
How to brew chamomile for bathing babies, newborns

  • How to brew chamomile for bathing babies, newborns

    Various herbs are used to bathe babies, especially newborn babies. The presence of grass in the bath provides disinfection and allows you not to boil water. In total, about thirty kinds of grasses are used that bind harmful substances, neutralize impurities and neutralize the microflora of the water and skin of the baby.

    Herbal baths contribute to strengthening the immune system, removing toxins and harmful substances from the body, increasing appetite, normalizes the work of the nervous system.

    Grandmother's herbs are successfully used as an external and internal remedy for various ailments and diseases. An invaluable soothing effect is herbal decoctions. Mint, lemon balm, violet help to sleep better, soothe and give balance to the nervous system.

    Chandelier Chamomile

    Chamomile is one of the most common herbs that many people are eager to use. Chamomile drink, make from it various mixtures and masks, bathe in a broth. This unattractive plant has a number of healing properties: soothes, disinfects, nourishes, moisturizes and many others.

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    When to bathe

    When to bathe the baby

    Begin the bath after the full healing of the umbilical wound. In other words - from the second week of life baby. For bathing babies often use chamomile. How to brew chamomile for bathing babies correctly?

    This plant very rarely causes an allergic reaction, so mothers are more likely to use it for water procedures. But initially it is necessary to conduct a trial. After preparing a little broth, you need to anoint them with a pen or a baby's leg. In half an hour you can see the result. If the skin has not formed redness or flaking, then baby can safely bathe in chamomile.

    Brew the broth should be shortly before the bath, somewhere for a half - two hours. Insisting broth can be performed up to five hours - then it begins to lose its useful properties. For infusion, a container that can store heat( a thermos or a wrapped kettle) should be used.

    Without the ability to dry the chamomile by itself to prepare the trays, you can buy grass in the pharmacy. But you need to buy only in the pharmacy, which is the guarantor of the radiological and chemical safety of collection.

    Brewed herbs in porcelain or enameled dishes. Usually a bath takes thirty grams of grass. A higher concentration may cause an allergic reaction. All the chamomile can boil with boiling water in a small container, and then just add to the bath.

    How to bathe

    Bathing a newborn in chamomile

    Water should not exceed 37 ° Celsius. The bath should not last more than fifteen minutes. To begin better with a small interval of time, gradually increasing the duration of water procedures. Herbal baths are shown as an additional means of bathing. So do not abuse them. For a sufficient number taken two or three times each week. Make sure that water does not get into the mouth of the baby.

    After bathing in the herbal broth, do not rinse the baby with clean water. It just wipes out the whole effect. Chamomile has disinfecting properties, so there is no need to wash it off the body. In addition, a quiet aroma will help the baby to sleep more tightly, and the healing properties can better manifest themselves by being absorbed into the delicate skin of the child.

    Herbal baths are used not only as a means of treatment, but also as a prevention of colds. The advantage of such water procedures is that they can be used practically from the first days of the life of the new little man. The allergic reaction very seldom disturbs to kids is one more plus of grassy trays.