  • First lure for breastfeeding - lactation for infants

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    Any mother is ready to feed her baby with her breast until the last time, but nevertheless the time comes when it is necessary to get acquainted with adult food. Mother's milk is an important food in the first months of a child's life, but his body grows and more nutrients are needed, which will be missed in milk. And then the woman has a question: when and what should you start to feed a baby who is breastfed?

    When is it better to introduce complementary foods?

    Interest in adult food

    If you take into account the recommendations of pediatricians and WHO, you can understand that they are very different from each other. Pediatricians of old tempering adhere to schemes that have long been not relevant. After all, before, my mother involuntarily went to work when the child was not a year old. Therefore, the babies were early weaned, they began to feed adult food, as there were no different mixtures.

    Individual modern moms follow the principles under which the baby eats what the parents. And thus, he gets acquainted with new products and already a year passes to a common table. This principle of complementary feeding can be considered quite acceptable if your family follows the foundations of a healthy diet that denies hot, fried, fatty and too flavored foods.

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    Complementary feeding scheme

    But it will be safer to introduce the first complementary lactation in breastfeeding according to the classical scheme, which assumes the first intake of adult food after 6 months of age. Until that age, the newborn receives all the necessary nutrients with the help of mother's milk, if it is enough to gain weight. But already by half-year such food does not meet the needs of a growing organism, and the young organism needs to get acquainted with new food. This has a positive effect on physical and mental development, as well as on the psycho-emotional sphere.

    If you are breastfeeding, and its age is approaching 6 months, then it's time to think about the beginning of complementary foods. Assess the need of the child to take the first adult food:

    1. You have to breastfeed more often, while there are suspicions that the child does not gorge;
    2. The kid is drawn to the food that you eat;
    3. He sits confidently, holding the backrest;
    4. When feeding, food is not pushed out of the mouth;
    5. The weight of the baby has doubled;
    6. The baby has a first tooth.

    What should be the first lure?

    What should be the first lure

    Concerning the first product, which is used for complementary foods, there are discussions. There is no definite answer, because it is important to take into account the weight of the baby, and the presence of allergies, the time of year and the possibilities of the parents. But there are several versions of the first dish and you can prefer the one that will be just for you and your baby. Earlier, lure started with fruit puree, but this venture is not very useful, since after such sweet food the kids refused to eat vegetables. Therefore, you can adhere to another theory, which advises you to start the first lure when breastfeeding with fermented milk products. Pediatricians believe that kefir and beverages containing bifidobacteria are more suitable for the digestive system of the baby, because they are the closest to the mother's milk. In addition, kefir will be useful for children suffering from dysbiosis or food allergy.

    Introduction of complementary feeding for the first time

    The classic complementary scheme suggests starting with vegetable purees or porridges. If the child is not gaining enough weight, then the porridge will be an ideal option. It is best to start with buckwheat or rice porridge, later you can try corn. If your baby is rather well-fed, then it is better to choose vegetables - zucchini, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin. This lure is good because it can save the baby from constipation. But if you often have a loose stool, then with zucchini it is worth the wait. It is not necessary to use potatoes for the first complementary meal, later it can be cooked, but before that it should be soaked in water.

    How to prepare porridge for complementary foods?

    Porridge for complementary feeding

    The simplest variant of complementary foods are cereals and mashed potatoes, many mothers choose these options, but you do not need to have the same opinion. How to cook porridge for a baby? First, decide on the groats, if it is quite large, then it should be grinded with a coffee grinder, then cook without adding sugar and salt. In the resulting cereal, you can attach breast milk, it will only taste better and more useful.

    Please note! Consistency of porridge should not be thick, because the baby is accustomed to liquid food, it is easier to swallow. If you cook vegetable mashed potatoes, you need to boil the vegetables until they are ready( when cooking, seasonings are not added).After wipe the vegetables through a sieve or use a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass.

    For the first complementary foods, you can also use kefir, you can buy it in the dairy kitchen or choose in the supermarket in the department for the youngest.

    Rules for first feeding


    With the introduction of the first complementary meal, it is worth starting to give the baby clean water, it can be obtained at home using a cleaning system or purchased at a pharmacy.

    Do not interfere with the tactile study of food, because it is unknown, and the baby wants to test it with their own hands - this is important for him.

    Please note! If in the near future you plan to vaccinate or move to another apartment, then you should postpone the lure for a later time. Also, the lure should be postponed if the baby is sick.

    Try a new dish in the morning - start with half a teaspoon, then increase the volume if the baby reacts safely to a change in food. At 6 months, you can give 50 grams of complementary foods, then add 50 every month. But do not focus your attention on volume, orient yourself on the signals of the baby and at any of his whims put it to your chest.

    Response to complementary feeding

    Carefully observe your baby's crumb after the introduction of complementary foods, any rash, itching or dryness, intestinal colic or stool disorder should lead to the cancellation of this product. New lure should be introduced after the disappearance of symptoms.

    Over time, you can stop rubbing food, it will be enough to stretch it with a fork. Closer to the year you can offer the child drying or crackers, at this time you can get acquainted with juices and broths, taste fish.

    But do not change the baby's menu at once, give him all kinds of products. In the first lure the dimensionality is important, it is not necessary to force the child if he is unhappy or resists. Obey him and your heart, but do not neglect the advice of pediatricians.


    Read more about the principles of introducing the first complementary food: