plenty of water( although in any case you should drink at least two liters of fluid per day), and then often sip it before, during and after exercise.

    Be sure to dress appropriately. Do not wear a lot of clothes on warm days and engage in a cool time of the day. If it's cold outside, put on as many layers as possible


    Signs that you should not exercise Some women's health does not allow them to exercise. If you have an or occurring during pregnancy, something like the one below, stop the session and talk with the doctor watching you - you may need to make adjustments to the program of the classes or stop them altogether.

    ♦ Continuous urination( more than six to eight times per hour), past abortions or premature births in previous pregnancies.

    ♦ No signs of fetal movement( stop exercising immediately, as soon as it is determined).

    ♦ Respiratory or cardiovascular disease.

    ♦ Anemia.

    ♦ Appearance of blemishes or blemishes.

    ♦ Double, triple or other multiple pregnancy.

    ♦ Your child is young for this period of pregnancy.

    ♦ Placenta presentation.

    ♦ Inferiority of the cervix. Functional insufficiency, istmiko-cervical insufficiency.

    clothes, in case you get hot, you could take something off. We also recommend spending on a good sports bra and pants that will fit your legs and ankles.

    Be careful when stretching

    During pregnancy, your body produces the hormone relaxin, which is believed to soften the connective tissues around the joints, making them more flexible in preparation for the birth of the child, but the joints become more sensitive to injury. Stretching before and after training can help prevent injuries, but be careful, take care of your superelastic body and do not allow excess tension. Avoid exercises with shock loads on the joints: jogging( jogging) and dynamic aerobics.

    Adapt in terms of body position

    After the fourth month, do not perform exercises on the back, as the weight of the uterus will press on the blood vessels and may limit the flow of blood to the heart and the baby. From the fourth month, modify all the exercises in which you want to lie stretched, you must sit, stand or lie on one side. During classes, watch your posture. With an increase in the gestation period, you will carry an additional weight in front, so you can feel the shift of the center of gravity, which will create a feeling of some lack of balance.

    Eat right

    Increase your energy with light foods based on complex carbohydrates;Eat bread from whole grains, rice, potatoes. Food should be for half an hour or hour before the start of training.

    With the increase in gestation period, the shift of the center of gravity of the body forward can lead to poor posture, pain in the upper back and shoulders and discomfort in the lower back. Maintaining proper posture in your daily activities can help to eliminate this stress. First, you will have to make a conscious effort to adjust your posture and keep your balance, but after a while it will become a habit. To find the correct position of the body, stand up, placing your feet to the width of your shoulders and your hands at the sides. Make sure that the body weight is evenly distributed between the legs. Straighten and stretch your neck - imagine that you are pulled out by the spring, fixed on the crown. Try to watch the

    straight ahead and keep your chin parallel to the floor.

    Relax your shoulders. If it seems to you that the shoulders "go" forward, reduce the shoulder blades until you feel comfortable, but do not strain yourself. Exercise will help to expand the chest.

    The common mistake of many pregnant women is that they allow the stomach to bend the spine forward, which leads to tension in the lower back. In order not to let the back relax in the loins and support the baby, strain the lower abdomen. Once you find a comfortable position, try to keep it. Do not fix in extreme positions, when your pelvis is constantly moved forward or pushed back.