
Increased intracranial pressure in the child: symptoms, treatment, diseases in which there is an increase in pressure

  • Increased intracranial pressure in the child: symptoms, treatment, diseases in which there is an increase in pressure

    Increased intracranial pressure in a child - the diagnosis is familiar, probably to many parents. What does this mean? What are its symptoms and treatment?

    What is intracranial pressure

    The very concept of intracranial pressure( ICP) is perceived by analogy with arterial pressure. It is clear that there is an ICP in every person and it can increase for a short time for natural reasons.

    How blood pressure increases as a result of physical activity, and intracranial pressure can increase as a result of emotional stress. The child was overexcited and the pressure inside the head increased.

    ICP is the fluid pressure that is in the ventricles of the brain, cerebrospinal fluid.

    It's another matter if this pressure is constantly increased - this is already a serious illness or one of the symptoms of a disease. Pressure can not rise by itself, something should cause this rise, that's the reasons for this and should be looked for first.

    Symptoms of

    Symptoms may occur not only in infancy, but in older children.

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    It is possible to suggest an increased ICP in a baby if the head grows too fast( therefore head measurements are important in infants), eyeballs are pumped out or pulled down, a fontanel protrudes, the baby often belches, cranial sutures, the child has strabismus.

    The main symptoms in a child older are manifested in frequent headaches, rapid fatigue and mood changes, mental retardation, convulsions, strabismus.

    Treatment of

    Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that if intracranial pressure is higher than normal, it is a symptom of the disease. Diagnosis of this disease, its detection and treatment, and directed the efforts of doctors.

    To increase the pressure may lead to hydrocephalus - an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid. Treatment in this case is aimed at reducing the level of fluid.

    Another cause of increased head pressure may be perinatal encephalopathy, which requires long-term comprehensive treatment in a neurologist and neuropsychologist.

    In order to prescribe treatment, it is first of all necessary to diagnose the cause of the increase in ICP.So do not hesitate, go ahead to the pediatrician.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Dr. Komarovsky about this disease:

    ICP in infants:

    Pediatric pediatrician advice:

    Folk remedies for ICP: