
How to choose the right baby stroller - choose a baby stroller

  • How to choose the right baby stroller - choose a baby stroller

    On the eve of the joyful expectation of the birth of a baby happy future parents and their relatives amicably buy everything in the stores that the child can use. Of course, in the long and detailed list drawn up by them, number one usually indicates the purchase of a baby carriage. Unlike Soviet times, today we offer a huge choice of this "vehicle" for a newborn from manufacturers of different countries.

    Modern baby carriages do not cease to surprise us with their variety, from unusual colors and ending with the original design, but nevertheless, the main criteria for choosing are safety, functionality and comfort. When making a purchase, it is important to remember that this walking accessory will last for at least a year or two, and therefore you need to take into account certain important points, because in case of wrong choice, the wheelchair can cause inconvenience and trouble. Let's try to figure out how to choose the right wheelchair so that she could become a good assistant to her mother and give her maximum comfort to the baby, as they have to walk outdoors daily, and most often independently.

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    Important Issues

    Convenience of the

    Stroller Life has shown that there are no perfect strollers yet. Therefore, you just need to formulate your own requirements, which you will take into account when buying a baby stroller, and to formulate them you will help the questions:

    • On which floor do you live? Is there an elevator in your house? If yes, find out its dimensions in order to purchase a wheelchair of the necessary width.
    • Will my mother help me put the wheelchair on the street or will she do it herself?
    • Where is it supposed to walk with the baby: on a level, asphalt path or along the paths in the park? Will there be pits or hollows on the promenade? In what climatic conditions do you live? Especially important characteristics of the autumn and winter seasons.
    • Can you get by with one stroller or do you plan to buy a lightweight promenade when your baby can already sit?

    Answering these simple questions, you will surely understand what will be decisive for you when choosing a baby stroller.

    "Three in one" or "transformer"

    Three in one

    There are two main types of baby carriages for babies: "three in one"( classical version) or "transformer".The advantages and disadvantages are the same for the other option.

    Three-in-one baby carriage consists of the following parts: frame, carrying cradle and walking unit. Already produced models, which added a car seat. The portable cradle and walking unit are similar in that they can be alternately dressed on a frame, according to the needs and age of the child. Usually, the cradle is used until the moment the child sits down. Later, parents prefer the stroller's walking block, because thanks to the reclining backrest and the raised footrest, the child is very comfortable sleeping for a walk. The three-in-one wheelchair easily folds, is rather compact, manoeuvrable and spacious, more than the "transformer" stroller, it has more modifications, and weighs about 40% less than the "transformer" - all this, of course, affects itsprice.


    Stroller "transformer" - this is an economical option. It can easily be turned into a walking variant "sitting" from the "lying" position. It is convenient because all the excess can be quickly unfastened and removed, making the wheelchair as light as possible, and, if necessary, it is possible to attach the "missing" parts. The handle "transformer" is thrown from side to side. Thanks to this functionality, Mom will be able to easily deploy the baby face to her or, conversely, from herself, providing him with an excellent opportunity to fully view the terrain. Advantages of the stroller "transformer" are: universality, convenience in operation, compactness. But its drawbacks are: cumbersomeness, poor maneuverability, significant weight and lower cradle location, rather than in a three-in-one wheelchair.

    A few tips for

    Tips for choosing a wheelchair
    • A good option is a baby carriage with a width not exceeding 60 cm. This is a guarantee that it will enter any doorway and elevator.
    • If the roads on which your daily route passes are not well-maintained, poorly cleaned, and there are many potholes on their surface, then for better patrolling, buy a wheelchair with large wheels that will not be clogged with snow or stuck in autumn slush. From the small wheels are much more shaking, they quickly get blown, and eventually start to squeak and move apart.
    • It is desirable that the body of the stroller is light and durable.
    • The variant "three in one" is actual for the mummies, compelled to lower the stroller independently in the staircase entrance, and if it has assistants, then it is possible to use the "transformer".

    We hope that the above tips will be useful to you, but it's best for you to go to the store and there, with the help of a sales consultant, try out several favorite wheelchair options at once: roll it, try to lift it, rehearse it with folding-folding-transformation. It is important to listen to your feelings, to feel whether you have any difficulties or discomfort. Only by the method of such samples you will be able to understand which version of the baby carriage will be convenient for your future child and you.